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Chapter 31 The Development of Sky Island

my world.

The unchanging sunlight shines on the sky island platform.

Yang Bo was currently expanding the empty island with soil, carefully standing on the edge of the empty island, placing it bit by bit.

Use soil to connect the grass blocks on the initial empty island, and wait for the grass blocks to spread to the soil.

No! There is still too little soil. It seems that an automatic soil conversion needs to be made!

There were only a few pieces of soil left on Yang Bo's body, and he couldn't build a new pasture platform at all.

There are generally two ways to obtain soil from nothing on an empty island. The first is to place leaves and crops in wooden barrels.

The second method uses two pieces of soil and two pieces of gravel to make four pieces of sand. At this time, you only need to put the sand on the ground and use a hoe to cultivate it, and the sand will become soil.

Yang Bo still chose the first method to use wooden barrels to make soil.

First place a box on the ground, then align the box with a funnel, place a barrel on top of the funnel, and then connect the funnel and the box as the input end.

In this way, the simplest automatic soil making facility is ready.

Yang Bo took out all the collected leaves, put them in the box above, and said to the barrel: You are already a mature barrel, you must learn to make your own soil!

As he spoke, he patted the barrel in front of him.

But while waiting, Yang Bo was not idle. Instead, he ran under the monster spawning tower to see if any zombie villagers had spawned.

Zombie villagers make up 5% of all zombies that spawn. They behave mostly like normal zombies. Zombie villagers may spawn in any game mode or difficulty.

Zombie villagers can also be generated by zombies killing an ordinary villager.

But Yang Bo is now on an empty island. Except for the place under his feet, there is no hair anywhere else, let alone villages and villagers!

So Yang Bo could only squat silently at the monster spawning tower, waiting for the zombie villagers to spawn!

I don't know if it was Yang Bo's bad luck, or he was maliciously targeted. After waiting for a long time, no zombie villagers spawned.

Yang Bo had a dark face and complained:

...5% chance, it's fake! Is it the probability of the Penguin lottery?

Forget it, don't wait! There should be some soil this time! Go sift the soil first and get some seeds or something!

Yang Bo opened the box for making soil, and now there were about two groups of soil inside.

“The efficiency is pretty good!”

Although the speed of making mud from a barrel is not very fast, as long as there are materials, it can be made continuously without delaying other things.

I took the soil to the sieve and replaced it with the most ordinary sieve.

This is a characteristic of making something out of nothing. Sometimes when the screen level is high, some things cannot be filtered out, so each level of screen must be available for easy replacement.

Along with the rapid consumption of pieces of soil, a large number of seeds appeared in Yang Bo's backpack.

Carrot seeds, potato seeds, sugar cane seeds, etc. were all sifted out, and even two ancient spores passed through!

Yang Bo looked at the ancient spores in his backpack, and a complete idea emerged in his mind!

Taking the remaining soil, he built a three-by-three platform and used ancient spores to convert a piece of soil into a mycelial block. Yang Bo around him did not use the remaining ancient spores to convert it, but waited for it to spread slowly.

Make a new wooden barrel and place it on top of the mycelium. Pour in a bucket of water and slowly convert it into witch water. The conversion speed of witch water is too slow.

Yang Bo had no choice but to start building a farm, not an automated farm, just an ordinary farmland.

Let's do this for now. Once we have villagers, we can build a fully automated production base!

Time flies, time flies!

After a while, an hour passed! _(:зゝ∠)_

The farm is completely finished, a lot of soil has been consumed, and this time all the leaves have been consumed.

But the farm has been made, and there will no longer be a shortage of plants to make soil.

Yang Bo walked to the workbench and made a stone hoe directly through the workbench. Although he now has iron ingots, frugality is a virtue. In the game, he has never made a hoe above the diamond level!

[Congratulations to the player for achieving the achievement, it’s time to farm! 】

Yang Bo wiped away the non-existent sweat and was very pleased to see the fruits of his labor!

Everything is ready, only the farmers! However, to be farmers need to be weak, and the drugs are also needed to make hell warts and medicine.

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