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Chapter 54 Moonlight Worm Queen

Twilight forest.

In the silent forest, bursts of banging sounds came from a tall mound.

Yang Bo was digging into the inside of the hill little by little. The wall of the hill was not very thick, and soon Yang Bo opened the passage to the inside.

Inside is a huge cave.

This mine is the largest mine, so the entrance dug by Yang Bo is near the top of the cave.

Yang Bo stretched his head and looked inside. There were a lot of fluorite on the top of the cave, emitting light, and there were a lot of various ores around it.

But the bottom of the cave was pitch black. You could only vaguely see some figures walking around inside, but you couldn't tell what kind of monster they were.


An arrow was inserted directly into Yang Bo's forehead.

Now Yang Bo was wearing a suit of iron armor. After the skeleton archer shot him, the damage caused was not too high.

But now Yang Bo's image is not very good, like Xiahou Dun, with an arrow stuck in one eye.

The real ones are not very harmful but extremely insulting.

Xiaobai must have a high level of technology. He's so black and locks his head. It's too much!

Yang Bo quickly retreated from the entrance of the cave. Fortunately, his body had been digitized, and the arrow did not cause any physical damage to him.

Then Yang Bo found the right location and dug toward the bottom of the cave.

Soon Yang Bo arrived at the bottom of the cave and carefully dug a hole. Suddenly a large number of monsters rushed towards Yang Bo.

Damn it! Why are there so many!

There were a large number of long-range monsters inside, and Yang Bo could only hide behind the shield little by little, cleaning up the monsters approaching him.

It's just that the hole is only one meter wide and cannot be opened at all. Yang Bo can only use the diamond sword in his hand to stab into it as hard as he can.

We can't go on like this! There's a monster spawner inside, and the monsters can't be cleaned at all!

Yang Bo gritted his teeth, took out the agility potion, drank it directly, dug a hole and rushed in.

This kind of behavior makes people think of the phrase a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

A large number of attacks hit Yang Bo's shield and body.

Yang Bo ignored it, but directly held up his shield and rushed inside with a torch, lighting the torch as he ran.

Yang Bo didn't stop at all, because as soon as he stopped, the monsters following him would not let go of this opportunity and would directly launch a volley.

The arrow stuck in the back is the best proof.

If he hadn't used a lot of healing potions, he would have been wiped out by monsters long ago.

Soon the bottom of the cave was filled with torches, and the spawning of monsters had basically stopped. Now only a group of monsters were left following him.

Yang Bo didn't dare to open the boxes on the road, but he remembered their locations.

Yang Bo, who had already run around the cave, dove straight into the entrance where he came in. He turned back and said to the enthusiastic monster, Don't send me away, dad is going home for dinner!

The words just fell.

What responded to him was a large number of slime balls and arrows flying towards him.

Yang Bo was so frightened that he dove right into the passage where he came in and ran away without looking back.

Yang Bo ran directly back to the main world, and then returned to the Twilight Forest.

The monsters in the cave should have refreshed and disappeared this time!

Yang Bo went to the mine again and carefully looked around. The number of monsters inside was much smaller.

A proud smile appeared on Yang Bo's face.

Take the diamond sword and drink the speed potion and strength potion again, and rush directly to the nearest monster spawner.

The most common monster inside is the Red Riding Hood Goblin. As the name suggests, he is one meter tall, wearing a small red hat, holding a pickaxe, shouting in an unintelligible voice, and rushes towards Yang Bo.

Yang Bo directly raised his sword and lowered it. With the blessing of the strength potion, he used two swords to turn the red hat goblin in front of him into smoke and disappear.

Yang Bo snorted and said disdainfully: Huh, rubbish!

He completely forgot about being chased like a wild dog just now.

In this way, Yang Bo dismantled all the monster spawners inside.

The originally bustling cave was now silent, with only Yang Bo's footsteps.

Yang Bo's expression at this moment was full of expectation.

It's been cleaned up, but it feels like the efficiency of the monster spawner is much faster than in the game! Let's go open the box and see what's there?

Open the nearest box. There are a lot of berries inside, which are necessary for making a magic map.

There is also a fluorescent bug. This bug has a huge belly, which looks like the queen ant on TV, but it is an enlarged version. It is light green and looks like it is carved from a piece of jade.

Moonlight Worm Queen?

Yang Bo hesitantly picked up the Moonlight Worm Queen. The queen was soft all over, but there was no sign of biting anyone. She was longer than the palm of her hand.

Facing the wall, Yang Bo gently held the queen's abdomen, and a green light flew directly to the wall at the queen's tail.

A green moonlight worm is stuck to the wall and is still wriggling, emitting bright light and illuminating the surrounding darkness.

It's a little disgusting, but it's really easy to use. If I had had this above the cave before, I could have directly launched the worms to see clearly the monsters underground!

Yang Bo tried a few more times and happily put the Worm Queen in the shortcut bar.

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