Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 1200: : Conferred God "Zhong"

At this moment, Allen felt that he was heading towards the most glorious moment in his life. As a member of an aristocratic family, he has received it since he was a child, and is envied by countless civilians. Not only did he learn the necessary fighting knowledge such as swordsmanship, horsemanship, and military combat, but he also learned everything about management, etiquette, geography and even astronomy, and so on. He learned almost everything he could learn.

Although I have learned a lot of these knowledge, I am not proficient. However, only riding and swordsmanship, these skills of fighting with others, were extremely valued by Allen. In the process of learning these skills, he devoted a lot of effort and worked hard. Because, although he was born in a noble family, as the second son, he did not have any inheritance rights.

Whether it is the title of the nobility, the fief of the family, the property under the family name, etc., he has no right to inherit. These are all the property of the eldest son. As the second son, he has been aware of these problems since he was sensible. I also know the problems that every second son will face in the future, and the way out in the future, and so on.

Allen is very clear about his destiny, although he is unwilling, because he is better than the family's eldest son and his brother in terms of his knowledge and his own martial arts. But by the way, he came to this world as the second son. But his brother came to this world as the eldest son. He didn't need to study hard to inherit everything in the family reasonably and legally. And he, even if he is studying hard, the final result is that he will be driven out of the house after he reaches adulthood.

Fortunately, Allen's father gave him some money, although not much, not enough to sustain the luxurious life of the nobleman. However, if it is frugal, it will be enough for him to use it for several years. In addition, it was a chestnut war horse, a set of leather armor, a long sword, and a few salutes. Apart from these, he walked out of the house with nothing.

Allen had also complained about the gods, why was he so unfair to him? He was obviously so good and hardworking. As a result, the gods treated him this way, giving him the status of a second son. And that is obviously inferior to his brother in all aspects, because he is the eldest son, so even if he does nothing, he will inherit everything in the family reasonably and legally in the future. Continue to live a noble and noble life, but he can only lead a horse, bring some few salutes, and quietly walk out of the house.

For this, he resented the gods and hated his origin.

But, other than that, he has no other way. This is because this world was originally like this, and such a set of rules has continued since ancient times. So many years have passed, and nothing has changed. The eldest son inherits everything in the family, not only in aristocratic families, but the common people are also the eldest son inheriting most of the wealth of the family. But the second son could only leave with a small amount of wealth. If you are lucky, he might be like the second sons of many nobles who have been driven out of the house, and become the attendant knight of a certain noble. If he is a powerful noble with a fief, he may gain a territory after he has given his credit. Also become a knight class with fiefdom.

However, if it is a nobleman without a fief, then life is a bit harder. After all, no matter how great wealth you have, it is always better than a down-to-earth territory.

Alan, however, did not choose to become a nobleman's attendant knight, nor did he think about which nobleman would serve in the past. He chose to join a mercenary group and became a mercenary.

The reputation of mercenaries is sometimes not so popular among the people. Mercenaries are a group of gangs who dare to do anything for money. And some mercenary groups with a bad reputation, after accepting an employer's employment, often do some anger and grievances in the process of employment. And the chain reaction of these is to completely corrupt the reputation of mercenaries. Although not all mercenary groups are like this, but there are only a few mercenary groups that can stick to the bottom line.

And the mercenary group that Allen joined, although the reputation is not so good, but it is not bad. As a member of an aristocratic family who was born in an aristocratic family with a lot of knowledge (learning but not perfect) and knowledgeable (only in his hometown), Allen feels that the martial arts that he has worked hard since he was a child, have not experienced actual combat, and it is difficult to continue to improve in the future. . Therefore, he wants to become a member of the mercenary by joining the mercenary team, experience fighting on the battlefield, and exercise his martial arts. Although he can join the army to exercise, but his country has not fought a war for decades. God knows, how long will it take to fight? Joining a mercenary group is different. The tasks accepted by mercenaries come from different places and countries, and they can go to various places.

Whether it’s a small mission to fight off bandits and bandits, or helping a lord to fight another lord, or joining a country to fight another country... the colorful life of mercenaries, Ling Ai Lun firmly believes. As long as you can train for a period of time in the mercenary group, you will experience drastic changes like earth-shaking. The most important thing is that Allen wants to replace himself with a better set of equipment, and is ready to pass a large-scale war at any time, so as to make achievements and become a nobleman on the ground again.

This is his dream, to become a nobleman on the ground again, instead of continuing the **** wandering as a **** mercenary. Allen hates this kind of life, and discusses his fate.

Alan, who has been in the mercenary group for seven or eight years, has experienced countless fights, large and small, and his actual combat experience can be said to be rich. But at the same time, Allen, who was still young and didn't know anything, has also been changed a lot because of the test of seven or eight years. At least, he has experienced more and understood more now. I understand that it is not that simple to become a nobleman on the ground.

And Ellen, who was tired of all this, didn't want to stay in the mercenary group and continue like this. Although he has accumulated some money over the years, he definitely can't talk about how much, because every time he receives a task, he fights with others. Everyone is holding a breath of breath, and the best way to vent this breath is to indulge or get drunk. Only in this way can the tension, fatigue and anxiety in the heart be vented.

The same is true for Allen. Like all mercenaries, he vents in this way. Almost half of the money earned each time goes to prostitutes and rum. The money I have earned over the years is nothing more than just preparing a set of equipment for myself, and the remaining money is only enough to buy some barren land in the countryside to become a farmer, and then Marry a woman, give birth to your own offspring, and then your offspring will live like this again...

However, Allen did not want to be a farmer, he did not want to live such a life. Although, seven or eight years of mercenary career, he tempered many of his previously immature ideas. However, in Allen's heart, he still wants to become a nobleman on the ground, this is his dream. Therefore, Allen chose to become an explorer. When he was a child, he had heard and understood many stories that were told and passed down by word of mouth.

He also had longings at the time, but he was suppressed by reality later.

Now, seven or eight years of mercenary career, Allen has grown up. It was the sudden desire to become an explorer. He invited some of his friends who had been in the mercenary group, and these people were also tired of the life of mercenaries. Although, becoming an explorer is still inevitable to encounter danger, but compared with mercenaries, the danger that explorers must face is completely negligible. Because they have a very low probability of successfully finding a ruin and an unexplored place.

Therefore, former mercenaries who are completely tired of their current lives have agreed to become explorers, although there are very few employers who can hire them to explore. However, Allen and their friends wanted to work hard once. Thanks to the blessing of being born in an aristocratic family, Allen's education and the stories he heard from a young age made him focus on research and searching in this area. And the ancient legends between gods are undoubtedly more attractive. On one occasion, Allen accidentally learned of a place hidden in a swamp, like a ruin, from a city where he had a short break.

With great interest, Allen took his expedition team, and after making some preparations, he waded over the mountains and rivers, and came to the swamp where there were suspected ruins.

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