Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 1225: :influences

Will the elves apologize for seeing humans as low-level creatures, or even magical experiment materials, so as to be like humans?

The answer is of course, no!

The simple truth is, will humans apologize like white mice? Will it apologize to the innocent people who died like those countries that have been defeated in the war? The answer is of course, no.

The same applies to the forest elves.

Whether it is to compare the individual itself, or to analyze it at the level of ethnic group, civilization, and country. In the current stage, human beings are in no way comparable to the forest elves. Whether it is the individual life itself, the ethnic group, the civilization, or even the national level, the gap with the forest elves is not generally huge. In the visible time, humans don't expect to catch up with the forest elves, let alone sit on an equal footing.

The forest elves are currently a well-deserved overlord race in this world of natural planes.

The civilization they created, language and writing, including clothing, food, aesthetics, beliefs and other aspects, are affecting a large number of human beings. It is an inevitable trend for a strong civilization to guide a weak civilization, learn from oneself, change oneself, and change toward a strong civilization. Although, human beings are also in contact with the elves, constantly learning all the knowledge and skills from the forest elves.

However, the comprehensive improvement of civilization is definitely not the result of learning certain knowledge and skills, which can in turn affect the entire civilization. In a very short time, rapid improvement, and even leaps and bounds.

Although human beings are constantly improving, the forest elves have not relaxed either, although their population is not as good as humans. However, as a natural longevity race, other talents of the elves are not mentioned. Just a natural life span of several thousand years is enough to enable the talents within the forest elves to continue the inheritance of civilization. Not to mention, there are many successors who continue to appear in various fields, and their predecessors innovate again on the basis of the knowledge created by their predecessors. Moreover, it is the kind of constant innovation of a certain related knowledge and technique together with the founder.

And this kind of phenomenon is a scene that cannot appear in humans anyway.

The sight of the original pioneers and founders of these civilizations co-existing can only exist on the elves who are members of the longevity race. After they created a certain knowledge, they did not relax or stop. Instead, they continue to conduct deeper and more detailed exploration and research, and the latecomers are also working together with the founders in a certain field to continue to work together. Therefore, forest elves sometimes seem ordinary, but that is only the result of hiding most of their power.

Otherwise, if one day, the forest elves explode with all their strength, the power that can be triggered is incalculable.

Therefore, as time goes by, the gap between humans and elves has not only not narrowed; on the contrary, as time goes by, the gap between civilizations between the two sides is constantly being enlarged. Moreover, what is said here is only the gap between the so-called secular civilizations. In the realm of magic, the gap between the two sides can only be hung above the sky with one, like a bright moon and stars; the other is living on the earth's surface, like vegetation and fireflies.

And, I really have to talk about it seriously.

Magic only started on the eight human apprentices. In contrast, for the human race with a huge population base, eight apprentice masters sprinkled in a human world with a population of more than millions of people, but a drop of water is not equal. Basically, it will not be able to cause any disturbances and influences. Compared with secular civilization and magic civilization, there is not even a trace of shadow at this moment. Even if, in the future, these eight mage apprentices will return to live and live in the human world, or establish a human mage academy.

However, it is simply impossible to transform the secular civilization of mankind into a magical civilization. Even if it was given 10,000 years to mankind, it would not be possible.

Because the number of humans is so huge, and among the huge humans, the number of mage apprentices with sufficient talent is so rare. Coupled with the scarcity of the world's natural environment and resources, mankind is destined to have no foundation for the birth of magical civilization. Unless, this phenomenon can be resolved. Compared with humans, the forest elves are not really a magical civilization. Because, in their own civilization, the proportion and influence of secular civilization is also very large, and even though the forest elves have magical talents, they cannot make it possible for all the people to become a member of the wizard.

The scarcity of resources also plagued the forest elves.

They really want to obtain a steady stream of magical resources, but unfortunately, in the environment where they live and the areas where humans live, they have resorted to various means to detect local magical resources. Although discoveries have been made one after another, the reserves of these resources are very limited. Although, in other parts of the mainland, there are also unknown resources. However, for a while, the forest elves were unable to develop local magic resources. Coupled with a variety of realistic factors, the magic civilization of the forest elves is only the embryonic form. There is still a very long distance from the real magic civilization.

So, the forest elves, as the pioneers of magic, have been so difficult to develop magic. As a latecomer, the study of magic is only a human being with a little fur stage, how can it catch up to the point of the forest elves in the magic field?

Unless, one day in the future, the forest elves can make a big change, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for humans to catch up with the forest elves in the magic field. Unless, in the future, mankind will give birth to an endless stream of talents in the field of magic, promote the research and innovation of magic, and even become a brand-new discipline. Not to mention this, it will definitely be able to surpass the forest elves, but at least, humans can catch up with the elves in the magic field, and even level with the elves.

However, this is also difficult. There are too many uncertain factors, and it can be said to be almost impossible to At least, from the current stage, Yiningweier does not want to weaken his own hands. The spirit of creation; thus chooses and supports the degree of human beings. Let the two races compare, he is also willing to believe in the elves he created by himself, rather than choosing to support humans who have nothing to do with him. The reason why he also acquiesced in the spread of magic into mankind was only one-sided, and wanted to cultivate an opponent for the forest elves. At least, magic is no longer unique to elves. In the future, while mankind is developing magic, it will be able to give elves a sense of urgency to some extent.

At least, then the elves will know that humans are also on the path of magic and want to catch up with them.

Although it is basically impossible for humans to catch up with the elves, and even to surpass them. But that's better than the forest elves now seem a little stagnant, even arrogant and complacent, the development of magic in a self-immersed state is much better. And this is also because of other thoughts in Yiningville's heart.

Thus, tacit approval in secret, or even a means to make it.

Just to hide his origins, he has succeeded. Moreover, he was also successfully promoted to a member of powerful supernatural power. Today, Yiningweier has become less eager to hide his origins. At least, the gods on the bright side don't care about his origin at all, because he already knows it. The elves and gods of this world are not native races either, but also come from another universe. What makes him the only thing worth worrying about is the strange, cunning and powerful existence he discovered when he first came.

In addition, Yiningville, who has no conflict with the gods except Anghras; self-explanatory, the attitude of the gods towards him, even if it is not so friendly, at least would not choose to offend him for no reason.

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