Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 151: : Luxurious fireworks


The endless starry sky of the universe, silent, this piece of ancient galaxy that existed in ancient times. Today, there will be a final glorious firework.

"The planet's decay is not what it looks like, and the continental plates are beginning to become unstable. The entire planet, the huge source accumulated over billions of years, has decayed. The inner core has begun to agitate and the countdown to destruction begins!

Jiang Ning hid in a gap in space, protected by a small world. Can not be afraid of the danger in the void of the universe, and now he is about to observe it. Since the birth of civilization, the unique fireworks display!


Scenes of terrifying natural disasters began to take place on the blue planet in front of them. Hurricanes, lightning, volcanic eruptions, floating and collision of continental plates, and unprecedented tsunamis!

The entire planet, in a short period of time, repeats the birth of the planet. Those scenes of natural disaster-level scenes.

Just like a person, at the moment when death is approaching, his short life quickly emerges in his mind. The same is true for the planet, which reappears when the planet was originally born in a very short period of time. The scenes of extremely harsh natural disasters that have appeared are the long evolutionary process it has experienced at the beginning, and it is also a prerequisite for the birth of life!

However, at this moment.

The whole planet is like an invisible big hand controlling the remote control. Hold down the ‘fast rewind button’ over the entire planet, and actually reproduce scenes of historical scenes belonging to it!


... Jiang quietly watched all the history that happened before him, row upon row of tall buildings and summers, busy cars and trains, rivers, lakes and seas, freely navigating ships and the sky, the planes and satellites shuttled back and forth. (Modern human civilization)

... Immediately afterwards, these scenes passed quickly.

... Jiangning saw animals and plants all over the planet, their appearances were close to modern animals and plants. However, there is a slight difference. This is the scene before the birth of mankind! (Third Generation)

History went backwards again and Jiangning saw the emergence of placental mammals! ... the age of giant beasts all over the planet. He witnessed the birth and destruction of dinosaurs, witnessed the prosperity and extinction of the dinosaur age... (Cretaceous)

...Time is going backwards, marsupial mammals appear; birds appear; gymnosperms flourish; angiosperms appear (Jurassic)

...The emergence of dinosaurs; the emergence of oviparous mammals (Mesozoic, Triassic)

Permian extinction event, 95% of the creatures on the earth were extinct; Pangea continent formed (Permian)


…The First Ice Age (New Archaean)


The formation of the Earth’s lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and life (Archean, Eraarchean)

Appearance of Archaea (Bacchus)


Earth emerges (Heavenly Ancient Era, Cryptozoic Era)


Until, the earth in front of me disappeared! In the silence, the entire planet exploded in an instant, and the brilliant colored light rushed into the solar system scattered around with the fragments of the planet.

A zone of asteroids is formed, everything is like the environment when the planet was first born. Countless planets are all collided and merged by asteroids, thus forming the prototype of the original planet!

Perhaps, in billions of years or tens of billions of years, or perhaps even more distant time. This asteroid may collide again and give birth to a new planet! Or, under various chances and coincidences, life and civilization will be born again on this planet!


Jiang Ning witnessed all this with his own eyes, and the impact on him was extremely huge. Similarly, the benefits to him are huge. However, he is currently unable to accurately explore this intangible benefit. Only when he reaches a certain level will he understand.

He witnessed the evolution of the earth with his own eyes, which belonged to its glory, although it is no longer there. However, the glorious moment, let Jiangning remember forever, and let the universe remember!

A planet is born, and a planet is destroyed!

The universe is not experiencing these all the time! There is life, there is death, all things, including the universe, are constantly wandering back and forth.


"I feel that I understand something, and I feel that I don't understand anything!" Jiang Ning still stayed in the small world, looking at the asteroid zone outside through the crystal wall of the world!

"That's because your current level is too low! You still can't see through and understand the level of rules!"

Jiang Ning nodded clearly: "I think so too!" Pointing to the asteroid zone, said: "The destruction of the planet in an instant gives me an unspeakable feeling. At the same time, my heart is about the extinction curse. I also have the most intuitive understanding of the power of, and the next improvement of the Extinction Curse will surely go well!"

"Nevertheless, please don't have too much hope! Only with one experiment, there is no guarantee that the improvement will be successful, Master!"

Jiang Ning hugs his arms: "I know this naturally. If it is a one-time result. I will doubt it... On the contrary, even if it is unsuccessful, it is nothing. It is just looking for a world and experimenting!"

"In the doomsday world, I am afraid it is difficult to intuitively understand the true power of the extinction curse, master!"

Jiang Ning suddenly smiled, and he said meaningfully: "Are you inducing me to destroy a prosperous world or planet? My dear Mr. Butler!"

"No, Master! Your suspicion is getting worse, I didn't mean that!"

"haha, really?"

"Do your own job, although you don't have any own job! However, I don't need you to teach me how to do this on this kind of problem in the future!"

"Of course, you are the master!"


Finally, I took a look at this asteroid belt and the moon fragments in the distance. At the moment when the planet was destroyed, the powerful force completely and completely destroyed the satellite in that moment! Now, like the earth, it has returned to its original original form.


Stroking the ring on his hand, Jiang Ning returned to Jiezhonglin once again!

Looking at this vast transit station, Jiang Ning stopped in the air, thinking. What should I do to move this transfer station into my own small world?

If the transfer station moves into your own small world, it will undoubtedly be much easier to set foot in other worlds in the future. Moreover, Jiang Ning saw that the lake representing the world of Resident Evil has completely dried up! This means that a world is dead or destroyed, and it does not exist in the forest in the realm.


At present, Jiang Ning is still in the independent space of the analyst! The transit space is completely independent, but it does not seem to be independent at all. That piece of lake is very clear evidence!

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