Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 466: : Brothers' Wall "ThreeThree"

After Melkor's instigation, the relationship between the three elves began to become suddenly tense. This kind of relationship change occurs suddenly but naturally. The Villas are aloft, and what they have to do every day is to look after the world of Arda. Naturally, it is impossible to focus on Kundi all the time. Therefore, they do not understand the current situation among the Kundi tribes.

Jiang Ning doesn't pay attention to this issue. He has been busy learning all kinds of knowledge and understanding the rules of the world. I don't have the leisure or effort to care about other little things. Except for things that concern himself, other things are trivial things in his eyes, and he doesn't care about it at the moment.

Because there was no marriage and no direct descendants left, no one in the entire Iswell ethnic group could stand up and come up with a charter idea for a while. Some officers or wise elves who were promoted by Jiang Ning have met Jiang Ning many times. However, the results always disappointed them. Even though, the relationship between the three races was suddenly tense at a critical moment. Jiang Ning didn't even care about it at all. It seemed that these things were not important. Even if the trouble was big, he would have the confidence to suppress it. Moreover, Vera is the real master of Valinor. Once Vera is alarmed, no matter what happens, Vera will be completely suppressed. Therefore, the most important thing for Jiang Ning right now is to meditate and understand the rules!

It's just like the things that have been explained long ago.

He was constrained by his own limitations, unable to comprehend the rules, comprehending a little bit of comprehension, also caused him to undergo earth-shaking changes. However, the rigor of the rules in this world is too strong. As mentioned above, this is a world in which the right belongs to Vera, and is subordinated to Maya.

In addition, no one can comprehend the rules like Vera, and no one can ascend from the common world like Maya! This situation made him extremely distressed and worried.

However, at this point, he can only go one way to the dark and continue to explore. Because the road has already gone, even if you are in trouble, you have to keep going. Otherwise, is he really willing to live in this world until the end of the day? Could it be that, as the legend says, at the moment of the end, the elves and Vera gather around Iluvita and sing the last movement? No, of course not! Even though his path to comprehend the rules has been progressing slowly, he will also set foot in Middle-earth in the future. Then, do everything possible to reap enough benefits for yourself!

Here, he is meditating and comprehending the rules of An Anxin, but in the outside world, the relationship between the three races has gradually become tense. The Elves of Iswell worried that Fanya and Noldo would besiege him. Fanya and Noldor were worried that the mighty Iswell Elves wanted to annex themselves. And, to enslave them. And the Noldor Elves, because of the battle between the two princes, became out of unity. They each formed two factions, and the supporter's own prince fought against another prince, although Fenway was still there. However, he is facing the current situation, and there is no good way. Moreover, the current development of things has been out of his control. Even if he can suppress it by force, he can only regulate his own clan and cannot restrain the other two clans.

Naturally, Mirko would not allow Fenway to sabotage his plan, so he once again began to brew a conspiracy, and once again spread rumors among the three clans. Mirko had already noticed that some ears would listen to him, and some tongues would exaggerate what they heard; his lies passed from friends to friends, as if he knew these secrets and told them, it proved the wisdom of the narrator. In the days to come, the Noldor people will pay a very tragic price for their folly of listening attentively.

When Mirko saw many people leaning towards him, he would often walk among them. His beautiful words would be picked up and knit for him. In such a delicate operation, many people who heard these words later believed that it was themselves. The original idea. Mirko would summon beautiful sceneries from their hearts. The vast territory in the east, they can rule with freedom and strength according to their own wishes. As a result, rumors spread like wildfires, saying that Vera brought Elda to Amen because they were jealous and afraid of Quindi’s beauty and the power that Iluvita gave them. When it fills the whole earth, it will be so strong that Vera can't rule them.

The ignorant elves believed it, and they believed that they believed what Melkor had said. They also began to think and analyze along the line of thought given by Mirko, and inevitably their thoughts also extended along with the line given by Mirko. In the end, they came up with a very real answer. That is, what Mirko said is true. Vera was afraid of their power, and feared that their number would increase to a certain level and overthrow Vera's rule. They are convinced of this, and sure of it. Moreover, the Vera's action to summon them to Amen Chau was regarded as a conspiracy that had already been planned. It is because the Villas are afraid of them, afraid that their potential will burst out and break through the rule of the Villas in one fell swoop.

In addition, although Vera knew that humans would appear during this period, the elves knew nothing about it, because Manwei had not yet told them about it. But Mirko secretly told them that humanity was coming, depending on how evil Vera's silence could be twisted. He knew almost nothing about human beings; while the great movement was going on, he was engrossed in his own thoughts, and only casually glanced at Iluvita's third theme. But among the elves, the rumors have now turned into Manwei’s house arrest, so that after the arrival of humans, they will replace them and have the Middle-earth continent; because in Vera’s view, short-lived and fragile humans are easier to rule, so that The property Iluvita gave to the elves was deceived. There are a small part of the facts in these words, but Vera has always been unable to easily control the will of human beings; but these evil words are believed by many elves, or they are dubious.

In this way, the peace and tranquility of Villino had been poisoned before the Villas were alert! The elves began to complain against the gods, and some elves became very arrogant and arrogant, forgetting the knowledge and inheritance they had now, and I don't know how many of them were given to them by Vera. The police who want to have freedom and a vast territory ignited in the hearts of the elves like never before; Mirko laughed with joy in secret, his lie has reached the intended effect, and he hates Ferno and Jiangning more than All the others, he longed for the Silmarillion more than anything else.

However, Mirko is not in a hurry now, he knows that these situations are far from being reached. His layout is still brewing and fermenting continuously, he is like a master wine master, carefully preparing his masterpiece. After the wine has matured and fermented, move to a chair quietly to taste the wonderful taste!

Eventually, things started to escalate as Mirko planned. It's not about the problems between the three tribes of elves, but about the issues between Ferno and his brother, Fen Guochang. Their conflicts began to escalate, and they were on the table. In a meeting between the two forces, Ferno outrageously drew the sword from his waist and put it on Fen Guochang's neck. Their respective supporters drew out their swords one after another, pointing at their people and compatriots!

Seeing that the development of the matter was proceeding according to his plan, Mirko hid behind the scenes and danced happily, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, watching the conflict between the two brothers. However, the two brothers did not go to war immediately as Melkor thought, but were stopped. The man who came was Fenway, the father of the two brothers!

The conflict between the two of them finally shocked Fenway, and Fenway hurriedly saw his eldest son Ferno put a sharp sword on the neck of his son, Fen Guochang. Fenway, frightened and angry, yelled at Ferno and told him to put down his sword. However, Ferno saw Fenway scolding his anger, but believed that his father intended to hand over the throne of the Noldo clan to Fen Guochang was not himself. Fenway, who was furious, ignored his father's scolding, but looked at Fen Guofang with murderous eyes. The latter, facing his ferocious eyes, had never been afraid of him, and cursed at him. The contradiction between the two brothers was laid on the table without the slightest concealment. Fenway saw that things were about to get out of control, and at this time the internal strife and turmoil within the Noldo clan finally woke Vera.

The Veras immediately came to Tyrian Seeing this, they immediately knocked down Ferno's sword and arrested him. He will be in the judgment circle, accept the fair verdict of the Villas, and accept the punishment he deserves under the attention of all Kundi. Before the judgment circle, the Villas began to interrogate Ferno under the tribute of many Kundi, and found that the source of the matter was originally from Mirko. The furious Vera and the Kundi who suddenly realized they were filled with anger. Tokas' anger was inexhaustible, and immediately went to arrest Mirko, but Mirko had already left Amen Chau when he saw the opportunity. Manway, who was furious, hated Mirkol very much. He believed that his dedication, trust and brotherhood had been severely trampled and desecrated, and he vowed to severely punish Mirkol.

It's just that Ferno should be convicted for the immediate matter! In the end, Ferno was convicted before the verdict circle by the Villas. He was sentenced to exile. The Villas did not allow Ferno to return to Velino or Tyrian without permission. And Fenway knew that the reason why his son committed such a serious crime was entirely because he did not teach it. Therefore, Fenway and Ferno left the city of Tyrian together and moved to the fortress Fomi in the north of Villino. North! A trace of Noldor Elf and his Wang Fenwei, together with the prince, moved to Fominos to live.

After Ferno moved to Fominos, Mirko secretly returned to Villino and came to Fominos. There, Mirko tried to trick Ferno into resisting Vera's sentence. However, he was turned away by Ferno and did not see him. Melkor was helpless, knowing that he could not succeed, Ferno no longer believed him now. And Fenway wrote to Vera. Therefore, Mirko began to hide again!

However, the unwilling Mirko didn't want his plan to fail in vain. As a result, the bad water in his stomach began to brew a new conspiracy. He met Ugoliant and began to plan a new conspiracy.

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