Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 475: : East return to Middle-earth Iswell "ThreeThree"

The Veras felt his determination from Jiang Ning's words and agreed to his request. However, the Villas remembered the curse he had put on that day, and they curiously asked why he still stubbornly set foot in Middle-earth. Jiang Ning’s answer surprised the Villas. He said: “Ferno’s actions have been retributed. The Noldo people have suffered a lot of casualties, and they are bound to continue to suffer in the future. However, this belongs to our clan. In the face of the torture and killing of Morgoth, the Kundyes will be immortal with Morgoth forever!"

The vow he gave moved the Villas, and they didn't know what to say for a while. The atmosphere in the court was a little awkward, but Tokas stepped forward and said some words of encouragement to him, which relieved the embarrassment in the hearts of the Villas. Seeing this, Jiang Ning didn't want to stay here, so he said goodbye to the Villas. The Veras readily agreed, and watched his back leave.

Jiang Ning turned over and sat on Ilfas's back, pinching his abdomen slightly, and the wise Ilfas ran with four hooves wrapped in silver, leaving a fleeting white light on the ground. Not long afterwards, Jiang Ning rode Ilfas to Wislier. Regardless of saying hello to the tribe, he hurried back to his White Tower palace and announced to everyone that he would have something important to announce. Ask them to inform the people and gather at the central square!

Although the attendant had doubts, he didn't ask, but retired and went to deliver orders. Although the city of Wisley is wide, it has only tens of thousands of residents. In most of the wide areas, gardens and other places for leisure and entertainment have been established. As the attendants rode their horses around the city, calling out and delivering orders, the residents of the city soon knew. They gathered in the central square, waiting for what command the king they admired and loved was about to deliver.

When the tribesmen were all concentrated in the central square, the attendants who informed him reported to him. Jiang Ning was neatly dressed, wearing the crown of laurels that Avana crowned him. Slowly walked to the high platform, facing all the people, and started his speech. He first greeted the tribesmen, and at the same time began a formal speech. He told about the human tragedy of the killings of his relatives, and then introduced the topic to Morgoth's provocation. The people of the tribe, the humiliated and murdered by Morgoth, and the lonely Elway.

"When we live happily in this immortal land, Amen Island, have we ever thought of the relatives who have been threatened and killed in Middle-Earth? The dark forces of Morgoth are entrenched in the north, and he has created endless darkness, harassment and killing. Good people! The vast Middle-Earth has not only our people who live outside, but also other lives. They live under the horrible shadow of Morgoth, should we watch it coldly?" His voice changed from calm to passionate. , "Continue to live in this beautiful Villino, do not ask the same family from the same source? Have you forgotten? At the beginning, we awakened in the land of Naquivière, and we supported each other to survive. That For a while, we called ourselves Kundi! Although we moved westward and divided into several tribes, we still had the same origin, all of whom were children of Iluvita. However, because of Morgoth’s evil remarks, because of his Instigating separation, causing brothers and brothers to rebel between relatives, so that there was a human-related tragedy! Our family Fenway was innocently killed by Morgoth. We can ignore the Noldor tribe, but should we also ignore Fenway? "

"When we first arrived in Villino, the Fanya tribe, the Noldo tribe, and even the separated Farmari, helped us build the city. Should we know the gratitude without repaying it? Fenway is dead, shouldn't we? Should we be fair to him? Now, our family Elway lives in Middle-earth, and at the same time he and our relatives are also threatened and tortured by Morgoth. Are we going to watch them being killed without being indifferent? Is it?" He said loudly, "Since when did the good Kundi become so indifferent?" He asked, "And since when did the Kundi lose their goodness and innocence? "He pointed to the ground under his feet, "Is it because of Villino?" and roared, "Is this immortal land that made us lose our goodness and innocence?" He drew out his sword violently. Hold high, "If it is, then I will leave here and return to Middle-earth to help our separated tribesmen, and join hands with them to resist the evil Morgoth!"

"People of Iswell, tell me your answer!" He shouted loudly, "Is it willing to rush to Middle Earth across the sea with me, and fight against Morgoth with our lost people, or... continue? Keep watching and indifferent until you hear the news of my death?" He shouted again, "Tell me, your answer, people!!!"

"Be with the king and die together!"

"Be with the king and die together!"

"Be with the king and die together!"

The enthusiasm of the Elves of Iswell was awakened, and the intense and profound speech just now made them reflect on it deeply! Yes, when did the goodness and unity of unity, mutual support, mutual help, willingness to die for another person, be lost? It seems that Kundi, who once united as one, split when he moved westward! And several families appeared,

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Fanya, Noldor, Iswell, Farmari... not only the ethnic groups are divided, but also in thought, character and habits, they are also divided immediately! Since when did they become focused only on themselves and ignore the same race? What about our goodness and unity? They didn't begin to reflect until they heard what their king said. We had already become so indifferent before we knew it!

At the same time, some people started to think along this line of thought! If we ignore the tragic experience of our people today and ignore it, who will help us when we also experience this tragic experience one day? Is it Vera or Maya? No, neither, they will not help us, no one will help us!

Such results are chilling, and they even begin to fear such results! Because, once this situation really occurs in the future, they will experience the tragic feeling of the world without friends. Look around, all wolves!

"Very good, my people." Jiang Ning looked at them with a smile, "You have made the most correct choice, although we are about to go to Middle-earth, abandon our current home and the hard-built garden, and rush to the battlefield. On the blank land, rebuild our homeland and country. Even, some of you may die!"

After hearing this, the Elves of Iswell became silent and began to think, it was indeed the case. Leaving the warm, beautiful and comfortable homeland, heading to the middle-earth of a white land and building my homeland from scratch. No one can bear and give up their own home, and now they have to face a choice, a choice between home and their loved ones!

Jiang Ning looked at the silent people. He stretched out two fingers, "Twenty days later, I will join here. I am willing to go to Middle-earth with me to pack my own things, and come here when the last day breaks. No. If you are willing to go, I will not blame you, but you are responsible for guarding Weslier!" After speaking, he turned around and returned to his palace.

The Iswell elves gathered in the square began to retreat slowly. Some returned to their homes to think carefully, and some began to pack their belongings and set up their carriages to move things one by one. To the car. At the same time, he took out his armor and weapons and carefully checked and wiped them. And Jiang Ning's speech also reached Vera's ears, and the Vera silently ignored each other. They were shocked and angry at Jiang Ning's remarks, and at the same time they began to reflect. After all, his words were not unreasonable. On the contrary, what he said was the fact, and the result was indeed the case. The Veras began to reflect on where they went wrong after the Kundi moved west to Verinor, so that such a situation would occur. If the supervision of Mirko was stricter, or if the Kundi were immediately stopped when they were fighting, would the outcome of the matter be different? It's a pity that time can't go back, and Vera can only sigh helplessly.

On the last day of the twenty-day period given by Jiang Ning, before dawn, the Iswell elves who were willing to return east with him drove a carriage, put on armor, weapons, shields, and bows and arrows, and began to gather in the central square. After careful contemplation, those who were unwilling to return eastward silently watched the tribe who were returning eastward. On this day, there was no cheer or laughter in the whole Iswell, except for the sound of horseshoe trampling the ground and the sound of car, there was no sound at all.

When the dawn came, Jiangning appeared on the high platform with a saber in armor and a laurel crown, and his mount Ilfas followed by his side. He looked at the people gathered in the central square, and at a glance, there were 28,000 people! And his entire tribe, but more than 32,000 people, this time the move to return to the east can be regarded as coming out of the nest! It can also be seen from this, to what extent Jiangning's prestige in the hearts of most people has reached!

"Very good, people!" Jiang Ning looked at the people who were staring at him, "You don't have to be frustrated for the future, you don't have to be frustrated for leaving home! As long as we are still there, wherever we go, we will be home! Leaving! Villino, in the vast middle-earth land, we can also build a strong and unbreakable new home! In the place full of forests and river valleys, we will rebuild the towering spires of the White City, where we will create a new civilization , The new Weslier!" After that, he turned over and sat on Ilfas’s back, "Go, let us return to our homeland, find the separated people, and destroy the evil Morgoth!!!"

"East return to homeland, eliminate evil!"

"East return to homeland, eliminate evil!"

"East return to homeland, eliminate evil!"

Jiang Ning Yiqi took the lead in the front of the team, his body began to shine with soft white light, and Ilfas did the same. At their will, the land where they walked through is thick green grass and flowers. Behind them, rows of heavily armed guards guarded both sides of the tribe’s frame. Donggui tribe’s family members were sitting in the car. All strong men were fully armed, riding on war horses, and guarding them. The east return team. The endless line slowly left the city of Wesley, and then marched towards the beautiful port city, Okotaki!

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