Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 478: :The beautiful three corners of the river "ThreeThree"

When the Elves of Iswell officially set foot in Middle-earth, it was in the far east of Middle-earth, which is the most east of Mordor, near the edge of the world. There is a place named Hildorien, the second child of Iluvita, and is awakened here. They awakened from the sleeping place of their long sleep, and, like the elves of the past, looked at this wide and unfamiliar world with extremely curious eyes.

In the north of Hildorion, there are endless eastern mountains, and a large lake stands at the foot of the mountain, which is the awakening place of the elves at the time, Quvieren. And above Quvieren, is Morgoth's lair captured by the Veras, Utamo. In this way, Iluvita placed his children in a sleeping place, not far apart, and very close. However, the time between awakening between the two races is so long that most elves still don't know the existence of human beings.

When humans awakened, the Veras naturally knew about this. But the Vera's treatment of Iluvita's second son was not the same as the elves' treatment. They don't like humans too much, and humans treat Villars with fear rather than affection. The Vera did not choose to pay attention to humans, and naturally it was impossible to invite them to live in Verinor as they would treat the elves. In fact, Vera doesn't pay much attention to humans. However, Urmo still helped them according to Manway's will, and his messengers often visited humans through running water. However, humans don't know how to hear the sound of flowing water. They don't have such skills; before they interacted with elves, their skills in this area were even worse. Although they also love flowing water and are excited about it, they are completely unable to listen to the messages in the water.

Naturally, the knowledge that Urmou’s messengers attached to the running water could not be known by humans. Perhaps this is why the Villas visit Jiangning to take care of these human beings. Although they are the children of Iluvita, to a large extent, human beings are completely incomparable with elves.

Whether it is all kinds of extraordinary abilities or the life span of immortality, human beings have none. Their only gift is death. This was a gift of good liberation, but for a long time, it was rendered extremely terrifying by Morgoth's extremely evil. So that, I don't know when it started, death has become a frightening pronoun!

However, the humans are very lucky. It didn't take long before they met the elves. That is to say, Arriel Elf who has never bathed in the twin sacred trees, nor has ever been to Velinor, is also known as the Dark Elf Kundi. The elves are undoubtedly very friendly to humans. They teach the new ignorant human knowledge, which is very grateful, so they become the companions and apprentices of this group of ancient people. They are the elves roaming around and have never set foot on the dimension. Linnuo, Vera is just a distant name and legend to them.

At this time, the Elves of Iswell led by Jiangning had already left Mislongde and entered the Shire area. Immediately afterwards, the mighty and continuous migration returned eastward, and crossed the Baranduin River (Spirit River) into Minsirias, and then crossed the Guansilo River (Gray Water River) into the Enad region ( Yiningweizhi) then waded along the North-South Avenue across the Eisen River (Eisen River) into the vast West Emrit (Rohan), crossed the Ente River into East Emnet, and reached the northern plateau. Walk along the dense Fagon Forest.

The elves of Iswell were extremely happy when they saw such a large expanse of forest at first. The long journey and migration have already made them feel physically and mentally exhausted. Along the way, the endless vast and beautiful habitats were left behind, and the people of the tribe felt impatient. After questioning their king, Jiang Ning only told them that he already had an ideal homeland in his mind, not the seemingly fertile and prosperous land on the road. Jiang Ning is very clear that these are the root causes of future turmoil!

The mighty east return team crossed the Limqing River, and then entered the Callebrand Wilderness, and to their right is the vast and endless Anduin River!

Then they came to a beautiful delta, Los Rorain (Roslorian), a delta with two rivers, one originated from Jingying Lake called the Callebrand River (Silver River), and the other The river is the Ningruo Dell River, and the two rivers eventually converge and merge into the Anduin River.

The place where they meet is a delta land, in the future Galadrell (Galadriel) and Celeborn established a kingdom here! However, the current Galadriel has not yet come to this place. She is still living in the beautiful Kingdom of Dorias, and it will be a long time before she will come here.

The long-lasting great migration team, after tens of thousands of miles of difficult trek, finally arrived in this river delta area. At this time, the southern forest of Lothlorien has always bordered the northern part of the Fargon Forest, and the forest area is extremely large. However, in the years that followed, the forest was deforested, so the forest in its southern region went from being bordered by the Fargon Forest to becoming a piece of white land. However, Lothlorien is now extremely beautiful.

"The people of the tribe, after tens of thousands of miles of hard work, we finally found a beautiful place to live." Sitting on Ilfas's back, Jiang Ning pointed to the lush endless forest in front of him, and said: "There is our new home. We will be there to build our new home, a second home!" He clenched his fist and held it high, "Let us use wisdom and hard-working hands to build our home again! Clan people, go ahead!!!"

With cheers almost resounding from the world, the Elves of Iswell heard the news they most wanted to hear. After tens of thousands of miles of arduous trek, I have already missed too many beautiful lands along the way. Although, this piece of land is far away from Beleriand, and there are Misty Mountains in the middle, Erigian, Dongxi Avenue, Elliador, Xiangshui River, Cangquan River, Fengyun Hills, Lao Linzi, Shire... and then , And you have to cross the Blue Mountains (Longen Mountains) to enter Beleriande. In short, the journey is quite far away!

However, these are no longer important now!

For the elves, these are all in the past, and now they have found a new and fertile land. That is the delta area not far ahead, and they are not short of water springs, whether it is the Silver Light River that crosses the border or the Anduin River that finally merges into it. The amount of water is extremely abundant, and the land where the river runs through also nourishes countless trees and grassland. These are very fertile land, you can easily get countless grains. Moreover, the vast land can also feed enough people! What's more, they consider themselves to be the brightest and most creative among the ethnic group!

In this way, the ten-mile team slowly entered the Lorian Forest, but the name will be changed from today. Its name will be crowned Weslier, the same is true of forests and rivers! When the group of Iswell elves finally returned to Middle-earth after a difficult trek, they passed through the endless land and finally found an ideal land for their race. All the people burst out with unimaginable enthusiasm! They built a city in the middle of the two most fertile forests where they met, just like their home in Villino.

The city straddles the river and is divided into two halves by the river! And some trees will be circled into the city. After that, all the trees will be cut down within at least ten meters outside the city wall! After all, once the trees are next to the city wall, it means that there is no danger to guard. The role of the city wall at that time has completely become a superfluous decoration. In this regard, even if the elves love nature and forests, they will not be compared with the safety of the tribe and themselves.

However, when it comes to building a city, careful planning is needed. Because Jiang Ning knows very well that in the future, the center of world struggles and disputes will be in Middle-earth, and even more in the East. The location they choose to build the city will be close to the direct attack side of the dark forces in the future. For example, Sauron who will be entrenched in Mordor in the future and those huge half-orcs! Moreover, to the south of them, it will be the location of the Luohan Kingdom in the future. Not to mention, in the south of Rohan, there will be a human kingdom in the future, the steel duo!

Therefore, how to keep your people away from the war, or as far as possible to save the people from getting involved in disputes, is a matter worth considering.

In between, the location and planning of the city have become the top priority! First of all, Jiang Ning personally went to the field to measure the surrounding terrain and topography! It was carefully drawn on a piece of white parchment, and then the outline of the city was planned according to different terrains and reasonable locations. Because this new city is likely to face enemy attacks in the future! Therefore, defense and counterattack capabilities are issues that must be carefully considered.

He also planned the outline of the city like a bastion on the periphery of the city, separated in the four corners of the city! Although there are cities and forests, there is no backing behind them. Therefore, the city has four gates. In this way, bastion-type defensive facilities are indispensable. Moreover, he has to increase the terrain in the city, build castles and arrow towers. Install a large-scale urban defense crossbow, and carefully plan the specific load-bearing structure of the city, so that it can withstand repeated bombardment by rappels! Don't be like Minas Tirith, when the stone thrower collapses in a large area. Although, the terrain of the forest makes it difficult for heavy siege equipment to be brought in. However, it is not ruled out that the enemy set fire to the forest. Thinking of this, Jiang Ning began to think about setting up a huge barrier for his new city!

After planning a rough design sketch, Jiang Ning ordered the people to chop down trees and clear the land according to the boundary line drawn by him. Later, he began to arrange for his tribe to go to the Misty Mountains to dig boulders and build river ships that could carry these boulders. Fortunately, the river is still deep enough to carry these boulders. Then the huge stones that were brought in were polished by the craftsmen of the clan. Carved and polished into a uniform standard stone, and then arranged for the tribe to dig the foundation, at least ten meters deep! Because the terrain is not static. In the low-lying terrain of the river flow path, the foundation will continue to be dug five meters deeper on the basis of ten meters! In this way, with more than 20,000 people building a beautiful giant city, it will take a lot of time, let's take a hundred years as a unit!

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