Journey of the Infinite Wizard

Chapter 620: : Coup on Sinide Island

After Kairamez left, Nilfgaard's army flagrantly invaded the Kingdom of Sintra, which immediately stirred the nerves of the northern countries. Because, after Sintra, it was equivalent to Nilfgad's full border with the first kingdom of the northern countries, Temalia and Aden. And according to Nilfgaard's current situation today, he will definitely not stop making peace, and the pace of his aggression will definitely continue to accelerate. Therefore, in the face of Nilfgard's invasion, the northern countries united for the first time to fight against the aggression from Nilfgard.

However, the preparations of the northern countries have been relatively hasty, and their troops have not yet fully entered Sintra to engage in direct confrontation and a full-scale war with Nilfgad. Therefore, when Nilfgad invaded Sintra, only Sintra's army was fighting against Nilfgad. The northern countries have just been supporting Sintra all the time. However, as a small country, Sintra's national power is naturally weak compared to Nilfgaard. Although the soldiers and civilians fought bravely, they were constantly repelled as Nilfgard moved forward. Immediately, Enhill Enris asked Sintra to surrender, and Ciri’s maternal grandmother Karanthe refused to surrender and committed suicide. However, Nilfgaard still did not fully occupy Sintra. It was also due to Sintra's defeat, which strengthened the determination of the northern countries to resist Nilfgaard.

The two sides gathered an army of one hundred thousand people at Sokshan Mountain. At the same time, 22 warlocks joined forces with the northern countries to fight against Nilfgaard. The Wigfortezi of Logivan commanded the mages, and the northern kingdom also relied on the help of the warlocks to establish the victory of the war here. But the victory didn't stop there, because after this war, Sintra fell completely, and the territory of the Nilfgaard Empire became broader. According to reports, 30,000 people were killed or wounded in this battle.

Fourteen of the twenty-two warlocks were killed in this battle (official statistics, due to the incomplete and illegible body at the time, only twelve bodies could be found), Triss Merigold was also mistaken Included in the calculation, her name was engraved on the monument, so she was also called the fourteenth martyr. In fact, she was severely burned in the battle but did not die. The Warlock Brothers will rescue her and restore her appearance through magical means. During this battle, Ye Naifah lost both eyesight, and later restored her vision through magic, but this experience left her with psychological trauma. Both sides suffered heavy losses in this battle, and finally Wingfortz of Logivan took the lead in facilitating the armistice agreement. The end of the first Nilfgard-Northern War.

In the original history, the warlock involved in this battle was Francesca, but it was because of Jiangning. Francesca did not participate in this battle, but an unknown warlock participated in the battle. Therefore, neither the survivors nor the results of the battle are much different from the original history.

The final result was that Nilfgaard won Sintra, and Tamoria also took the opportunity to expand his territory. The only loser was the Kingdom of Sintra, which was completely subjugated and became the northernmost province of Nilfgaard. The peace negotiations between the nations are actually negotiations between the warlocks and the monarchs behind the scenes. This battle also enhances the warlock's influence and right to speak. If Francesca participates in it as in the original history, then the kingdom of Ainshidi, Hundred Flower Valley will be established after the end of this battle. Unfortunately, Francesca did not participate, so the situation of Ainshidi has not been improved much.

However, the greatest success of this battle is undoubtedly Tamoria. Although Nilfgard had obtained Sintra, all the territory he had obtained in the war was lost. Moreover, he lost most of his troops and generals, but did not get what he wanted. Therefore, the Enhill Sirius of Nilfgard was not reconciled at all.

Therefore, various actions are frequently launched, such as contacting the sorcerer groups, obtaining their support and allegiance, and so on. In the previous battles, the warlock group helped the northern countries to win and played a key role in establishing the victory. Their influence and right to speak have also increased, so some people still want to continue to increase the influence of the warlock community. Therefore, in the following time, the sorcerer group was divided into three parts. One is the sorcerers from the northern countries, some are neutrals, and the other is for Nilfgaard.

They quarreled and quarreled, and finally, decided to hold another meeting, the location was set in Sinide Island. At that time, many sorcerers and wizards went to Sunnid Island to participate in the meeting of wizards, aiming to clarify whether the political inclination of the wizards was to favor the northern kingdom or Nilfgaard or to remain neutral. However, the mages loyal to the northern kingdom intend to accuse them of their accomplices with Nilfgaard, on the other hand, the rebels intend to launch a coup against other participants. They let the Squirrel Party and Nilfgaard’s agents land on the island, which eventually led to conflict and bloodshed. Many members of these two camps died in the **** battle that followed in the palace. In the end, the traitors were forced to flee. Not only were several warlocks killed on both sides, even the neutral warlocks also died a lot. Even Geralt was seriously injured here, and was subsequently teleported by Triss to escape. Here. After this incident, the influence of the warlock community in the northern countries was greatly reduced, and many warlocks lost their previous royal advisory positions in the northern countries.

The influence they had achieved by helping the northern countries to fight against Nilfgaard was greatly reduced or even not as good as the previous influence. Also because of this coup, the Warlock Council was destroyed, and the influence of the Warlocks also plummeted with the destruction of the organization. At the same time, King Vezmir II of Rydania, one of the northern countries, was assassinated, and part of the Leirian army was besieged in Aden. Subsequently, the northern countries used this as an excuse to launch a war and attack Griwisingen, and the Second Northern War broke out immediately.

It can be said that the Second Northern War was a war that the northern countries intended to drive Nilfgaard back to the south. They wanted to take this opportunity to regain Sintra, firmly resist Nilfgard's outstretched claws, and drive back to the south. He was not allowed to get involved in the north, and Enhill was also dissatisfied with the loss of the territory of Sorden and other places in the previous war. Therefore, he also wanted to expand his territory again through the war.

Therefore, when the northern countries entered Griwisingen, Enhill used this as an excuse to start the second full-scale war!

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