"It's been three, three, thirty seconds, Reed." The Invisible Woman knelt down weakly on the ground. Her eyes lost focus and she stared blankly ahead, with only confusion and exhaustion in her eyes.

Her long hair was spread loosely over her face, like a piece of withered golden reed.

She had exhausted all her strength, pushed her telekinesis to the limit, reaching an unprecedented level, and tried her best to maintain the existence of the shield, but her body had reached its limit and might not be able to support it at any time.

Fortunately, she had just successfully activated the dimension generator placed in Franklin and Valea's room, creating a pocket dimension to hide her children in.

This way, even if she and Reed fail to survive, the children will still have a chance to survive.

Reed was still concentrating on debugging the machine, his fingers moving dexterously on the control panel, and his eyes staring at the flow of data on the monitor.

The appearance of the time rift may be a coincidence, or it may be the intervention of some unknown force. No matter what, this moment is a huge variable for them.

In the short two seconds that Mr. Fantastic was thinking, the time crack suddenly spread out into a flat surface.

"To make a long story short, it's my fault that you just interrupted me, but now I have to take away the metal box and the time sled in your hand." Bai Ye said calmly in the protective suit.

Suddenly, a ball of colorful material floated out from the pillar-like oscillator in the distance. This mass of material emits a strange light and is of various colors, as if it were a rainbow dancing in the air.

While speaking, he looked at the metal box thrown in the corner without leaving any trace, and at the invisible female Susan lying on the ground in the distance. Now he could only rely on himself.

"That is."

Although "a mass" may not be appropriate to describe the cracks in time, at this moment, only this word can express the strangeness and complexity of the mass of colorful matter. It is distorting the surrounding space, like a gateway to other time and space. 's portal.

"Okay! I fixed it!"

"Logically speaking, what you are talking about is very likely to happen, but I am not sure whether you are from the future of this timeline where I am." Reed frowned.

But Mr. Fantastic did not give in. He subconsciously used his abilities and softened his body to ease the impact.

Now was not a good time to disturb Su. In fact, a minute and a half had passed, but Su thought in her mind that only thirty seconds had passed and she should be allowed to hold on for a while.

Just when Reed's finger was about to touch the switch, a voice suddenly sounded, "Stand still, Reed Richards, I am not your enemy."

Although the building was crumbling at the moment and debris and stones were falling around him, he seemed to be in his own world, his lips even moving, silently calculating various parameters and possibilities.

The small metal box fell from his hand and fell into the corner.

Her body and spirit reached their limits, but at the last moment before she fell into coma, she once again released a powerful force of thought to repair and strengthen the building's already extremely fragile shield.

Helby immediately floated in the air, making a buzzing sound, and its mechanical eyes flashed, seemingly analyzing the surrounding environment and situation.

At the same time, he did not forget to stretch out a hand and grab a small metal box, which was a high-tech item stored in the Baxter Building.

With no time to care about his wife's condition, the rubber man immediately bounced towards the console, his fingers flexibly operating on the buttons and controls, preparing to start the time sled.

In addition, there is a pair of double blades strapped to his waist, which definitely looks like a bad thing.

A powerful repulsive wave instantly surged out of the figure following the words and hit Reed.

He was caught off guard and let out a cry of pain. His whole body was shaken by the force of the impact like a fallen leaf in the wind. He instantly lost his balance and flew backwards.

At this time, the figure completely emerged from the crack in time. He was wearing a protective suit, his face was obscured so that he could not see clearly, and he was holding a very high-tech-looking pistol. I am afraid that the repulsive wave just now was emitted from it. .

Reed was horrified. He immediately touched the combination lock on the small metal box with his left hand, and was about to open the box and take out the Ultimate Eraser. Now was definitely not the time to be soft-hearted.

It contains the negative bracelet of the original Captain Marvel, a knife from the mutant Psylocke, and even the Ultimate Eraser.

Mr. Fantastic is a smart man. He immediately understood the origins of the man in protective clothing and Helby. Judging from the wear marks on the little robot and what he just said, they came from forty-three years later. of.

Upon hearing the news, Susan rolled her eyes and fainted from exhaustion.


In this plane, a figure was vaguely approaching, and the figure appeared in the illusory edge of the time crack, with a blurred outline.

The tall Hulkbuster mecha in the corner also swayed slightly, but in the end it still stood there majestically and did not fall down.

Reed was very surprised when he saw this round robot. His eyes widened and he said in surprise: "Helby? Shouldn't you have just been set to shut down by me?"

Reed's eyes widened, and he immediately recognized that it was not an ordinary substance, but a ball of time cracks.

Reed stood up slowly, his eyes full of vigilance, "Who are you?"

"You failed. The world in forty-three years has been ruled by evil people, and Galactus will come to Earth. Then I will need the Ultimate Eraser in your hands to deal with them."

Reed suddenly shouted in surprise, and kept operating the machine with both hands. Fortunately, he fulfilled his mission, and he repaired both the time oscillator and the time sled.


As he spoke, he eased his hand towards Reed who was beginning to think, "The password of the box?"

Could it be Kang the Conqueror? !

This descendant of Richards from the 31st century has multiple variants, but no matter which one is an extremely dangerous existence, he can travel through the timeline repeatedly and has always been one of the top enemies in the superhero world.

Now if Kang comes, it will be even worse.

"Who am I?" The man in protective clothing tilted his head and without hesitation picked up the small robot behind his back and threw it out.

There was another bang, and the building shook heavily again, as if the whole world was shaking. This time the shaking was even stronger. The building seemed to be shaking constantly, and the surrounding air was filled with a sense of oppression.

Helby did not directly answer Reed's words, but trembled slightly and made a mechanical sound, "Abnormal environment detected. The Baxter Building has not experienced corrosion and damage for forty-three years."

Due to the bifurcation and diversity of timelines, future development is not single and may be affected by various factors.

Just when he was hesitating whether to tell the person in front of him the password, another change occurred in the laboratory.

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