After taking a few breaths, Doom's breathing gradually stabilized. He felt the injection of the special medicine in the destruction armor, and there seemed to be a surge of heat in his body.

Although the wounds on his body were still painful, he could feel the effects of the medicine taking effect, making his consciousness gradually clearer.

In a single thought, before turning back time, he was unaware of the existence of the Time Stone, which resulted in bitter consequences for himself now.

Charisma, super intelligence, connections, fighting skills, proficiency in more than fifteen languages, magic. He began to sum up all his advantages and skills in his mind, but found that none of them could help him win at this time.

He had to admit that he was defeated today, at the hands of someone he had never seen before.

Doctor Doom gritted his teeth and glared at Bai Ye fiercely. Strong flames shot out from the soles of his feet, pushing him instantly towards the direction of the Head of Destruction.

His body was moving forward as fast as an arrow, but this time, he was not looking for a chance to fight, but trying to escape.

However, his reaction was already a step too late. Bai Ye's movements were as fast as lightning, and he nimbly dodged the green laser's fire. He once again used the knife to pass through his fingers, destroying the already scarred helmet even more.

The corners of Doom's mouth twitched slightly, as if he was trying to force out a mocking smile, but the pain and despair on his face could not be concealed.

However, this time the shock wave was far less powerful than the previous ones. Bai Ye only shook it slightly before swinging the knife in his hand again and accurately hitting Doctor Doom's metal helmet directly above it, making a dull impact.

But what makes him even more uncomfortable is that the person who defeated him today was not the Fantastic Four, not even the Avengers or mutants from somewhere, but an unknown guy who had never appeared on anyone's threat list.

The helmet began to show obvious dents and cracks, but miraculously it did not damage the head it protected. It seemed that someone was holding back his strength.

Doctor Doom suddenly realized something, with a hint of fear in his voice that shouldn't have been there. One hand hurriedly covered the damaged helmet, and the other hand released a green laser, trying to stop Bai Ye's attack.

Although the speed he can reach has not increased, the speed at which he can complete his actions has been "accelerated" to dozens of times that before. Let him be close to him in an instant, so that Doctor Doom doesn't even have time to react.

Doom's pupils instantly dilated, his mouth opened, but no sound came out. His breathing became weaker and weaker, his eyes gradually lost focus, and the flame of life gradually extinguished in his body.

When the distance was only a few hundred meters away, Bai Ye grabbed Doom, slowed down his fall, and finally brought him steadily to land slowly on the ground. The dust was flying, and the ground trembled slightly under their landing.

At this moment, he must withdraw, re-plan his strategy, and fight another day.

The guy holding the vibranium knife in front of him just cut off a lot of circuits, and now his proud armor has lost its response.

He knew that he was at a disadvantage in the fight just now, the armor had been severely damaged, and Bai Ye's strength seemed to be far beyond his expectation.

Shifting his gaze slightly, Bai Ye immediately noticed that the ground was covered with lying robots, one every ten meters, with mechanical fragments scattered all over the ground.

"For every good thing that happens, ten bad things will happen. You should have thought of this back then."

Bai Ye leaned close to Dr. Destruction's ear and continued the topic: "Your robots will pretend that you are still alive and continue the dignity of the Emperor of Destruction in the wasteland. I will not let this happen."

A crack immediately appeared on the helmet, revealing half a strand of brown hair.

As Bai Ye said that, he exploded again and circled behind Doctor Doom. The blade struck mercilessly on the back of Doctor Doom's metal helmet, making a crisp impact.

"I was supposed to be the ruler, I was supposed to dominate everything!"

Bai Ye followed the falling Doctor Doom closely, his eyes always locked on him. As he fell, he kept waving the blade in his hand, accurately targeting Doctor Doom's joints and vital points to prevent him from casting spells again.

As time goes by, the height of the two people gradually decreases, and they get closer and closer to the ground.

The conditions of these robots vary. Some were torn into pieces, some were burned, and some were damaged by impacts. They are the masterpieces of Black Bolt and Wanda.

The figure with half a piece of green cloth hanging on his body groaned in pain. His internal organs were in severe pain, and his body fell downwards almost uncontrollably.

"Ah - get out of here!"

At this time, the small robot Helby, who had been tracking the White Night signal on the ground, floated here. There was a camera mark on its pixel screen, which meant that it was recording.

His body was full of scars, but he still continued to cast spells, and used energy weapons on the armor and various means to resist Bai Ye's attacks.

Each strike of the blade caused Doom to groan in pain, making him unable to concentrate on his magic.

If he does it again, the helmet will turn into several broken metal fragments, no longer able to provide any protection.

The mysterious power of the time stone fragments was released on Bai Ye's body, making every move he made extremely fast.

After saying that, Bai Ye slammed the hilt of the knife on Doctor Doom's helmet. In an instant, the already damaged thing fell apart and fell to the ground.

"What are you doing? Stop!"

The voice of Doom, who was held by Bai Ye, became weak, and his body began to tremble. He seemed to have seen his vision of ruling the kingdom shattered at this moment, and his ambition and arrogance became irreparable utopias.

At this moment, he lost his ambition, his dominance, his power, everything he once had.

"It shouldn't be like this. It should be my destiny to rule this world." Doctor Doom suppressed the pain and spoke out his inner struggle with difficulty.

Doom let out an angry roar, clapped his palms together suddenly, and another green shock wave erupted, trying to push Bai Ye back.

Bai Ye's eyes were deep as he stabbed Doctor Destruction in the back of the heart with a knife. The blade pierced out of his chest, and blood suddenly spurted out, dyeing the surrounding air red.

"Look, if I kill you with one blow now, then the destruction robot you hide in any corner will start executing the predetermined program."

Bai Ye said indifferently, and kicked Doctor Doom hard in the stomach. The latter suddenly lost his balance in the air and fell to the ground quickly like a falling stone.

What a shame.

But Doom wanted to leave, but Bai Ye didn't intend to give him this chance. He flew up suddenly, and his body was like lightning, directly sticking to Doctor Doom's side.

As the helmet shattered, Doom's face was revealed. As the helmet shattered, it was an old and ugly face, full of scars and with only half a nose.

And when he was dying, he felt Bai Ye approaching his ear again and said lightly:

"But your dream of dominating everything lives on, rest in peace."

Perhaps he got some relief from these words, the eyes of the Emperor of Destruction gradually became calm, and he closed his eyes with the blood gushing out, and finally lay down on the ground helplessly.

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