My lord.

The official standing at the foot of the throne couldn't help but make a series of complaints in his heart. Did she think he didn't hear the words that called the Doom Empire "my empire"?

And why are you pretending to be sitting on the throne? Doesn't this mean that he has made it clear that he wants to be in power?

However, even though he was muttering in his heart, he could only remain silent.

While complaining in his heart, the official had to keep suppressing his emotions. Facing Madam Mask's anger, he nodded and bowed, showing a submissive attitude, then walked aside and continued to contact Baron Strucker.

Seeing that the officials finally obeyed her orders, Madam Mask's anger gradually subsided. She leaned gently on the stone throne and stroked her golden mask. Hidden under this mask is a disfigured face, bearing the traces of time and endless despair.

The squad leader was stunned for a moment, "You traitors! Don't you know that Doom is our real master!"

Madam Mask was instantly alert. She suddenly stood up from the stone throne, grabbed the armrest tightly and shouted: "Quickly, call back all those damn robots!"

"I repeat, stop resisting immediately, put down your weapons, and surrender unconditionally!"

Then, these soldiers hurriedly threw down their guns and raised their hands to a group of approaching Thunder Warriors, signaling their surrender.

The squad leader nodded with satisfaction and was about to continue talking, but at this moment, he felt an unusual atmosphere. When he looked up, he was shocked to find that all the soldiers had raised their guns and pointed them at him.

Suddenly, a squad leader jumped out with an angry look on his face, and he shouted angrily at the soldiers around him.

"What are you idiots doing? The Emperor of Destruction's legacy and ideals have always been our belief! Now that he is gone, should we abandon his ideals and ignore them?"

Inside and outside the building, the official's words were broadcast on the radio, spreading to every corner of the city.

But at this time, both Doom and the Red Skull died, Baron Strucker disappeared, and foreign enemies invaded. The situation was completely beyond her control.

But she seemed to have completely forgotten that it was she who personally ordered all the destruction robots to be sent out a few minutes ago.

"Boom -" a loud noise sounded, and the whole building was shaking and shaking. The officer took a quick look at the surveillance screen, then his eyes widened and he screamed, "No, ma'am! They're breaching the building's defenses, and all the robots are outside!"

The official cursed secretly, then immediately grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Everyone listen to my order! Stop resisting immediately, lay down your weapons, and surrender unconditionally! Emperor Doom is dead, Madam Mask has committed suicide, we have lost our leader, let's continue fighting. Meaningless!"

The squad leader looked at the soldiers around him who were still in a daze. He stamped his feet vigorously and roared loudly:

"Damn trash! Are you so cowardly? You were all once fearless warriors, but now you can't even make a decision? What a bunch of weak and ridiculous cowards!"

The official knocked on the console a few more times, took a few deep breaths and then raised his head, "Ma'am, should we prepare to escape?"

The old man hiding in the cafe slowly stood up and stared at everything outside the window, his eyes full of indescribable emotions.

The moment these words were spoken, all the soldiers opened fire together. The sound of gunfire resounded through the hall, beating the squad leader to pieces. Under the impact of the bullets, his body was like a dead leaf picked up and torn by the strong wind, and then shattered to the ground. , no longer makes any sound.

One of the soldiers suddenly spoke decisively, and the other soldiers nodded and exchanged glances with each other, all seeing the same idea in each other's eyes.

A stream of blood shot out, her body swayed slightly, and she rolled down from the throne.

Damn it, she died simply, now the blame fell entirely on herself.

She was stunned for two seconds and then sat back silently on the stone throne.

Others may have this option, but Madam Mask will never have it. Doctor Doom has taken her in for so many years and is not just for idlers. She has long since become the chief agent and executioner of the Chief of Destruction, and has committed numerous crimes.

Madam Mask's eyes widened, looking at everything in front of her in disbelief. Her last hope was completely shattered at this moment.

Yes, how could they be so cowardly that they couldn't even make a simple decision?

"I understand, Captain"

When the ordinary soldiers who were still resisting heard the sudden news, they stopped what they were doing and looked at each other blankly with their guns raised.


Originally, she had been secretly contacting Baron Strucker and the Red Skull for at least four or five years. As soon as Doom dies or becomes old and weak, Hydra will cooperate with her inside and outside to seize this land together. Make her a lord again.

He couldn't help but wipe the corners of his eyes, as if trying to hide his inner excitement. He never thought that he would be able to see the day when the villains fell.

Of course she didn't mind doing it.

His voice was like a huge wave, hitting the eardrums of every soldier. The soldiers around him began to feel a little moved, and they lowered their heads, revealing their inner struggles.

Those eyes that were full of hesitation before have now become cold and firm, and they are no longer swayed by his threats and commands.

She lightly ran her fingers over the mask, feeling its smooth texture.

"Surrender? Should we surrender now?" a soldier whispered, his eyes full of hesitation and uneasiness.

The fighting in the city gradually subsided. The people in the ruins carefully watched the golden-armored warriors wandering the streets. After discovering that they would not harm them, they boldly walked out of the shelter and looked at the broken walls around them in confusion. wall.

Perhaps this was the reinforcement she was waiting for, the key force that could delay her decline and buy her time to escape.

"Besides laying down our weapons and surrendering, what other choice do we have? Do you still want to fight those murderous superheroes?" Another soldier said anxiously, helplessness revealed in his words.


Just when the officer was filled with fear, Madam Mask suddenly pulled the trigger lightly with her finger. The gunshot pierced the air and the bullet casing left a flash of light on the ground.

Just now, several of his comrades were either beaten into pieces by soldiers wearing golden power armor, or were torn in half alive. This was different from the superheroes written in the book.

His voice stopped suddenly because he saw Madam Mask take out a gun from nowhere and aim it at her own temple without hesitation.

A few seconds later, a handful of flying robot figures appeared in the distant sky, and the masked lady's eyes immediately lit up.

The mask gently hides her true appearance behind her back, becoming a barrier between her and the outside world. Her eyes were a little blurry, recalling the past.

However, before the robots could fly closer, an afterimage suddenly passed through the sky at a speed that was almost difficult to catch. Then all the robots exploded in an instant, turning into pieces and falling to the ground.

As the last Doombot's head was smashed.

The empire was completely destroyed in the forty-three years since its founding.

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