After a moment, the craftsman silently raised his hand and put it on Bai Ye's shoulder, wanting to comfort him but having no words.

Even his mutant abilities are not omnipotent. It is simply impossible to build a device that can cure cancer.

Bai Ye gently pushed the craftsman's hand away and said calmly: "But... as long as I have this teleporter, I can find a way to cure cancer."

He reached out and touched the pendant on his chest, which was given to him by Doctor Strange when he was in the Holy of Holies. As his fingertips touched, a faint light flashed across the curve of the pendant.

If technology doesn't work, try a little magic.

The craftsman nodded and said solemnly: "Although I know nothing about curing diseases, I am best at making and repairing things, so just leave this to me."

After saying that, he immediately turned around and started flipping through the pile of information.

Bai Ye turned his attention to another window again.

"Theoretically, it's possible. We also sent a few people to try it out. They successfully traveled to other universes, and there were no problems when they returned. It's just that they went to a few places that seemed to be in the age of dinosaurs."

"Doctor Octopus has been confirmed dead. I repeat, Doctor Octopus has been confirmed dead!" The Thunder Warrior who had just stabbed the blade ran to the wreckage and looked through it for a while, then opened the communication channel to report.

This group of old villains were once the evil forces in the wasteland world, but now they have become like the afterimage of time, gradually forgotten in the corner.

Then, several photos of Doctor Octopus's corpse were developed on Bai Ye's side. He picked them up and looked at them. The photos were very clear and captured every detail.

"No problem!" The official immediately took the photo and ran to perform the task.

Bai Ye waved his hand, and several picture windows immediately appeared in front of his eyes, showing the scenes of the Thunder Warriors fighting the wasteland villains.

Bai Ye smiled and then gently pressed the switch.

and absolute obedience.

The craftsman knew very well that he and the wasteland world owed a lot of love to Bai Ye. No matter emotionally or morally, he must help Bai Ye perfect this teleporter.

"It shouldn't be like this. My last battle should be glorious." The Green Goblin slowly stood up in the sand and murmured to himself, staring confusedly at the Thunder Warriors who were about to charge.

The idea of ​​the transmission mechanism in the information on the desktop seems to be somewhat different from the existing one, but they have something in common. It seems that a schizophrenic person wrote two answers using different ways of thinking.

"The Green Goblin is dead, repeat, Green Goblin, Norman Osborn is dead!" Ronnie's voice resounded in the wind of the wasteland, and this situation was still happening in different places at the same time.

"Stay away from me! I just want to be alone!"

Bai Ye gently pressed the button on the console, and the picture on the screen gradually disappeared. Before the craftsman successfully repaired the teleporter, he could rest for a while.

A dense rain of bullets hit him, leaving holes in his green armor. The sound of metal clashing and sparks flying made Fatty's image even more embarrassing.

His voice was full of anger and helplessness, and the mechanical arm kept thrusting out, but every time it happened to be dodged by the warriors wearing golden power armor.

These old villains, who have long since aged out, have either drank to relieve their sorrows or slept soundly in the past few decades, without any sense of crisis at all.

The warrior who rushed to the front did not hesitate and waved the sharp blade in his hand. A violent tearing sound was heard, and blood spurted out like a fountain. The Green Goblin's head rolled down on the sand, watching the victory of the Thunder Warriors.

Ronnie, the former gangster, was "purified" and became a Thunder Warrior. At this moment, there was no resentment on his face, only determination and the pursuit of justice.

Bai Ye raised the corners of his mouth slightly as he watched the show of slaying evildoers being performed simultaneously in more than a dozen windows in front of him.

After only a few seconds, the skateboard that had been used for decades was hit by a bullet and lost its balance. The Green Goblin fell from his skateboard into the sand.

Just as he was trying hard to wave his mechanical arm to cover, a Thunder Warrior suddenly appeared from behind him, quickly inserted a sharp blade into his power backpack, and then quickly jumped back.

The craftsman touched the red band on his forehead. After a week of intense work, he looked a little tired.

This guy stood in front of an abandoned factory. The surrounding environment was dilapidated and decayed, which was very consistent with his temperament.

The Thunder Warrior picked up the Green Goblin's head, opened his helmet with the other hand, and cast his gaze on the Green Goblin's head.

In this window, what leaps into view is a monster with purple clothes and green leather and pointed ears riding on a purple flying skateboard. It is the famous Green Goblin.

"Live video."

A week later.

Bai Ye casually handed it to the official who had been standing by, "Make dozens if not millions of copies of these photos, including those that come later. I want the entire wasteland to appreciate their fate."

In these decades of silence, their equipment has not been upgraded and maintained, and even the normal operation of basic functions has become a problem. Wires are exposed, parts are loose, and much of the equipment is incomplete, falling into decay and silence like their owners.

"In addition, there are still some minor vibrations and discomforts during the transmission process, but we are working hard to optimize this problem. Overall, the conveyor can basically be used normally."

In a picture window, a fat man wearing green full-coverage armor appeared. His whole body was wrapped in thick green metal, and behind his back, several mechanical arms protruded from the armor and were flexible.

Accompanied by the sound of electricity and a terrifying explosion, the fat man let out a shrill scream and exploded, a burning fireball rising slowly at the entrance of the factory.

There was a hint of pride in the craftsman's voice, and he was obviously satisfied with his results.

At this time, the Green Goblin has long lost the majesty he once had. The bombs in his waist have long been exhausted, and he can only speed through a desert town without looking back.

Behind the old guy, a dozen Thunder Warriors were shooting at him with guns. The bullets turned into streaks of lightning and drew sharp trajectories in the air.

But even in this corner of the world, these things are not needed.

Seeing that the craftsman was getting busy, Bai Ye understood that he was devoting himself wholeheartedly to the manufacture of the teleporter, so he stopped disturbing him. Turning around slightly, he left the craftsman's workshop, passed through the laboratory, and came to the console of the building again.

"Is it ready for normal use?" Bai Ye's voice was full of curiosity and expectation. His eyes stayed on the conveyor for a moment, then turned to look at the craftsman, waiting for his response.

As he operated, the teleporter started, and the surrounding air seemed to become distorted. A faint light began to emit from the surface of the teleporter and gradually spread. Those rays of light seemed to be tiny currents, entangled together to form a flickering ball of light.

Illusive images gradually emerged from the light ball, which seemed to be scenes from another world.

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