Nuclear energy technology is so good. It is simple and clean. It can directly help the Prosilica people to transcend the civilization process of thousands of years. It will not be long before they at least have the qualifications to join the big stage of the universe.

Ikul thought so with his bald head at the time, and it was also true, so he shared this backward technology without hesitation.

With the help and leadership of a few observers, the originally ignorant local race developed rapidly, and their living conditions underwent earth-shaking changes almost overnight.

‘Overnight’ is not a figure of speech, but a statement of a simple fact.

Yesterday, the Prosilica people might have lived in a small fishing village by the sea, eating alien grilled fish caught from the sea. Today, they live in a modern technological city built for them under the leadership of the observer, and have eliminated all of disease and hunger.

The process of advancing the entire planet to this level only took ten years.

The level of use of nuclear energy technology by that group of Prosilica people was so perfect that they were equally perfect when destroying their own race. Within a few days, they blew up the beautiful Prosilica into a dead planet.

The observer was silent for a moment, his golden gloves clenched into fists, as if suppressing his inner emotions. His eyes were deep and steady, but clearly revealed a kind of doubt and confusion. What was reflected in his pupils was Bai Ye's firm and decisive eyes.

So they left, leaving the planet completely in the hands of the Prosilica people, hoping to see Prosilica bear more brilliant fruits of civilization when they return next time.

Ikul, who realized his mistake, fell into deep sorrow. He realized that maybe those opponents were right, and observers had no right to interfere with the development of a race, regardless of whether the purpose was good or bad.

No one rejoiced more than Ikur, and Ikur's son.

It's just that things went counterproductive. The rapidly increasing material conditions did not fill the hearts of the Prosilika people. Instead, their backward moral standards dominated those powerful technologies.

The big bald man in a blue cloak stared wide-eyed, unable to speak a complete sentence. His former silence and aloof disguise were ruthlessly torn off by Bai Ye.

"But more importantly, it is the love and yearning for those lives, which makes you interfere again and again with those who should fall into the abyss."

He has been monitoring all the future, all the past, paying attention to the development trajectory of every intellectual life, paying attention to the development of every reality. He is looking for the impossible result in different universes again and again:

Finally, he spoke, with a hint of dullness and depression in his voice: "Why are you talking about these little-known things?"

Nuclear dust that cannot be dissipated fills the atmosphere all day long, and the radiation level on the surface of the earth is frighteningly high. On this planet covered in desolation and ashes, the only thing that can be heard is the sound of the howling wind.

It's just that during this process, he inevitably helped out because he loved or sympathized with those little lives.

In just ten years, they helped people all over the planet!

"What really guides you is a feeling, a premonition of when and where the world is going to change dramatically. This is your innate ability."

Then, he said: "You took action later because things had reached a point where you could no longer sit idly by. The virus might cause irreparable damage to the entire multiverse."

This is like a young and ignorant child holding the launch button of a nuclear weapon in his hand - if there is such a thing, using it to smash walnuts to eat, something will happen sooner or later.

It really only took a moment, although he didn't think so when his race tried him in the future.

"you you."

At this moment, it was as if time had stopped, and the two people's eyes met, drawing an invisible line in the air.

So the sacred oath came into being, and the observers were never allowed to interfere with the fate of any life, but could only observe forever. This is respect for those lives and for themselves.

As he spoke, Bai Ye pointed to the corner of the room, where there was a closed door leading to a deeper part of the building. The crystallization of wisdom of the observer race is stored there, and its power is not enough for outsiders to understand.

His eyes seemed to be looking through Bai Ye, wanting to delve deeper into this person who shocked him.

So nuclear war broke out naturally, and a huge war covering the entire planet was ignited within a few days.

"And you and I should negotiate a condition. I will get rid of the tail of those viruses, and I will leave this universe."

Think about it, in the nearly infinitely long boring life of the Observers, how many poor little aliens can they help, and what wonderful miracles can those aliens create when they grow up?

The happier the locals are, the happier the observers will be. Feeling a strong sense of honor and responsibility, Ikul immediately took his companions and left here without stopping.

It's not that they look down on the Prosilica people who don't need help, but that there are still many people in need of help in this vast universe, and observers cannot just sit back and appreciate their own achievements.

"But what I want to say is that what makes you an observer and leads the way is not the technology placed in this blue zone."

After a while, the observers returned to the planet again, but were deeply shocked by the death on the planet. They brought these people tools and endless energy, and they actually chose to fight. Nuclear war?

His father, Ikul, did nothing wrong.

Bai Ye stood there with firm and calm eyes, not afraid of the monitor of the universe at all. He even smiled.

Among them, Ikul's son, Frog Tu, finally came to Earth and observed the development of life on this planet in silence.

After a moment, Bai Ye smiled and said: "I want to tell you that I am not a child who needs your care or guidance like those superheroes. I know everything you observe beyond your imagination. No one knows it better than me." Understand the multiverse.”

No longer possessing an aloof, unfathomable calm, the observer's eyes sparkled with complex emotions - confusion, fear, shock, and a hint of imperceptible anger.

"In addition, our cooperation will also prove that your father is right. Appropriate intervention is always better than indifferent spectatorship. What do you think?"

He extends his hand to the observer, an ordinary, human hand.

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