Opening his eyes again, Bai Ye no longer saw the steel city and the endless ruins in front of him. Instead, he saw a group of SHIELD agents wearing chemical protective suits, with the SHIELD logo clearly printed on their clothes.

These agents are busy cleaning up on the ground, using various tools and equipment to deal with some of the car wreckage on the streets.

The agents had a clear division of labor. Some were using lasers to cut away the debris, while others were using high-pressure water cannons to clean the ground. Under the masks of chemical protective suits, their expressions were focused and calm, as if they had become accustomed to everything.

This is indeed nothing to be surprised about. Director Fury personally sent an order saying that a dangerous goods leak occurred here and needed to be properly handled.

This kind of thing has happened many times before, but this time two superheroes died inside, making the situation a little different.

But soon, they also noticed Bai Ye's appearance. They immediately touched the gun hanging on their waist in surprise and stared at Bai Ye warily. An agent couldn't help but asked loudly: "Who are you? How did you get in here? ?”

The door opened automatically, revealing a spacious office where Fury sat, a cigar burning slowly in his hand. When he saw Bai Ye walking in, he smiled and nodded, indicating that Bai Ye could sit down.

"Of course, when else is he not there?"

The entire journey was silent, and soon the Quinjet landed on the deck of the aerospace carrier. Various agents and staff were busy actively. SHIELD's operations were obviously efficient and orderly.

Fury touched his blindfold curiously, and then responded: "A prisoner? Please tell me, who is it?"

The agent felt a little overwhelmed. He tried his best to close the distance with Bai Ye, but Bai Ye was obviously not interested in this. This made the agent feel rejected and fell into an awkward silence.

Just as the scene was getting tense, a voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkies hanging on the agents' bodies, instructing them to put down their weapons:

Bai Ye looked at the nervous agents calmly and confidently, without making any threatening moves.

At this time, the tense atmosphere gradually eased, and the agents' vigilance also dropped slightly. They began to become curious about Bai Ye and wanted to know more about his identity and origins.

Those clones were first sent back to the wasteland world and handed over to Walter and others in the laboratory to manage. There was no need to take them with him for what he wanted to do.

Bai Ye answered casually, turned around and walked to the Quinjet to sit down.

"He's fine. He's a friend of SHIELD. Put down your guns."

Bai Ye just responded lightly: "Thank you, but I'm just here to complete the task."

They hesitated slightly, but eventually obeyed the orders over the intercom. One of the agents took the lead and slowly took his hand away from the gun on his waist, while the other agents also breathed a sigh of relief and took their hands away from their weapons.

"Sandman. There is no problem, but this guy is difficult to control. You have to think ahead."

As the Quinjet takes off, White Night can overlook the scene of New York City through the portholes.

The agent came from the cockpit, sat next to Bai Ye, and tried to chat with him. He said: "Those guys below, their levels are very low, and some information is not within their authority. I hope you don't Blame.”

"Although this city has suffered a crisis, we have successfully restored it to what it is now through tenacity and cooperation. SHIELD has been working hard to maintain the tranquility of this world."

The landing of the fighter plane caused a slight sound of wind and engine hum. The cabin door slowly opened, revealing a SHIELD agent.

The agent smiled and continued: "Yes, we continue to work hard not only to protect the world, but also to seek more cooperation and understanding. Moreover, SHIELD is always looking for partners who can help us build a better future together. "

Bai Ye nodded and responded nonchalantly: "It seems that your efforts have yielded significant results."

There was a hint of exhaustion in Fury's smile. He put out his cigar and sighed: "It will take a lot of effort to quell the impact of this incident. The chaos and destruction caused by the zombies have brought great consequences to this city. A huge loss.”

You just said a few words and you couldn't help but start pulling people in?

Although he didn't know how this super villain would help solve the zombie crisis, it didn't stop him from using this evil-doing guy as a favor to Bai Ye.

"Sandman, I remember that after my soldiers cooperated with Spider-Man to knock him down, you should be the one to deal with it."

After the agents put down their guns, suddenly, a gray Quinjet appeared in the sky and slowly landed in an open space not far away. The fuselage of this fighter plane is also clearly printed with the SHIELD logo, proving its close connection with the agents.

Bai Ye just smiled slightly after listening to Fury's words, and then he said calmly: "Let's be clear, Director Fury, I need to get a prisoner from you this time. He will help me calm down the zombies in another world." Crisis helps."

Taking action to knock out these people is just a matter of thought, but I believe Fury will handle this matter well.

In the final analysis, that guy can only be regarded as a street villain and cannot be put on the stage.

The agent led Bai Ye to a heavy office door. He nodded to Bai Ye, indicating that Bai Ye could go see the director, and then left quickly as if running away, returning to his post.

The city below is like a huge maze, full of high-rise buildings, streets and vehicles. The vibrant city scene is in sharp contrast with the ruins of another time and space.

However, this agent with an obviously different identity did not pay attention to the actions of his colleagues. Instead, he walked over to Bai Ye and said in a polite but firm tone: "The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is waiting for you on the sky carrier, sir."

"For example, are you willing to enter into an in-depth cooperative relationship with us?"

His voice was full of nervousness and suspicion, and neither he nor the other agents had obviously expected Bai Ye's sudden appearance.

Fury thought briefly and then directly agreed to Bai Ye's request.

Wearing his trademark black uniform, he looked calm and determined. The agents quickly gathered and stared at the new colleague, preparing to accept his command.

The two people immediately shuttled around the aircraft carrier, twisting and turning, and finally came to a laboratory. The entrance to the laboratory was closely guarded by soldiers, and it was obvious that this was an important and protected place.

After entering the laboratory, Bai Ye and Fury saw a huge hourglass that was constantly rotating. In the hourglass, there is a ball of sand with what appears to be a vaguely human face.

Thanks to the book friend Mourning Wu Huaxia for the reward

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