The Sandman, who had transformed into a giant, stood among the ruins. His body was extremely tall and his muscles were luxuriant, as if he were a tower of life. His powerful roar is deafening, echoing through the wreckage of the ruined city as if announcing his presence.

"I have never experienced this kind of power. It is simply wonderful!" Sandman roared, his voice as powerful as thunder, spreading throughout the ruined city. He felt that he had unprecedented abilities, and the boiling energy filled his body, making him excited.

"I am the strongest creature in the world!"

He raised his huge arms and swung them, as if testing his new strength. Huge footsteps shook the earth, and each step caused the ruins to crack.

His roar became more intense, directly shattering the glass in the surrounding buildings. The fragments rained down, setting off a curtain of glass.

"As this guy said, he is indeed very powerful, and I think you have also injected him with the anti-viral vaccine so that he will not become a problem for us."

"Look at that guy, he's such a fool! He has grown so big and exposed himself directly in this ruins."

The latter raised his hand and used his telekinesis shield to block the vibrations that came with the sound, and said, "There may be more in some nooks and crannies, but there are so many that we can start."

Hearing this, the sand man let out a thundering roar without hesitation. His huge body seemed to be containing a powerful energy, and in an instant, he turned into a violent sandstorm, rushing towards the zombies quickly.

As minutes passed, the dust storm gradually subsided, the wind subsided, and the deafening roar gradually subsided. The originally violent storm gradually subsided, and the flying sand slowly settled.

However, as they got closer and closer to the Sandman, the Sandman also recognized these somewhat familiar figures.

The sandman shook his huge head slightly, as if trying to focus his mind, and then responded loudly: "No problem, boss!"

"Go ahead and let them see the price of underestimating you."

The only thing he needs now is meat.

At the same time, more zombies poured out of the ruined city from every corner. They seemed like nightmares tumbling out of the silent city, gathering in the direction of the Sandman like a tide.

"Ha, what the hell, his stupidity gave us more meat to enjoy. But I remember Mal has been transformed, why is it still meat?"

At first, the zombies did not realize what was about to happen and continued to charge forward. But when the sandstorm hit them and the wind howled, they realized something was wrong.

As the dust gradually dissipated, a vague figure gradually emerged. In the vast sand and dust, a figure gradually condensed and took shape, finally revealing the figure of the sand man.

This is much more exciting than beating Spider-Man!

Immediately, he hit the ground heavily with his huge fist, and the roar of the earth shaking and the mountains sounded. Debris flew everywhere, buildings in the ruined city were torn and shattered, and smoke and debris filled the air.

Magneto crossed his arms and commented on Sandman's actions, "But so far, I still don't understand what your purpose is in bringing him?"

The electro-optical man following him grinned and laughed, saliva dripping from his twisted mouth, with crackling electric sparks flashing on it.

Some zombies are ordinary people who originally lived in this city, while others are superpowers who travel through this wasteland. Their figures shuttle between dilapidated buildings, streets and ruins.

However, from Magneto's point of view, this scene is quite beautiful, especially the wails of the zombies before their death are like a beautiful symphony, as if telling him that his persistence for so many days has not been in vain.

"I also mixed something else into his body, you'll find out soon."

Why are sand people still human?

He quickly put this unclear question behind him. After so many days, there was no flesh foam at all, and his rotting zombie head was already a mess.

The powerful airflow brought by the sandstorm envelops countless grains of sand, as sharp as an invisible blade. When the first batch of zombies came into contact with this strong wind, they were immediately involved. Under the attack of the sandstorm, they seemed to have encountered a violent storm. Their entire bodies were rubbed by countless tiny grains of sand, and their skin and flesh quickly dissolved.

"Something's wrong! There's something wrong with this guy! Why doesn't he have a piece of flesh on his body?"

However, this is only an appearance. The zombies cannot detect the fundamental damage caused by the smaller nano-robots hidden in the deeper layers.

"Go back, go back!"

He strongly felt the surge of new power, and the muscles in his body seemed to express infinite power. Feeling this powerful excitement, he prepared to face this new challenge.

The zombies coming from different corners were astonishing in number, like a flood rushing on the cracked earth. Although their steps were stiff, they filled every corner of this silent city wantonly, converging towards the Sandman's position.

For some reason behind him, Doctor Octopus, who had only two mechanical arms left, shouted in a hoarse and broken voice. He was trying his best to use his remaining mechanical arms to push himself towards the Sandman.

His actions immediately caused a lot of noise in the ruins. Waves of distorted sounds came from the ruins. Then several infected zombies were attracted by his voice and rushed towards the source of the huge noise. .

"Boss, have you attracted enough?" Sandman turned to Bai Ye and shouted.

As Bai Ye spoke, he used his telekinesis, and his body flew lightly to the Sandman's side like a floating feather. He quickly floated to the sand man's huge ear and shouted loudly: "Smash the things around you, draw those zombies out, and then use your sand to drown them all!"

Those zombies let out heart-rending howls. They were unable to withstand the destructive power brought by the sandstorm. In the strong wind, their bodies gradually disintegrated, their muscles and skin were smoothed away, and they turned into white bones. They fell to the ground and stretched into a terrifying landscape.

Occasionally, a few smart guys try to find a large piece of sand to eat, hoping to transform the sandman into one of them to save their own lives, but every time they bite, it is always in vain, and they eat it before they die. A mouthful of sand.

However, it is worth mentioning that the sand man who has re-condensed into a human form is not hundreds of meters tall. He is now standing in front of Bai Ye at the size of an ordinary person and said with a smile:

"It's so cool, boss, this is so cool."

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