On the battlefield, a huge giant raised his arms high, his eyes full of ferocity and ruthlessness. His muscles were like solid steel, and his hands were huge enough to easily crush anything that stood in his way.

At this moment, he was constantly bending down to grab a small yellow figure next to his feet, but the figure kept moving around, making his fingers miss every time.

Hunter Kraven, armed with a sophisticated energy gun, can only seem insignificant in the face of such a huge threat.

"Damn intruder. This is much harder than catching a spider."

Kraven, who didn't know which universe he came from, dodged nimbly. The laser gun flashed with dazzling light in his hand and kept making "sizzling" sounds as it hit the giant's chest, but there was nothing except a trace of scorch. Leave.

Another huge slap came from the side. This time the giant gave up grabbing him directly and instead wanted to swat him to death like a fly.

not good!

The only good thing is that those giant troops were delayed by his legion of villains, and these cannon fodder can still play a big role.

The moment the giant exerted more force, Kraven's body began to make a cracking sound, as if it was about to be squeezed. The giant's fingers gradually penetrated Kraven's defense, and the fingertips were covered with blood and broken organs.


Is it worth all the effort he puts into attacking the heir?

"Listen, intruder!" Thinking of this, Deimos suddenly gasped and tilted his head half way, and shouted loudly with a kind of anxiety and helplessness in his voice:

"If you turn around and leave now, I can represent the Successor family and not pursue these matters. If you evacuate here, we will not chase you, otherwise you will face a devastating blow!"

The fragments streaked through the air at extremely fast speeds and with force, like flying arrows in the dark night. However, Bai Ye's reaction was equally quick. His telekinesis was like a transparent shield, accurately pushing aside each piece of debris, causing them to lose their target in mid-air and turn into erratic dust when they fell.

The hunter struggled hard and uttered sounds, trying to distract the giant in this way. He felt like he could hardly breathe.

However, before he could take a breath, another big hand from directly above grabbed him firmly, and at the same time, a strong voice came:

"To be honest, people like you are already dead where I come from. Are you Kraven? Only a few of your descendants are still doing evil in my world."

"Just like you."

"Huh? Really? What about them?"

Finally, the giant's palm clenched tightly, and Kraven's body burst like a fragile balloon under the huge force. Blood, minced flesh, and fragments were scattered everywhere, and Kraven's screams suddenly stopped, and his existence was completely annihilated at this moment.

Even if he took out a small dagger and scratched it, or used his own hands to push those big scary fingers, it didn't bring him any relief.

Every fragment in his hands became a tool of surprise. He used all his strength, aimed at Bai Ye who was chasing after him, and quickly threw these fragments.

Fear gradually began to arise in the hunter's heart, causing his Adam's apple and pupils to tremble slightly.

Bai Ye raised his eyebrows, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile: "Really? Don't you think your words are a bit unconvincing as a person who is running away?"

The other villains on the battlefield changed their expressions one after another, and were stunned for a moment when faced with this cruel scene.

Although there was chaos behind him, the fierce battle between the giants and the villain army, and Kraven's screams, Bai Ye did not look back, as if he was ignoring it all. There was only one target in his eyes, and that was Deimos, who was desperately trying to escape with the clone cabin in hand.

He carried the clone of Janix on his shoulders and ran forward quickly. He was tall and bulky, and every step caused the ground to shake.

Kraven howled, his struggling figure becoming insignificant in the giant's palm. The giant showed no mercy, holding it tightly with one hand, as if he was playing with an insignificant insect.

Janix did not wake up from this clone, perhaps because his consciousness randomly transferred to another clone, perhaps because these clones have not yet been activated.

The clone warehouse swayed on his shoulders, making mechanical buzzing sounds from time to time, as if declaring the despair of an escape.

It's just that the person behind him is getting closer and closer. If this continues, it's not an option. Sooner or later, he will have to catch up.

From time to time, he used his free hand to grab fragments of buildings on the ground. His big hands were like iron pliers, easily pinching various debris to form a series of weapons the size of raindrops.

Hearing these words, Demos was immediately shocked and angry: "You"

"You have no idea what you will face if my father Thorus, my brother Morlun, and others arrive here!"

The giant sneered, his palms quickly contracted, and he grabbed Kraven tightly, making it impossible for him to break free.

What grudge does that guy have against the Heir family?

"I've only seen them in the news and newspapers. They are so virtuous. They wear animal skins and pretend to be some great people."

What makes me angry is that this person directly pointed out that he is not his father's favorite son. What makes him shocked is that this kind of information that is only circulated within the successor family is actually known to an outsider. How is this possible?

Deimos's brows furrowed. His attack seemed to be difficult to achieve, but he had no intention of stopping. This was the only way he could deal with the intruder. Even if there was only a faint glimmer of hope, he had to grasp it.

The entire battlefield paused for a second, and then fell into fierce fighting again.

His cry for help echoed on the battlefield, but it could not stop the giant's cold murderous intent. The other villains were too busy fighting on their own to support him.

A gust of cold wind whistled past, and Deimos felt the pursuer behind him. His back was as cold as if it had been blown by the cold wind. He did not dare to pause at all, and ran forward with all his strength.

Craven was immediately startled, and used all his strength to forcefully step on his feet. Using the wreckage and mechanical devices on the side as cover, he quickly changed his position and barely managed to turn the giant's attack into a shadow in the air.

"Also, if Solus really appears here, I'm afraid it won't be a good thing for you. Your status in his heart will only become lower. After all, you have never been his favorite son."

"Help help"

Wait, was it the exiled Kahn who told this person?

Maybe this attack was caused by Kahn's hatred, and he united with outsiders to attack his family!

The more he thought about it, the more Deimos felt that he had probably guessed the truth, and his feet became faster.

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