Among the ruins of the castle, giants in red combat uniforms form a spectacular landscape.

Wearing special combat uniforms, they became tall and powerful after activating Pym particles, standing neatly on the ruins. The red shirt looks particularly bright against the dark background, standing like a group of guardians in this destroyed field.

The giants are tall and straight, with clearly visible muscle lines, revealing a powerful force. They wore special helmets on their faces, hiding their appearance, revealing only cold and determined eyes. The red light on the helmet flickered in the darkness.

All around, broken walls and broken stones formed a messy scene, but amidst the chaos, the giants stood proudly like sculptures.

Suddenly, a gust of wind pierced the night sky, and Bai Ye's figure flew over the giant army. The moment he flew by, all the giants raised their heads and stared at him.

Bai Ye's flying speed was astonishing. He was like a bolt of lightning streaking across the night sky, but as he passed by, the giants still maintained their majestic posture. They were silent, just watching quietly, waiting for orders.

Bai Ye shrugged, looked at Solus with a wry smile indifferently, and then said lightly: "In a sense, you are right. Kahn wants you to die more than anyone else in the world." Want it all."

Blood spread between his fingers, but he didn't show any pain or fear.

He trembled and tried to speak again, but a violent cough broke out again, preventing him from completing his accusation.

The sword flashed, and in an instant, his blade struck down like lightning. The air was split open by this knife, making a harsh knife sound.

In the surging red light, the giants watched the white night disappear into the night.

His body was trembling, and a few mouthfuls of blood spilled on the ground, like the last struggle of life. Solus's expression instantly became more bitter and painful. His hands trembled and tried to grab some support, but he could only wave in the void.

"He did it. He must have wanted to kill us."

Sorus, wearing a broken splendid battle robe, with gray hair and beard, is the patriarch of the heir family, now slumped in the ruins. His original majestic image has been destroyed by war and radiation, and he is like an old king, decadent and haggard.

The dilapidated buildings and ruins around him reflected his inner ruin, and his decadence was as irreversible as the fate of his successor family.

The bloody reality unfolded before his eyes, and Sorus felt that his control had disappeared with the collapse of the successor family.

Then he raised his head, his eyes were deep and piercing, revealing a kind of perseverance that was both unyielding and helpless.

His eye sockets were sunken and he looked very tired, but there was a hint of cunning and helplessness in this fatigue.

Bai Ye slowly raised the blade in his hand, and the blade shone with a cold light in the strong light.

The whole person was paralyzed on the ground, his back bent, as if he was being oppressed by an invisible force. His face is full of wrinkles, and time and war have left deep marks on his appearance.

They fell in the ruins, their bodies spread out, their faces changed beyond recognition. Their original elegance and nobility had long gone, leaving only a ferocious, decadent and dying look.

"You you destroyed us. You."

Although the future Kahn thinks so, the current Kahn does not think so. But Kahn, who will become the Spider Web Master in the future, is also Kahn.


Their fingers trembled, trying to support their exhausted bodies, but in the end they fell to the ground weakly, becoming another desolate scenery in this desolate land.

The decadent successors made faint groans, which were regrets and lamentations for everything they had lost.

The moment the blade intersects with the flesh, a burst of blood mist floats away. Saurus's body trembled slightly in the bright light, and then fell down slowly.

This scene seems to be frozen in an instant. The giant on the ruins and the flying white night form a unique and majestic picture.

The gorgeous clothes were illuminated transparent and pale in the strong radiation, and the blood stains were mixed with dirt, forming a terrifying color. The once expensive attire was now like a layer of dust covering the ragged body.

When the white night fell from the sky, he raised his old head and stared deeply at the black shadow in the sky. At that moment, his eyes flashed with mania and despair, as if he saw the coming disaster.

Bai Ye looked back at the giants, muttered something and continued to fly forward. Soon he came to where the successors were, and at the same time he felt a burning sensation in his body.

Under the strong light, Solus' white hair was fluttering in the breeze. He was silent for a moment, and then gently adjusted his collar that was soaked in blood, looking extremely calm.


Sorus roared hoarsely, his voice filled with endless anger and despair. However, before he could finish his roar, a violent cough suddenly broke out, and blood splattered on his mouth.


At this time, Solus was no longer the successor leader of the past, but an overwhelmed old man who no longer had the slightest arrogance in the face of annihilation.

"I knew that little brat always held a grudge in his heart and wanted to put all of us to death."

"Well done."

"Where's Kahn? Hahaha." The patriarch of the Heir family let out a hoarse laugh, but that laughter was mixed with deep bitterness.

What he said was the truth.

The heirs' bodies were covered with festering wounds, and blood and mud were intertwined. These wounds came not only from the battle, but also from the poison of radiation, which corroded their skin beyond recognition. The members of the Successor family now look more like poor people tortured by time and devastated by fate.

Their eyes lost their former sharpness and were full of decadence and despair. Under the strong light of radiation, the flames that once burned with ambition and desire in those eyes have now become dim, like empty shells that have lost their souls.

After Solus heard Bai Ye's remarks, he laughed miserably, and a bitter and helpless emotion surged into his heart.

Bai Ye fell from above his head, looking down at the former clan leader with cold eyes, saying nothing.

Under the bright radiation, the richly dressed heirs looked particularly pale and miserable. Their originally noble clothes were now in tatters and were exposed to the light. A veneer of luxury was shattered by decay and radiation.

Saurus, on the other hand, barely raised his body half up, his graying hair disheveled in front of his forehead. Combined with the ulcers, his entire face looked old and distorted.

Bai Ye put away the blade in his hand, his cold eyes not wavering at all. He looked at Sorus who fell to the ground, and his words revealed an unquestionable declaration:

"The age of the heirs is over."

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