Pim sat down in front of the tall computer, tapping his fingers on the keyboard, making a crisp sound.

The data on the display scrolls rapidly, and various charts and information are alternately displayed in front of your eyes. He seemed to be able to manipulate the complex device with ease, as if he were one with it.

Bai Ye stood aside, watching Pim's fingers dancing, and couldn't help but marvel at his computer skills. The control center of this underground laboratory is his stage, and the computer is his instrument.

Suddenly, Pim stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Bai Ye. "By the way, we need to obtain video records about the blue-skinned super villain. I have arranged some cameras in the city surveillance system, and maybe we can find some clues."

"I think it's not difficult to find these things now, but it will take a while. I also need to check the police surveillance."

He started typing commands on the keyboard again, and various monitoring images quickly switched on the screen. Bai Ye saw a series of blurry images showing various corners of the ruins.

"found it!"

Pim Hank was lost in thought. He rewatched the footage, trying to understand the logic of it all. The Blue Woman's actions seemed more like a specific mission in a war than a simple attack.

"It seems that he left some clues in the city." Pim stared at the blue figure on the screen, his eyes flashing with thought. "These images may hold the key to our understanding of him."

"You mean, knocking down Iron Man might have been her goal, rather than killing Iron Man?" Hank Pym whispered to himself, frowning slightly.

He was looking for information about the blue-skinned woman and what might be related to her. Bai Ye took the opportunity to look at the layout of this place.

There are some technological equipment placed next to it, which look like highly advanced experimental tools.

He skillfully operated on the computer and opened a city surveillance video. What was shown on the screen was a high-rise building in flames, with Iron Man flying in the air and fighting a group of Ultron robots.

Bai Ye raised his hand and pointed at the picture on the screen, focusing on the moment after the blue-skinned woman knocked down Iron Man in the video. "You see, she did not continue to attack Iron Man, but left without hesitation. What is even more puzzling is that those Ultron robots did not stop her."

"This is the blue-skinned supervillain." Pim Hank stared at the screen, frowning slightly. He took a deep breath and began to analyze the video.

Bai Ye nodded, "Yes, it seems that she has some special interest or purpose for Iron Man. We need to have a deeper understanding of this blue-skinned woman and find out her origins, goals and motives behind her."

"Her appearance has changed the entire battle. It does not seem like a blind attack, but a clear goal. Iron Man does not seem to be her primary target, and may just be a stumbling block in her way."

Suddenly, a familiar blue figure appeared on the screen, it was the super villain they had encountered in the city before.

Pym refocused on the computer screen and began searching for more city surveillance footage. Bai Ye sat quietly on the chair, looking at the screen, trying to pry out clues to the truth through the virtual digital world.

Bai Ye nodded, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "We need more information to understand the past and purpose of this super villain, as well as the possible relationship between him and Ultron. Only through in-depth investigation can we find and solve this mystery. clues.”

The atmosphere of the whole room is quiet and focused, like a technological secret room. Bai Ye was immersed in this unknown research space and became very interested in these high-tech equipment and layouts. He stood quietly aside, his eyes wandering between various technological devices and screens, trying to understand the mysteries that might be hidden here.

He stared at the picture on the screen with a sharp light in his eyes. "Her actions looked more like a sophisticated plan than a blind attack. She came here only to knock out Iron Man and then quickly retreated. At the same time, the Ultron robots showed a certain attitude towards her actions. an attitude of acquiescence.”

Bai Ye thought for a moment and stared at the video on the screen. His brows furrowed slightly, as if digging for deeper clues. Suddenly, he said: "Perhaps Iron Man is not the enemy of the blue-skinned woman, but may be her target."

Pim Hank was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Why?"

Bai Ye looked around and noticed some strange devices placed in the corners of the room, which might be equipment used for scientific research experiments. The projector on the wall projects a dense stream of data, forming an intricate technological scene.

After saying that, his fingers began to tap on the keyboard again, and various documents, charts, and images continued to appear on the computer screen.

Pym continued to search and sift, trying to find more information about the supervillain. Bai Ye followed his every move, and her understanding of this mysterious enemy gradually deepened.

In the picture, the sound of mechanical collision and the flash of laser intertwined into a fierce battle. However, just when Iron Man seemed to have the upper hand, a window on one side of the screen suddenly burst, and a woman with blue skin and two horns on her head jumped out, holding a long-handled weapon, and hit the steel hard. On the knight's armor.

With the instant impact, Iron Man was knocked down from the air and landed with a crash, raising a cloud of smoke and dust. The blue woman landed gracefully aside, her long-handled weapon still exuding a dangerous aura.

After Pim Hank pondered for a moment, he nodded in agreement. "You are right, we need to track down her traces. Maybe she holds important clues to the Ultron plan."

"Bai Ye, what do you think is the identity and motivation of this super villain?" Pim stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Bai Ye, expecting his opinion.

A faint fluorescent light filled the room, reflecting on Pim Hank's focused face. Various screens hang on the walls, displaying different information and data. In the center of the room is a large tablet showing the current progress of the investigation.

Pim Hank glanced at the information on the screen from time to time while rapidly switching between windows on the keyboard. There was a hint of nervousness and anticipation on his face.

If the real culprit behind all this can really be found, it will be an explanation for himself and his dead companions.

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