A huge city map appeared on the computer screen, with various data constantly flowing on it. Walter kept inputting instructions on the keyboard, retrieving various data, analyzing and processing them.

"The first thing we need to focus on is the city's network security." Bai Ye said, pointing to the flashing red mark on the screen.

"Yes, network security is our top priority." Walter nodded and continued to operate on the computer.

The data stream keeps scrolling on the screen, and various information is displayed in categories. Walter carefully analyzed every data, looking for potential threats and vulnerabilities.

"We need to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the network system to ensure that it has not been hacked." Bai Ye said.

"I've started it and I'll finish it as soon as possible," Walter replied.

The data on the screen flows, showing the operating status of various network systems in the city. Walter constantly retrieved various information, analyzed and compared it, trying to find potential loopholes and threats.

Bai Ye watched their retreating figures, her heart filled with worry and expectation. He knew that this mission was full of uncertainties, but he believed that this team of warriors could meet all challenges and complete the mission.

"Hello, Mr. Bai Ye? This is the director." A deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I will include these locations in our key protection areas." Walter continued to operate on the computer.

Suddenly, the sound of heavy footsteps broke the silence of the office. A uniformed soldier walked in and gave Bai Ye a military salute.

"We also need to strengthen the defense of the border to prevent any potential attacks." Bai Ye said, pointing to the border map displayed on the screen.

The data stream scrolls continuously on the screen, showing the location and operating status of various important facilities in the city. Walter marked these sites on a map and enhanced their protection.

"Get ready to go!" Bai Ye gave the order.

Bai Ye sat at his desk, studying the latest intelligence report intently. Suddenly, the ringing of the phone broke the silence, and Bai Ye picked up the phone casually.

The soldiers were immediately ready and ready to go. They wore thick body armor and held advanced weapons. They all had solemn expressions and firm eyes.

"Director, what are you doing for me?" Bai Ye frowned slightly, and he could feel a hint of anxiety in the director's voice.

"May they have a safe journey." Bai Ye prayed softly.

The command center was busy, and soldiers were busy assigning tasks and arranging troops. Bai Ye walked aside, took the latest intelligence report, and studied it carefully.

"Yes, I will incorporate this aspect into our plan." Walter continued to operate on the computer.

On the side near the window is a white leather sofa with several thick magazines piled on the soft cushions. It seems to be used for guests or office staff to rest. The curtains were half-opened, and through the half-open windows, one could see the dim lights of the city in the distance. The breeze blew by, blowing the curtains and making a slight rustling sound.

The night outside the window gradually deepened, and a bright moon hung in the sky, casting a faint moonlight. Bai Ye stood quietly in front of the window, watching the team of soldiers go away, filled with expectations and prayers.

The city outside the window looked particularly peaceful under the cover of night, with sporadic lights on the streets dotting the darkness. Bai Ye stood by the window of the office, staring quietly into the distance, watching a group of soldiers in power armor go away.

Reports indicate that the crisis occurred on the southeastern border of the city, with an unidentified armed group trying to cross the border and enter the city. This armed group is powerful and well-equipped and may pose a serious threat to the security of the city.

Bai Ye frowned, knowing that this was a severe test. He immediately ordered the city's defense lines to be reinforced, and at the same time sent an elite force to the southeastern border to prevent the enemy from invading.

"Mr. Bai Ye, I just received the latest intelligence. The soldiers have successfully stabilized the situation and the situation has been effectively controlled." The director's tone seemed slightly more relaxed.

"Mr. Bai Ye, we are ready and ready to go at any time." the soldier reported.

A huge map hangs on the wall of the office, with various strategic points and important locations marked on it, clearly showing the geographical pattern of the entire city. The bookshelf under the map contains thick military documents and historical materials, revealing Bai Ye's profound knowledge of military strategy.

"Wish us victory!" Bai Ye prayed silently.

This team of warriors is the guardian of the city, and they were sent to deal with this sudden crisis. Wearing strong power armor and armed with advanced weapons, they are the backbone of urban security. Their every move shows perseverance and decisiveness, and they are Bai Ye's most trusted warriors.

"Very good, Director. Please continue to pay attention to the situation and be ready to deal with possible changes at any time." Bai Ye said firmly.

The data on the screen is constantly changing, showing various information about the city's borders. Walter drew red lines on the map, indicating the defense range of the border.

"We also need to strengthen the protection of important facilities in the city to ensure the safety of citizens." Bai Ye pointed to some locations displayed on the screen and said.

In the spacious office, Bai Ye sat alone behind a large desk, with various files and electronic equipment neatly placed on the desktop. A soft desk lamp casts a warm light, illuminating his work area and reflecting his cold and brooding face.

There was a tense atmosphere in the office. Bai Ye stood in front of the window and watched the team of soldiers go away. His heart was filled with worries and expectations. He knew that this mission was full of risks, but he believed that this team of warriors was capable of completing the mission and protecting the safety of the city.

Baiye walked to the window and looked at the southeastern border in the distance. He knew that a fierce battle was about to begin there, but he believed that his soldiers could overcome all difficulties and protect the safety of their homeland.

As the soldiers set off, Bai Ye's mood became more and more tense. He knew that the success of this mission was related to the safety of the entire city, and he must go all out to ensure the successful completion of the mission.

Bai Ye nodded and thanked the soldier. Then, he turned away from the window and prepared to go to the command center.

Bai Ye breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and the worry in his heart eased a little. He knew that this was a severe test, but he was gratified by the soldiers' outstanding performance.

Suddenly, a roar came from the distance, and fighter jets flew across the sky, flying towards the southeastern border. A trace of determination flashed in Bai Ye's eyes. He knew that reinforcements were coming and a decisive battle was about to begin.

"Understood, Mr. Bai Ye. We will continue to pay close attention to the development of the situation and ensure the safety of the city." The director said solemnly.

There was a hang-up sound on the other end of the phone. Bai Ye put down the phone and felt relieved.

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