In the afterglow of dusk, the soldiers ended their long and tiring day and dragged their heavy steps back to the camp. The afterglow of the setting sun shines on everyone's face, casting long shadows, which seem to silently tell their fatigue.

In the camp, the bonfire danced under the night, emitting a warm and faint light. The soldiers sat around the fire. Some closed their eyes and meditated, some lowered their heads in deep thought, and some were talking in low voices. Their voices sounded particularly clear in the silent night, full of fatigue and helplessness.

At this moment, Bai Ye stood up and clapped his hands, breaking the tranquility. His figure looked tall and firm in the firelight, with a sharp light shining in his eyes. The soldiers raised their heads and looked at him, waiting for the next order.

"Okay, the rest time is over." Bai Ye's voice was calm and powerful, as if carrying an unquestionable majesty, "Now, let's start the shooting training."

When the soldiers heard this, although there was a hint of reluctance on their faces, they quickly stood up and began to organize their equipment. They knew that this was a military order that could not be resisted.

Bai Ye walked to an open area and signaled the soldiers to line up. He picked up a rifle and skillfully demonstrated the essentials of shooting to the soldiers. His movements were smooth and powerful, every step precise. The soldiers looked at him intently, secretly admiring him.

Upon hearing this, the soldiers put down their rifles and began to pack their equipment. Although their movements were a little slow, they were full of power.

"First group, shoot!" Bai Ye ordered loudly.

As time went by, the sun gradually set in the west, and the light on the training ground began to soften. But the soldiers seemed not to notice the passage of time. They were still training seriously, as if they wanted to devote all their energy to this shooting training.

Finally, when the last group of soldiers finished shooting, Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction. He walked up to the soldiers, looked at their tired but determined eyes, and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Bai Ye turned around and left, leaving behind the soldiers busy in the night. His steps were firm and powerful, as if no matter how difficult the road ahead was, he had the confidence to lead the soldiers forward.

"It's almost time to rest, get up." Bai Ye's voice was not loud, but it had a penetrating power that allowed every soldier to hear clearly.

"Ready - run!" Following Bai Ye's order, the soldiers rushed out of the starting line like an arrow. Their steps were uniform, and each step was firm and powerful.

This night, although full of fatigue and sleepiness, was also full of hope and faith. The soldiers use their sweat and efforts to write their own stories, and Bai Ye is the most important leader in their story.

The sounds of running, breathing, and encouragement are intertwined to form a vivid picture. Every soldier interprets persistence and perseverance in his own way, and their figures look so firm and persistent in the morning sun.

At the other end of the runway is a white finish line. It lay there quietly, waiting for every soldier to rush. Whenever a soldier crosses the finish line, there will be a burst of cheers and applause, which is the best recognition of their efforts.

Time passed little by little, and the shooting training lasted for a long time. The soldiers' movements gradually became more proficient, and their shooting accuracy also improved significantly. However, their faces were still full of exhaustion and sleepiness, and they couldn't help but sit down and rest.

On the training ground, the soldiers have lined up, waiting for the next order. Bai Ye stood in front of the team, his eyes sternly scanning everyone. There was no expression on his face, but there was an unquestionable majesty in his eyes.

Bai Ye turned around and left the training ground, leaving the soldiers to rest where they were. They supported each other and sat on the grass, enjoying a rare moment of peace.

Night was falling, and the camp lights flickered in the darkness. The sound of shooting came and went, breaking the tranquility of the night. The soldiers' faces were illuminated by fire, and their eyes were focused and firm, as if all fatigue and helplessness were forgotten at this moment.

As the day progresses and the sun rises, so does the temperature on the training ground. The soldiers' clothes were soaked with sweat, but they still did not stop.

On both sides of the track are neat lawns, full of greenery, which seem to bring a bit of life to the training ground. Occasionally, there were a few birds jumping happily on the lawn. Their calls were clear and sweet, intertwined with the breathing of the soldiers, forming a strange harmony.

Bai Ye saw this scene, and a glimmer of approval flashed in his eyes. He did not speak, but nodded silently, as if to tell the soldiers that he had seen their efforts and persistence.

Finally, under Bai Ye's order, the shooting training ended. The soldiers put down their rifles with relief and sat on the ground, breathing heavily. Although their faces were tired, they also revealed a sense of satisfaction and pride after completing the task.

The sound of running echoed in the empty training ground, accompanied by the heavy breathing of the soldiers, as if playing an exciting movement. Their figures looked so resolute and upright under the reflection of the rising sun.

The night is getting darker and darker, and the lights of the campground appear particularly bright in the darkness. The soldiers began to pack their equipment and prepare to rest. They know that there will be more training waiting for them tomorrow.

Bai Ye stood at the entrance of the camp, his eyes deep and firm. He knew that this night was just the beginning, and there would be more challenges waiting for them in the future. But he also believes that as long as they unite as one and move forward courageously, they will be able to overcome all difficulties.

As the night deepened, the soldiers gradually fell asleep. Their breathing became even and gentle, as if they had found a moment of peace in this quiet night. Bai Ye, on the other hand, stood quietly aside, guarding their dreams and their future.

Finally, when the last group of soldiers crossed the finish line, Bai Ye relaxed his frown. He walked up to the soldiers, looked at their tired but determined eyes, and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

The running training lasted for a long time, and the soldiers began to look tired on their faces. But they still persisted, and no one stopped to rest.

After the demonstration, Bai Ye handed the rifle to the soldiers beside him and motioned for them to start practicing. The soldiers took the rifles, followed Bai Ye's instructions, and began to aim at distant targets.

Bai Ye walked aside, took out a whistle from his pocket, and blew it gently. The whistle was sharp and harsh, instantly breaking the tranquility of the training ground. The soldiers immediately raised their rifles and aimed at the target ahead.

In this silent night, the gasps of the soldiers and the sounds of the collision of equipment intertwined to create a unique atmosphere. Their figures stretched under the light, as if they had become the most profound imprint of the night.

As the last traces of night fade, a new day begins. The soldiers will once again face new challenges, and Bai Ye will continue to lead them to a broader world. In this world full of unknowns and variables, they will use their courage and wisdom to write their own legends.

Following his command, the soldiers in the first group pulled the trigger without hesitation. Gunshots came and went, echoing on the training ground. The sound of bullets piercing the air is sharp and harsh, making people feel an inexplicable sense of tension.

This night was long and tiring for the soldiers. But they know that only through such training can they become stronger and braver. And Bai Ye will also lead them to a more unknown and challenging future.

Although the running training is over, the soldiers' journey continues. They know that only by experiencing such hardships and tests can they become stronger and braver. They will continue to move forward and fight for their dreams and beliefs.

After the shooting, Bai Ye walked to the target and carefully checked the shooting results of each soldier. His brows sometimes furrowed and sometimes relaxed, as if he was thinking about something.

The soldiers moved upon hearing the sound. Although their bodies were still a little stiff, they quickly stood up from the ground and lined up neatly. Although their movements were a little slow, every step they took was firm and powerful.

The sun shines on them, warm and soft. The wind on the training ground blew gently, taking away their fatigue and sweat. They sat quietly, as if they were thinking about something, and as if they were enjoying the peace and tranquility of this moment.

The soldiers immediately took action. They skillfully removed the rifles from their backs and began to check the status of the firearms. Every movement seemed so skillful and natural, as if these movements had been engraved in their bones.

Bai Ye nodded, satisfied with their performance. He walked up to the team and clapped his hands, his voice clear and loud. "Okay, let's start shooting training now."

After listening to his companion's words, the soldier's eyes flashed with determination. He took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and continued to run forward with firm steps.

"Work in pairs, supervise each other, don't be lazy." Bai Ye continued to give orders.

In the darkness, the lights in the camp gradually went out, leaving only a few firelights flickering in the darkness. The breathing of the soldiers was particularly clear in the night, as if telling their persistence and determination.

Suddenly, a soldier began to stagger, obviously exhausted. His companions noticed this immediately and held him tight, encouraging him to persevere.

"Second group, get ready!" Bai Ye turned around and said to the soldiers in the second group.

At the starting point of the track, there is an eye-catching red starting line, marking the starting point of each run. The soldiers stood behind the line with firm eyes, waiting for the order to be issued. Their figures, illuminated by the rising sun, looked so resolute and upright, as if they were unyielding sculptures.

The soldiers quickly acted according to the instructions, forming pairs and taking positions. Bai Ye nodded, satisfied with this reaction.

"That's all for today's training." Although Bai Ye's voice was calm, it revealed a deep sense of exhaustion.

When the soldiers heard this, they immediately stood up straight with a determined expression on their faces. They know that although running training is simple, it is a double test of physical strength and will.

The night is getting darker and the soldiers are falling asleep one after another. There were tired smiles on their faces, as if they had found a moment of peace in their dreams. Bai Ye, on the other hand, stood on the edge of the camp, looking at the starry sky in the distance, his heart filled with thoughts and expectations for the future.

The soldiers in the second group immediately adjusted themselves and prepared to start shooting. There was no expression on their faces, only focus and determination.

Bai Ye stood aside, his eyes closely following the steps of the soldiers. There was no expression on his face, but there was a deep concern in his eyes. He sometimes frowned and sometimes nodded, as if he was thinking about something.

In the night, their figures gradually blurred, but their spirits were forever engraved in the memory of this night. It was a night full of challenges and opportunities, and a night that belonged to them all.

When the soldiers heard this, they all had tired but satisfied smiles on their faces. They knew that they had completed today's training task. Although the process was difficult, the result was worth it.

The sky brightened slightly the next day, and the afterglow of the morning sun had not completely dispelled the chill of the night.

Bai Ye shuttled among the soldiers, stopping from time to time to point out their mistakes and correct them. His voice echoed in the night, carrying an unquestionable authority. Although the soldiers were dissatisfied with his guidance, they did not dare to slack off at all.

"Don't give up, we will definitely finish the race." Although the voice of my companion was a little breathy, it was full of determination and strength.

The shooting training lasted for a long time, and the soldiers' faces were full of exhaustion. But Bai Ye showed no signs of relaxing. He still had strict requirements on every soldier to ensure that they could perform at their best.

Bai Ye stood aside and looked at the soldiers with deep eyes. There was no expression on his face, as if he was thinking about something. He knew that these soldiers had done their best, but they still had a long way to go.

The running field is located in a corner of the military camp and is surrounded by tall trees, forming a relatively independent area. The early morning sun shines through the treetops and onto the flat runway, casting a faint halo. The runway is paved with dark asphalt. After years of baptism, the surface has been somewhat worn, but it is still flat and solid and can withstand the soldiers running day after day.

"Very good, you all persisted." Although Bai Ye's voice was calm, it revealed a deep appreciation.

"Today, we have running training." Bai Ye's voice was low and powerful, as if it could penetrate everyone's heart.

The picture gradually blurred, and finally settled on the firm backs of the soldiers. Their figures looked so tall and firm in the sun, as if they were mountains that would never fall, guarding this land and their beliefs.

This is their daily life, full of hardships and challenges. But they never gave up, because they knew that only in this way could they become true warriors and protect everything they wanted to protect.

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