Journey Through the Marvel Universe Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 552: Receiving the wind and washing away the dust

After a long search and battle, Bai Ye and the soldiers finally returned to the base. The door of the base slowly opened, and a familiar sight came into view. The tense nerves of the soldiers seemed to relax a little at this moment. Bai Ye walked in the front, his face looked a little tired, but his eyes shone with determination.

The experimenter had already been waiting at the entrance of the base. When he saw Bai Ye coming back, he hurriedly came forward to greet him, with a bit of urgency in his tone: "Sir Bai Ye, you are back! There are no more radioactive creatures for the time being, and the surrounding area of ​​the base is safe. "

After Bai Ye heard this, a relieved smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he nodded: "Okay, thank you for your hard work." After saying that, he looked around to confirm that there was nothing abnormal, and then continued: "Although it is safe for the time being, we still can't Relax your vigilance. Soldiers, continue to be on alert and increase patrols."

The soldiers agreed in unison, and although their voices were a little hoarse, they were full of determination. Bai Ye looked at them, and the worry in his heart eased slightly. He knows that these soldiers are his support, and they jointly protect the safety of this base.

Inside the base, the lights were dim and the atmosphere seemed a bit depressing. Bai Ye walked into the command room and sat on the main seat. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He knew that although it was safe now, the road ahead was still long and they could not relax.

"Sir, all soldiers have returned to their posts and have stepped up patrols around the base." A soldier walked into the command room and reported to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye nodded: "Very good, keep it up. Let the experimenter also strengthen the monitoring of radiation. If there is any abnormality, report it immediately."

The soldier responded, turned and left. Bai Ye looked at his back and couldn't help but feel a surge of complicated emotions in her heart. He knew that these soldiers were all his comrades. They had faced life and death together and experienced hardships together. But in this world full of unknowns and dangers, no one can guarantee that they can survive forever.

The experimenter also walked into the command room. He was holding a report in his hand and looked a little solemn: "Sir, this is the latest radiation monitoring report. Although there are no new radioactive organisms, the radiation value seems to have increased. "

Bai Ye took the report and read it carefully. His brows were furrowed, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in his heart. He knew that rising radiation could mean more danger was coming. He raised his head and looked at the experimenter: "Are you sure there is nothing wrong with the monitoring equipment?"

The experimenter nodded: "Sir, I have checked it many times and there is nothing wrong with the equipment. The increase in radiation values ​​does exist."

Bai Ye was silent for a while, and then said: "Okay, I understand. You continue to monitor, and if there is any abnormality, report it to me immediately."

The experimenter responded and exited the command room. Bai Ye sat alone in the command room, his heart full of worries. He knew that he had to make a decision to protect the safety of this base and these soldiers.

Night fell, and there was silence outside the base. The soldiers followed Bai Ye's order and stepped up patrols. They held weapons and watched their surroundings warily. Although no new radioactive creatures have appeared yet, they know that danger may come at any time.

Bai Ye stood in front of the window, looking at the night outside. He was filled with uncertainty and anxiety. He knew that he could not let his emotions affect the soldiers, he had to remain calm and firm.

Suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps interrupted his thoughts. A soldier hurriedly walked into the command room: "Sir! There was unusual movement outside the base!"

Bai Ye's heart tightened, and he immediately stood up: "What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

The soldier gasped a little: "When we just patrolled to the northwest corner of the base, we heard a strange sound, like something was moving."

Bai Ye frowned: "Have you seen what it is?"

The soldier shook his head: "No, the sound disappeared quickly. We suspect it was a radioactive creature."

Bai Ye was silent for a while, and then said: "Okay, I understand. You notify everyone immediately and increase their vigilance. I will go and see for myself."

The soldier responded, turned and left. Bai Ye walked out of the command room, his heart full of tension and vigilance. He knew that this night was destined to be uneventful.

He took a few soldiers and quietly approached the northwest corner of the base. In the darkness, they moved forward cautiously, for fear of alerting unknown dangers. Bai Ye clenched the weapon in his hand, his heart filled with determination and courage.

They came to the northwest corner, but there was silence and nothing unusual there. Bai Ye looked around, trying to find the source of the strange sound. However, the surroundings were pitch black and nothing could be seen clearly.

At this moment, a low roar suddenly sounded, making their eardrums hurt. Bai Ye immediately became alert. He raised his weapon and pointed in the direction of the sound.

"Get ready to fight!" he ordered in a low voice.

The soldiers immediately prepared for battle. They stared closely ahead, waiting for unknown dangers to appear. Bai Ye took a deep breath, knowing that they would face a difficult battle this night.

Just when the heartbeats of the soldiers were almost synchronized with the low roar, a huge radioactive creature suddenly jumped out of the darkness. Its body was twisted, its skin was covered with colorful radiation patterns, and its eyes were shining with green light, like a demon from hell.

The soldiers took a few steps back in fear, but Bai Ye stood still, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to gather his telekinesis. This is his unique skill and the key to his ability to survive countless battles.

Bai Ye suddenly opened his eyes, pushed his hands forward, and an invisible force emanated from him, rushing straight towards the radioactive creature. The creature seemed to feel the power of this force. It roared and tried to escape, but it was too late.

The telekinesis instantly hit the radioactive creature, which let out a shrill scream, twisted its body in the air a few times, and then fell heavily to the ground. When the soldiers saw this, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Their eyes looking at Bai Ye were full of admiration and trust.

Bai Ye walked to the body of the radioactive creature, checked it, and after confirming that it was dead, he turned to the soldiers and said, "Okay, the danger is over. Thank you for your hard work. I'll treat you all to a big dinner tonight to catch the wind and wash away the dust." !”

When the soldiers heard this, they all cheered. They know that the ability to survive the crisis safely this time depends entirely on Bai Ye's wise leadership and brave command. They looked at Bai Ye gratefully, their hearts filled with respect and gratitude.

The night fell, stars dotted the dark sky, and the lights in the base looked particularly bright. Bai Ye stood at the door of the cafeteria, looking at the busy figures inside, and felt a warm current in his heart. He knew that this banquet was not only to celebrate the victory, but also to build morale and allow the soldiers to feel a touch of the warmth of home despite being nervous and exhausted.

In the cafeteria, several long tables were put together and filled with a variety of delicacies. Fragrant barbecue, steaming hot soup, stir-fry dishes with full color and aroma... Every dish is carefully prepared by the chefs, just to make the soldiers happy and satisfied.

In the canteen of the base, the light falls softly on the long table, reflecting the neatly arranged food and wine. These foods and wines are not only to satisfy the appetites of the soldiers, but also to allow them to feel a touch of the warmth of home and the joy of the festival after intense battles.

In the center of the long table was a huge roasted whole lamb. The lamb body is golden brown, the skin is crispy, and it exudes an attractive aroma. The meat is tender and juicy, and every bite seems to be dancing on the tip of the tongue. Surrounded by a variety of exquisite side dishes, there are colorful vegetable salads and delicious stews. These side dishes are not only attractive in color, but also rich in taste and mouth-watering.

In addition to roasted whole lamb, a variety of kebabs and grilled fish are also placed on the table. The meat on the skewers is alternately fat and lean, grilled to perfection, and you can feel the juices overflowing in your mouth when you take a bite. The grilled fish is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the fish meat is extremely delicious. It is even more delicious with the special seasoning.

In addition, there are various stir-fries and cold dishes on the table. The stir-fried dishes are bright in color and fragrant in aroma, and each dish is carefully prepared by the chefs. The cold dishes are refreshing, delicious, moderately hot and sour, and are a good choice for appetizers. These dishes are not only diverse in variety, but also in different flavors, meeting the taste needs of different soldiers.

On the other side of the table, there are various kinds of fine wines. There are mellow red wines, refreshing beers, and fragrant fruit wines. Not only are these wines of high quality, but they are also beautifully packaged, making it immediately obvious what makes them unique. Red wine is deep in color and exudes rich fruit aroma and oak barrel aroma; beer has fine foam and refreshing taste; fruit wine has the sweetness of fruits and a slight drunkenness. These fine wines and delicious food complement each other, adding more color and fun to this dusty banquet.

Under the illumination of the lights, the food and wine seem to radiate a charming light. They lay quietly on the table, waiting for the soldiers to arrive. When the soldiers walked into the mess hall, their eyes were immediately drawn to the food and wine. They couldn't wait to sit around the table and start tasting these delicious dishes.

The soldiers toasted to celebrate and drank fine wine. The red wine sways in the glass, exuding an alluring aroma; the beer bursts into refreshing foam in the mouth. They tasted various delicacies and enjoyed this rare quiet time. Kebabs, grilled fish, stir-fries, cold dishes... every dish made them praise and leave them with endless aftertaste.

The soldiers walked into the canteen one after another, with smiles on their faces and anticipation shining in their eyes. They greeted each other, found a seat and began to enjoy the sumptuous dinner.

Bai Ye walked into the canteen, and his appearance immediately aroused cheers from the soldiers. He smiled and nodded to the soldiers, then walked to the main seat and sat down. He looked at the table full of delicious food and felt satisfied in his heart. He knew that these delicacies were not only to satisfy their appetites, but also to provide them with enough energy to be more brave in the following battle.

The banquet began, the soldiers toasted to celebrate, and laughter and laughter broke out one after another. They talked about the thrilling process of the battle, shared each other's combat experiences, and also told some relaxed and interesting stories. Bai Ye felt relieved as she listened to their conversation. He knew that these soldiers were not only his comrades-in-arms, but also his friends. They had experienced life and death together and shared joy together.

At the climax of the dinner, a soldier stood up, cleared his throat, and shouted: "Sir, I have a proposal!"

Bai Ye looked at him with a smile: "Oh? What's the proposal? Let's talk about it."

The soldier took a deep breath and then said loudly: "We were able to survive the crisis safely this time only because of the wise leadership and brave command of the commander! I suggest that we all toast the commander together and thank him for his leadership!"

The soldier's words immediately resonated with the others, and they all stood up and raised their glasses to pay tribute to Bai Ye. Bai Ye looked at this scene and felt moved in his heart. He stood up, raised his glass, and said loudly: "Thank you everyone! I am also very happy to be able to fight side by side with you all to protect this base. Let us drink another drink for future victory!"

The soldiers cheered in unison, clinking their glasses and downing them in one gulp. At this moment, their hearts were filled with pride and fighting spirit. They knew that as long as Bai Ye was there, they would have the confidence to face any challenge.

The dinner continued, and the soldiers performed on stage one after another, including singing, dancing, and telling jokes... The entire canteen was filled with laughter, and it seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​joy. Bai Ye looked at all this and felt extremely satisfied and happy. He knew that this was what he wanted, a united, friendly, and powerful team.

It was late at night, and the dinner party was gradually coming to an end. The soldiers began to clear away the dishes and arrange the tables and chairs. Bai Ye stood at the door of the cafeteria, watching them leave. He knew that this banquet was not just a simple dinner, but also a baptism and condensation of the soul. It makes them more united, more determined, and makes them cherish the friendship and trust between them even more.

Bai Ye took a deep breath, then turned and walked back to the command room. He knows that there is still a long way to go, and they must always remain vigilant and ready to face new challenges. But he is not afraid, because he knows that he has a group of brave soldiers by his side, who will face all challenges together and protect this homeland.

Although this banquet has ended, the impact and memories it left will be forever engraved in the hearts of the soldiers.

As the soldiers left the canteen one after another, the night in the base returned to tranquility. But in this tranquility, there is a powerful power. That is the power of unity, the power of friendship, and the power of faith. It will support them to face all difficulties and challenges together in the days to come, and protect their common home.

Bai Ye stood in front of the window of the command room, looking at the base under the starry sky. He knows that this world has become unfamiliar, but they must persevere, in order to survive and for the future. He believes that as long as they unite as one, they can overcome all difficulties and create a brilliant future for them.

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