Then, a person covered with white light suddenly lit up from the darkness.

However, this person's neck is tens of meters long, and there are nine such long necks, each with a human head.

These people are old and young, men and women.

The look is also different, there is pain, joy, sullenness, deceit...


Nine necks tens of meters long flicked on the hall, and the wind howled.

Suddenly, the few strands of golden light left in the demon qi in the sky rushed from left to right, looking for a way out amidst the demon qi.

One of the nine heads of the national teacher floated in front of the emperor at this time, saying: "The emperor, as long as you promised the request, don't say a pill of God Ludan, it is no problem to give you ten and a hundred at a time!"

The king's expression changed, he also looked at the golden light wrapped in the demon, and then his face became humble again.

It's just that his words didn't beg like just now, but in a negotiated tone: "Guo Shi, you also know that I only need one pill. If I am immortal, then I don't need so many gods!"

"Emperor, why do you always stiff your mouth? The longevity that you can get by nodding clearly, why is it stubborn for hundreds of years? Don't you want to meet the Taiyin Immortal?"

Although the voice of the national teacher was unpleasant, it contained an indistinguishable bewitching sound. The king's expression changed back and forth, obviously resisting this force that could make him lose.

His face finally became crazy, and he spit out the words "think!" one by one.

"Think, think? If you think, you promise. As long as you agree to the requirements of your home teacher, you really won't be under the control of the king!"

The other eight heads of the national division continued to churn in the hall, and finally stayed on the ministers in the middle of the court, and the expressions on each of their faces began to unify.

That is desperate!

I saw that the golden and black aura in the eyes of the king were constantly changing between the guards, as if he was making a difficult choice.

Chapter 376 Secret Method


"So, we are settled. Brother Ye will be responsible for leading the monster out by then, and I will take this opportunity to destroy the king."

"And the white girl you are responsible for responding, and the remaining big demon will be handed over to me and Brother Ye!"

With a wave of his hand, Chi Jun directly finalized the plan and division of labor for this time, such as the imperial palace killing monsters.


The tremor sounded in the sky, causing the floor of Feng Lai Tower to burst open.

"Devilishness, it seems that this demon has started to act!"

Chi Jun opened the window and looked at the sky above the imperial city, where the black mist was lingering and the appearance of swallowing dragons had appeared.

"The aspect of swallowing the dragon has passed, and the next vision will be the aspect of subjugation!"

"Oh, now do you think Chen Guo hasn't perished yet?" Ye Fei sneered and looked at the corner of the city gate thousands of miles away, where one person and one horse was foaming, and they all fell here.

The scout flag officer who delivered the letter was already venting more and less.

And none of the troops and people he passed by looked down at him.

It's as if this person doesn't exist in this world, completely ignoring it.


The weak scout on the ground suddenly opened his eyes, and under the undulation of his chest, he let out a long "hee", and then immediately died of breath.

This "he" seems to be mocking, mocking this country, mocking this world.

Bai Mixian stood behind Ye Fei, his eyes fixed on the corpse of the banner officer, and he sighed helplessly.

"Monster chaos, military calamity, man-made calamity..."

She then looked at the sky above the imperial city, where it suddenly became dark, and then the endless demonic spirit filled the imperial city like darkness.

The streets in Jingcheng where there were not many people were empty at the moment. Although those people stayed, they also knew how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so they went to various houses for refuge.

"Hey, that monster has started to steal this country's national fortune!"

While Chi Jun was talking, he waved his hand to take out the Kunlun Mirror and took a photo of the position of the imperial palace.

"Oh! Huh? This guy is so strong!"

The Kunlun Mirror bloomed with a dazzling divine light, and the appearance and strength of that monster was manifested on the Kunlun Mirror.

Moreover, the demon within the Kunlun mirror now manifested its original shape, not a phantom shape.

"Nine dragon heads, one body, twin wings, scaly body, control water and fire!"

"Nine Infant Evil Thoughts!"

"The Heavenly Immortal Peak!"

Chi Jun read the news from the Kunlun Mirror, his eyes a little sluggish.


Then he sat down on the seat in the private room of the Fenglai Building, the Kunlun mirror dissipated, fell to the ground and rolled a few times, slowly rising, turning over, disappearing.

Ye Fei and the two heard Chi Jun's voice very real.

"What are you talking about? This thing is Jiuying?" Ye Fei strode over and stood in front of the stunned Chi Jun, pulling his collar to shake constantly.

"But don't Jiuying only exist in the legend? Ah? You speak!"

Chi Jun's head gradually recovered in the constant shaking, and his thoughts gradually became clear:

"How can it be that in the legend, all the demons have appeared, what legend should you tell me?"

Bai Mixian said with a cold face: "This is so powerful that the evil spirits are so powerful, how can I eliminate them?"

She looked at Chi Jun: "Can Kunlun Sword Spirit kill him?"

Chi Jun was embarrassed again: "This, I'm afraid it won't work!"

"Jiuying Xie Nian, if you want to kill it, you can only do it by introducing it to the Immortal God Dojo, or a person with the determined great supernatural powers!"

"Where do we go in this cultivation world to find strong people with great supernatural powers?"

Ye Fei stared, shaking Chi Jun's neck again.

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