Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 78 Where are the school rules?

Okay, what's next? Robert looked curious, What happened next? Did Wood himself jump up from the ground and startle them both?

Fred rolled his eyes, Come on, man, you know that's impossible.

George said with a smile, Wood was so frightened that he lay on the ground for a long time without daring to get up, and then he heard two people talking.

Speak? Robert wondered, What can they say?

It was Cedric who invited the junior girls to do Quidditch training together, saying that they could improve each other's skills. Fred said with a smile, Wood then realized that they were two Hogwarts students, but at this time Stand up, that’s so embarrassing.”

So he started to recall the results of this afternoon's training in his mind. George continued.

You know, it was a little dark where the guy fell. Fred shrugged, It was very dark, there was no light, and there was no one in that place who could cast a glowing spell.

George concluded, In short, it is a place where light does not shine, which is very suitable for Tibetans.

At this moment, the lights in the castle turned on, shining right on Cedric and the little eagle. Fred said in a soft voice, Imagine, in the orange light, Cedric The careful movements and gentle expressions were clearly captured.

Robert thought for a while, but didn't feel anything. Isn't it just that the movements are a little gentle? It's nothing. Wasn't it the same when you were coaching Angelina?

Fred looked at it with dead eyes, That's different, I'm coaching the younger generation.

Angelina is the same age as you! What a junior! Well, she did join the team a few days later than you. You go on, and then what. Robert was too lazy to argue with him and wanted to continue listening to the gossip.

Fred shrugged, not paying attention, but said, Then? Wood said that Cedric was a little too enthusiastic.

What? Robert didn't react. Ced is passionate? Oh my God, what did he do that was passionate?

Oh, I probably explained all the tactical moves. If the girl's friend hadn't come to find her, Wood would have thought he would have explained Hufflepuff's tactics. Fred shrugged, Actually, I I think it’s okay, we often explain this kind of thing to new team members, but rarely explain it in detail to people in the outer courtyard.”

Robert looked serious, This is not a good sign, Fred.

Fred was stunned for a moment, not knowing why.

If Ced really tells the Ravenclaw guys everything about Quidditch, do you know what will happen this year? Robert looked serious.

What will happen? Fred asked subconsciously.

Robert waved his arms and shouted, Ravenclaw will get the House Cup!

Fred was stunned for a moment, and then said indignantly, Yes, the Ravenclaw guys were like this last year, and they must pay the price this year!


Robert was stunned for a moment, what on earth were you thinking of?

George nodded, Yes, we have decided that if anything happens this year, we will pull Ravenclaw along!

Be sure to remember all the points deduction matters... Fred recalled for a moment and asked his brother, By the way, is there really a book called Hogwarts School Rules?

George also shook his head in confusion.

The two looked at Robert together and shook their heads when they saw each other before giving up.

Is there really no such book? Fred asked unwillingly.

Robert shrugged, Hey, Fred, you are overthinking. That kind of thing will definitely be put away and saved, such as the principal's office. As long as the professors know the specific terms, it will be fine if the students know it. Find loopholes and keep making trouble!

Fred and George sighed.

By the way, I heard that this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Ms. Mary, seems to have different opinions about the curse on this class? Robert looked at the twins, I heard that she plans to continue as a professor next year?

Fred scratched his head and said uncertainly, Yes, I heard that she is going to use some special techniques to break the curse, and then continue to teach us.

Special technique? Robert was stunned for a moment, Do you know what technique it is? Although I don't like curses, I am still interested in breaking them.

After thinking about it, he added, Especially this kind of breaking the curse of an intangible thing like a course.

Fred thought for a moment and said doubtfully, Seriously, man, I also want to know what the method is, but obviously the professor didn't tell me.

Robert expressed his understanding, That might be a family secret or something like that.

That's right! George clapped his hands and said excitedly, Robert, do you have any ideas about the Forbidden Forest?

Robert panicked. Let me go. Was it possible that I was discovered by these two guys when I ran to the Forbidden Forest recently?

Immediately, he realized that this was impossible.

I went out wearing an invisibility robe. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I deliberately chose a dark place to stay.

With the eyesight of the two brothers, there was no way they could see where they were going.

He calmed down and replied casually, Of course, that is the Forbidden Forest! A place that the professor repeatedly told not to enter! Don't you have any ideas?

The twins looked at each other and showed an expression that was true.

Dang Dang Dang! The two of them took out a map and explained it mysteriously.

We found it in the library. It was hidden in a book. Fred explained. You see, what is marked here is a building.

Robert took the map and was a little surprised to find out, what kind of map is this? It’s just a doodle!

A large circle is used to represent the Forbidden Forest, and something like a spire tower is drawn in the lower part of the middle. There are some skulls and a few less obvious roads drawn around it. That's all.

Looking blankly at the map in his hand, Robert looked at the twins, Aren't you going to do some exploring?

The twins gave a charming smile and said, We are going there at Christmas time.

Robert frowned and said worriedly, How about asking Hagrid?

Hey, man, we just want to explore. If we tell Hagrid, he will definitely tell Principal Dumbledore! Fred shouted dissatisfied, Then we will lose the fun of exploring the secrets of the Forbidden Forest!

Besides, there are many medicinal materials in the Forbidden Forest. We can collect some and use them for experiments. George explained cheerfully.

Well, maybe that’s the point.

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