Journey to the Wizarding World of Hogwarts

Chapter 91 Christmas Vacation

In the end, Hufflepuff won the Magic Snowball Tournament.

The new little badgers are surprisingly capable. During the competition, they did not act separately. Instead, one of them made ammunition, one was responsible for attacking, and the other was responsible for defense. Although they did not perform too well, they were not deducted at all. one cent.

It seems that the Little Eagles used a no-point strategy to win the Academy Cup, which made the Little Badgers begin to have a sense of urgency.

Since the freshmen are so capable, the seniors naturally want to encourage them. Parties are indispensable, and even Professor Sprout was invited to join in the fun.

A week after the game, it was Christmas. The twins were not planning to go home this year, and neither was Percy. Charlie was said to have to draw up a new year's formation at school, which required a lot of reading, and by the way, he also had to prepare for exams. Bill, who is far away in Egypt, seems to be planning a celebration with his colleagues this year.

As a result, Christmas at the Weasley family will definitely be very deserted this year.

Farewelled by ice and snow, Robert took his luggage and two pets and embarked on the carriage home.

Ye Qi was still hidden in the front of the car, and no one else in the car knew him. After politely greeting him, the silence was suffocating.

Of the four people who slept together, only he and Cedric went home. Of course, Ced got closer to the beautiful witch because of Zhang Qiu's injury. He happily abandoned his friend and devoted himself to In the embrace of love, Robert could only give silent blessings while complaining.

Robert, dear, your cat seems to have fallen into the snow? Elsa's voice came from downstairs.

In a daze, Robert stretched out a hand from the quilt and fumbled around the bedside for a while. He felt a chill before he woke up.

Opal is snoring nicely, but where is the cat?

Rubbing his temples, Robert got up, got dressed, and walked downstairs.

The temperature downstairs was much higher than upstairs, and Robert couldn't help but yawn and say hello.

Good morning, Elsa, Cliff.

Elsa came over and gave him a hug, Good morning, Robert. Your cat seemed to want to run in the morning, but when it jumped from the window, it got stuck in the snow. As for Cliff, well, he It seems like you are helping to rescue the cat?”

Robert blinked, what?

Opening the door and coming outside, a whirlwind mixed with snowflakes blew towards his face. Robert couldn't help but shrink his neck, and then he looked at the figure in the snow, and...

Black and white cat in his hand.

The white tiger was motionless in Cliff's hand. When he saw Robert going out, Cliff raised the little guy in his hand in a funny way and said, Take your cat back quickly. It seems to be frozen. ? Well, I think it can still be salvaged.

Robert covered his face, Yaoshou, didn’t you say you were the real white tiger? Are you going to be the first four spirit in the world to freeze yourself to death?

Carrying the white tiger back into the house, under Elsa's command, Robert placed the white tiger covered in snow next to the fireplace.

Although electric fireplaces are becoming popular nowadays, wood-burning fireplaces also have their benefits, such as being able to heat something.

Robert had another idea for a moment.

Poor little guy. Elsa helped him sweep the snow off his body. I think he needs to stay in front of the fireplace for a little longer.

Go and see what gifts you have in your socks. Elsa said with a smile, and then she seemed to have thought of something and laughed out loud, Oh, fortunately, the things sent by your friends don't need to be put in socks. , otherwise what we need is not socks, but Santa’s bags!”

Hearing Elsa say this, Robert became more energetic and started opening gifts. He liked it best.

After handing the gift box in the cloth belt to Elsa, Robert went to the Christmas tree to open the gifts.

Elsa was right. Robert had some more Ravenclaw friends this year, so the gifts naturally increased.

The layers were layer upon layer, half of the Christmas tree was submerged.

Mrs. Weasley sent a black and yellow sweater knitted by herself. Robert suspected that she started learning to knit sweaters this year, because she might receive such a sweater every year in the future.

All in all, this thing looks a bit like raccoon noodles.

The twins sent some candies, Honey Badger sent a jar of honey this time, and Seid sent...

How to Please a Witch

Twelve Tips for Bewitching Witches

Atmosphere Maker.

Robert's face was expressionless, Brother, I'm afraid you may have put the wrong book.

Although he wanted to turn the three books into ashes with a fire, Robert still put them away carefully. Maybe when school started, Cedric would ask him to take them back.

At the end of the unpacking, Robert was piled with all kinds of candies and pastries, as well as a few books that looked strange.

16 ways to use a broomstick you don't know

I Love Quidditch

Guide to Raising Cats and Civets

Homemade Recipes - Make Your Pets Healthier

Robert held his forehead, feeling like he was about to be labeled as a Quidditch Lover and a Magical Creatures Fan.

Robert, there are guests coming today, remember to put away some of your things~ Aisha's voice sounded.

Okay, Elsa, I'll put them away right now. As he said that, he took out a piece of pineapple preserves and stuffed it into his mouth to chew. This is Honeydukes' product. It's sour, sweet and very delicious.

He put the twins' products in a space in the cloth bag, and was going to find some small animals for experiments in two days.

I don’t know if my friends have received my gifts.

Putting everything back in the room, an owl happened to land on the birdstand outside the window.

Hey, is there any owl today? Robert let it in and fed it some water and nuts.

Feeling a little warmer, the owl finally raised its talons.

Robert blinked, a small bag?

When I opened it, it turned out to be from that grandpa?

It was stuffed with various Chinese pastries, greeting cards, special accessories, scarves, a book and notebook.

Mr. Chen's letter was still too stinky to believe. He said that if his grandma hadn't begged him, he wouldn't have sent anything to this grandson. Robert quickly took a photo of it with his camera and prepared to use it as evidence.

The book sent seems to be an advanced version of the last book, with a few bookmarks inside. Robert has seen this thing before. It is a one-time remote instant messaging tool, a bit like the chat software of the future, but it has a time limit. We can only chat for half an hour, and confidentiality is very high.

Robert planned to use these bookmarks after reading the book once, and by the way, he asked about a certain book he got called Life.

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