After going back, Yu Qi'an had diarrhea directly, although he didn't want to eat it, but he couldn't stand the other three people's constant persuasion, so in order not to be suspected, he had to eat it hard.

Two days later, there was news from Da Jinya, and he took Yu Qi'an and the three of them to the front of a small antique shop on Shenyang Road in Tianjin.

The fat man looked at the small size of this store and couldn't help but ask Big Golden Tooth: "Are you sure that such a small store can afford our baby?"

The big golden tooth whispered: "Sister Han, the shopkeeper here, is the mistress of a big boss in Xiangjiang, and the boss is one of the few antique collectors in Xiangjiang.

One of the shops here is to relieve Sister Han's boredom, and the other is also hoping to receive some good things. The

fat man immediately didn't dare to underestimate it, in this era, when it comes to the big boss of Xiangjiang, it is the rich sea.

The fat man's eyes lit up: "Then we can make this capitalist's money, and it is all our own people, and we can sell it with peace of mind." Sooner or later, Xiangjiang is also ours!

After a few people entered the store, they put the things on the table, and Sister Han looked at it: "The royal porcelain of the official kiln is a treasure with a market price of about 800,000 yuan, and I will give 200,000 yuan for the broken one, as for the jade is worth 50,000 yuan, I will give you 10,000 more, and remember to return it to me if there are good things in the future." Yu

Qi'an had already prepared a big backpack, there was no hundred-yuan bill in this era, and this million was really full of a big bag.

When they came out of it, Lao Hu and the fat man were as unreal as if they were stepping on clouds.

Yu Qi'an took out a wad of money and handed it to Lao Hu to signal him to give it to Lao Jin, Lao Hu was not a person who picked the door, and stuffed a wad of money into Lao Jin's pocket: "Thank you for your introduction this time."

Lao Jin was happy in his heart and excused himself: "Look what you mean, I'll help you get in touch, people have already given me a commission, you..."

Lao Hu patted his hand: "They are all their own brothers, and they will help more in the future." "

A hundred pieces of ten yuan is a thousand yuan, which is nothing for Yu Qi'an and the three people who just got one million, but for the big gold tooth, this is also a lot of income.

Yu Qi'an handed the backpack to Lao Hu and winked at him: "Brother Hu, you wait for me for a while, and I'll ask the proprietress if she wants Jin Sinan's coffin."

Lao Hu immediately pulled the big gold tooth to chat there, when Yu Qi'an went in, Sister Han was carefully wiping the pen, and when she saw Yu Qi'an coming back, she was also curious: "Do you still have something?"

Yu Qi'an smiled at her: "I still have a few good things that I want to trade directly to your husband, I don't know if Sister Han is inconvenient to introduce?"

Sister Han was stunned for a moment, and then frowned: "I'm sorry, my husband doesn't usually come here, if you have anything to show me, as long as it's good, I can afford it."

Yu Qi'an shook his head: "I naturally don't need him to come, you just need to tell him, tell me his address in Xiangjiang, and I will personally deliver it to him in a few days."

Sister Han looked at Yu Qi'an, looking at the other party with a confident look, and she didn't know what the other party was capable of, it was not a simple person who could go to Xiangjiang and bring these contraband over in this era.

Sister Han hesitated: "Then you wait for a while, I'll ask and then reply to you."

Sister Han went out to make a phone call and came back after a while: "My husband said that he is waiting for you at home at any time, and the address is No. W19 of Mid-Levels Villa."

Yu Qi'an nodded: "Then thank you, Sister Han." By the way, is Sister Han's coffin of Jin Sinan?

Sister Han frowned: "I really haven't received this yet, although Jin Sinan is precious, but it is not nothing, as long as you are willing to spend money, it is still easy to buy new trees, so we don't accept this kind of used coffin."

After coming out, the fat man asked expectantly, "How is it?" How much does she give?

Yu Qi'an touched his nose: "She is unlucky and doesn't plan to ask for it." The

big gold tooth is interested: "If you can really get it, I know a bracelet he should be interested, anyway, no one knows what he used to do when the car is round." "

The wood can't be transported for the time being, unless it is brought out directly in the mountains into beads.

But now that there is a profit from porcelain, there is less urgency to deal with these leftovers.

Back in the capital, the fat man piled more than a million together: "Lao Hu, pinch me quickly, I have never seen so much money in my life."

Lao Hu frowned: "There is a way to promote rice and fight rice, originally I thought that these things were worth hundreds of thousands at most, build a road for the villagers, and then divide it."

Now that these alone have sold so much, what should we do with the rest?

Xiaoyu, thanks to you for this trip, otherwise we would never have gotten so much, and you also killed the zongzi, and you have the greatest credit.

Yu Qi'an looked at the fat man, and the fat man hurriedly waved his hand: "You say, you say, I will listen to you." The

three of them have been together for more than a month, and the fat man and Lao Hu have also discovered that Yu Qi'an's knowledge far exceeds theirs, although they don't say that they are centered on Yu Qi'an, at least they have attached great importance to Yu Qi'an's opinions.

Yu Qi'an sat there and said: "Brother Hu also said just now, this Shengmi En fights rice hatred, if we really give tens of thousands of yuan to each fellow villager, this is not only a bad thing to say, but also something else."

So my opinion is to hide it, and only tell them that we will sell tens of thousands of yuan, and then send half of it back to everyone, Yingzi will share it, and everyone will share it together, and the family will share a few hundred yuan. The

fat man looked at the pile of money and hesitated: "Then are we taking too much?"

Yu Qi'an stretched out his hand to stop him: "You then listen to me, the main reason why the villagers are poor is actually that the road is not good, and we have money, we can organize people to build a road."

In fact, there are still many good things in the mountains, such as mushrooms, traditional Chinese medicine, fruits from the mountains, and game, etc., which can be sold as long as there is a road.

Where are we, this is the capital, to put it mildly, you just sell a piece of shit, and some people taste the saltiness, not to mention the really good things in the mountains.

Let's help the villagers build the road, and then build a factory to process the things in the mountains, and then buy a car to transport it out and transport it to the capital, then someone must rush to buy it. The

fat man was a little puzzled, Lao Hu also hesitated, this matter was beyond their cognition, they had to take a good look at it, the fat man asked carefully: "Then don't we become speculative?" "

In this era, although reform and opening up have been announced, everyone is still feeling the stones to cross the river, speculation is still a criminal activity, at least for a few years this policy is still repeated.

It's not a big deal for the two of them to resell some tapes or something, but listening to Yu Qi'an's meaning, they are going to do a big job, and doing a big job is more risky than robbing a tomb.

Yu Qi'an already had a plan: "We can't do it, but someone can, if the two brothers believe me, how about leaving this matter to me?"

This money, let's buy a set of courtyard houses in the capital first, if the price is right to buy three sets, let's have a set of three people, and then divide a part of it to send it to Lao Hu's comrades-in-arms, their lives are not easy, some people died in battle, and the family can't make up the money if they want to go to the grave to see.

As for the rest, let's also update the equipment, don't buy a candle that goes out as soon as it blows like last time. "

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