The plane flew directly to Xi'an, where three of Professor Chen's students were gathered, and the number of people in the group grew to nine. However, Yu Qi'an took a look, except for the old Hu Fat Man and him who have some fighting ability, and Shirley Yang has a bit of skill, and the remaining five are all old, weak, and women.

And all the way to the Western Regions, everyone did not mention the matter of going to Kunlun Glacier, it seems that this place is basically based on the original book.

Taking such a group of people to the desert is really a joke with their lives, and these people are stupid at reading, and they can't use some antiques with them.

Yu Qi'an thought for a while and directly found Shirley Yang: "You also know the danger of this trip, this group of old professors and stupid students, with them, do you really think you can find the exquisite ancient city?" Even if they find it, what else can these people do but cause trouble?

Shirley Yang also knew that these people were in the way: "But I came here this time in the name of funding the expedition, what if I don't bring them?" They won't agree to it!

Yu Qi'an smiled: "Are you stupid, why do we have to find a place at once, we can organize an advance team first, with me, Fatty, Brother Hu, plus you and Professor Chen."

After we have determined the route and safety, we will organize them to go on an inspection together.

Before leaving, let Professor Chen arrange a job with them to check information and draw a map to encircle them, and we are not nannies, why do we follow their wishes?

Shirley Yang was a little moved, and Yu Qi'an said directly: "It's decided, let's go first to find out the route, as for whether they will go or not later, that's their business, the most important thing for us is to find the cause of the curse on you and the solution."

Shirley Yang went to find the cars and supplies she had brought in advance, and Lao Hu followed to drive the two cars back.

I didn't expect Shirley Yang to spend a lot of money this time, and got two Land Rovers, Yu Qi'an was also satisfied, this car was specially equipped with desert tires, and a water tank and fuel tank were installed, the trunk was wide, and some oil drums and buckets could be placed in it, which was enough for them to use.

Lao Hu has never driven such a luxurious foreign car, and when he learned that this car costs hundreds of thousands, he was even more smacked, and suddenly felt that the little money in his hand was nothing.

Shirley Yang told Professor Chen about her plans, and when she heard that she didn't plan to take a few students, the group blew up the nest first.

After hearing about Shirley Yang's worries, Professor Chen immediately said that his students are all good seedlings who are determined to aspire to archaeology, absolutely able to endure hardships, and have the spirit of not being afraid of death, so that Shirley Yang should not worry about them.

Yu Qi'an frowned and looked at the side: "Professor Chen, what does it mean to have the spirit of not being afraid of death?" Is that how you lead students? Is the student's life a tool for your research?

With so many people in the world dying in the desert, do you think you are better than others? These people are to blame for an accident!

Professor Chen's face darkened, but in the end he still did not speak, but the remaining students said that they could persist and be responsible for their own lives.

Yu Qi'an didn't bother to talk nonsense: "Brother Hu, are you sure that you will be fine if you go to the desert by yourself?"

Lao Hu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The desert area is unpredictable, don't say it's me, even a camel that lives in the desert all year round may die in a sandstorm, let alone a person."

Yu Qi'an looked at the four people: "You have also heard, Brother Hu has no ability to guarantee that he can get out of the desert safely, if anyone thinks that he is better than Brother Hu, come out and compete, as long as you win, don't say go to the desert, the team leader will give it to you!"

As soon as Yu Qi'an said this, the four guys immediately couldn't speak, Lao Hu had been a soldier and had entered the desert, whether it was force or survival experience, he threw them a few streets, what to compare.

Seeing that these people were shocked, Yu Qi'an continued: "Besides, it's not that we won't let you go, let's go explore the road first, and when the road is explored and the safe route is confirmed, you can go in again, isn't this the best of both worlds?"

During this time, you should hurry up to collect some materials from the local area, so that you can corroborate with us when you come back, and at the same time set up a cultural relics and materials storage point, and do a good job of logistics work to wait for us to come back.

Professor Chen sighed and didn't say anything more, Yu Qi'an motioned to Lao Hu: "Brother Hu, hasn't the guide you looked for come yet?"

Lao Hu looked outside: "I don't know, it should be soon." An

old man in the distance approached: "But you want to find a guide, Hu Da is on top, I finally found you."

Lao Hu also greeted happily: "You are Uncle An Liman, I am Liu Gang's comrade-in-arms, I am relieved to see you, this time I will be guaranteed to enter the desert."

An Liman hurriedly shook his head: "It's not good in the wind season, and the old man will blame him for entering the desert in the wind season, and he can't do it."

I'm here to inform you, so you can wait until the season is over.

Several people didn't want to wait any longer, Professor Chen showed his documents and wanted the other party to cooperate, but An Liman still shook his head.

The fat man gritted his teeth there: "Old man, we are cadres sent by the state to work, and the local comrades must cooperate, if you don't give us a guide, I will find the local police to confiscate your camel and donkey, so that you can't do business."

An Liman shook his head: "That's not good, the people's government loves the people, you are a threat, I will not give in, and Hu Da will punish you!"

Seeing that the coercion could not be changed, Shirley Yang changed to a temptation: "Uncle Anliman, as long as you are willing to be our guide, then I will buy all your livestock at twice the price, and when you come out of the desert, I will return the livestock to you, and the money is also yours, how about it?"

An Liman was moved, but when he saw our car, he said: "Don't drive the car, Hu Da doesn't like machines, camels are more carrying, Hu Da likes camels."

Shirley Yang was dumbfounded, if she didn't let go of the car, wouldn't all the things she had prepared be in vain.

Yu Qi'an's eyes rolled: "Uncle An Liman, it's better to be like this, as long as you take us into the desert, you lead the camel in front, and we drive behind, Hu Da shouldn't blame you."

We will not let you run in vain, this time as long as you can come back safely from the desert, our Miss Yang will write you a letter of introduction, provide you with a round-trip ticket, so that you can go to the city of Mecca to make a pilgrimage, and buy a hundred copies of the Qur'an from the holy city of Mecca to send to you.

An Liman grinned: "We're all friends, you can set off at any time." Hu Da saw so many friends helping An Liman, he would definitely not blame him. The

rest of the people saw that as soon as Yu Qi'an opened his mouth, An Liman immediately agreed, and Yu Qi'an explained to them the problem of faith, the mainland has been broken for many years, and they have long not believed in these cows, ghosts, snakes and gods, and naturally they can't understand these people's devotion to faith.

Anyway, after hard work, Yu Qi'an eliminated the group of students he hated, and persuaded An Liman to finally draw up the itinerary.

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