The fat man immediately asked: "I'm not greedy for money, I'm just confirming with you, this doubling is from the 200,000 discussed in the capital and doubling it, or repeating the words in the capital?"

Yu Qi'an felt that the fat man was thinking about fart, and if the 600,000 knife doubled again, wouldn't it be 1.2 million, and it would be strange for Shirley Yang's door-picking personality to give money.

Who knew that Yu Qi'an still underestimated Shirley Yang's determination to find the Exquisite Ancient City: "Double it again, 400,000 per person!" Mr. Hu, please tonight!

Yu Qi'an pointed in a direction: "Don't wait for the night, Cishan is in that direction."

Shirley Yang looked suspicious: "You feel it again?"

Yu Qi'an nodded: "Your car will drive five kilometers further, and then find a hillside to stand on the roof of the car, you can see it with a telescope, there is magnetism, but you have to drive the car back in a while, we will abandon the car here."

Shirley Yang was puzzled: "Abandon the car?" Why?

Yu Qi'an pointed to his head: "It's a magnetic mountain there, use your brain to think about it, when you get closer, the electronic equipment in the car is out of order, and you can't get a lighter, do you want to walk back?"

Shirley Yang made a big red face: "Then you guys wait for a while, I'll take a look." The

fat man and Lao Hu came over: "Xiaoyu, do you really feel it?" Accurate?

Yu Qi'an nodded: "Don't worry, it's not accurate, we'll find out later."

After a while, Shirley Yang came back happily: "I saw it, it's in that direction!" Let's go!

Yu Qi'an stopped her: "Don't be excited, the car is here and someone has to look at it, let's bring a few camels over, go back quickly, the road behind doesn't need to be full, why don't we let him stay and watch?" The

fat man looked at An Liman, who was fiddling with the camel, with a suspicious expression: "That old man has always been with us not of the same mind, if we leave, what if he takes his things away and goes back by himself?"

Yu Qi'an smiled: "First, we took away his camel, he just wanted to go, but he couldn't go, and second, he couldn't drive, even if he ran away, the car was still there."

Thirdly, Professor Chen's students are still where we started, if we don't go back, he goes back, do you think Professor Chen's students will let him go?

As long as you explain the benefits and stakes to him, threaten him, and he will never dare to run around. The

fat man smiled: "I'm good at this, I'll say it."

After a while, An Liman ran over: "Comrade Yu, we are friends, you can see the white camel, it is the person favored by Hu Da, I am trustworthy, I can't run, you tell your friend not to kill my camel!" Camels are friends, too!

Yu Qi'an also felt that An Liman would not run, but he still had to remind him: "Don't forget your bonus and the opportunity to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca."

Since the road below is a place that Hu Da is disgusted with, then I won't force you to go, you are guarding the material camp here, and we will go back when we go.

But if you leave before we come back, even if you leave the desert, there will be no place for you, and you will have to spend the rest of your life in prison, even eating guns!

An Liman nodded frantically: "I'm just waiting for you here, waiting for you for ten days, not fifteen days, you come back and let's go together."

Hu Da said that the liar's money will turn into sand, and their salt will also turn into sand, and finally starve to death! I definitely don't lie! After

settling down, everyone unloaded the unnecessary supplies, locked the car door, and chose ten camels with the best spirits and continued on their way.

The fat man was afraid that An Liman would destroy the glass of the car, so he directly took away all the sharp iron tools on his body, and there was sand all around, even if he wanted to pry the car, he had no choice.

So even if he runs away, there is still a car.

After walking all afternoon until evening, we arrived at the foot of the mountain, and the black stone mountain looked thick and deep in the afterglow of the setting sun, like a black dragon that had been cut off lying prone in the desert.

Walking here, the camel refused to go anymore, Yu Qi'an stopped the fat man who wanted to pull the camel by force: "Fat brother, there should be something that the camel is afraid of in this stone mountain, let's camp here, and wait for tomorrow dawn to go in and have a look." "

A few people looked at each other, they had no opinions, they had a good rest, and they could continue to go deeper tomorrow to see what this so-called exquisite ancient city was like.

In fact, Yu Qi'an wanted to go and see what the hell this so-called Absolute Queen was doing, and whether she could obtain her imaginary space ability.

And let's see what's down there in that ghost cave.

If you follow this group, it is estimated that it will not be so convenient to move.

After signaling to Lao Hu and the fat man, Yu Qi'an asked the two to cover for themselves, and in the middle of the night, Yu Qi'an walked directly towards the valley.

Those black snakes on the road couldn't see Yu Qi'an at all, because he didn't have any temperature on him at all. Yu Qi'an also saw the bodies of several tomb robbers, but he didn't bother to search them now.

Entering the ancient city, Yu Qi'an directly found the ancient temple, and then touched the big hole that was blown up by his predecessors, cleaned up the sand inside with mental power, controlled it to the side, and drilled it directly.

Continue to walk along the cave, cross the dark river jack gate, there is a narrow ramp in front, and at the end of the ramp, Yu Qi'an saw the pile of gold, silver and jewelry.

Further on was the ghost cave, and Yu Qi'an felt the heavy yin qi wafting from the cave, and some strange substances seemed to affect people's spirits and bodies.

Along the ghost cave to the stone beam, I saw the Kunlun Divine Wood and the corpse incense konjac, as well as the coffin of the Exquisite Queen.

It is said that this guy was the first beauty in the Western Regions before his death, and he doesn't know how beautiful he is, but although Yu Qi'an is a zombie, he has no habit of playing with corpses.

Stepping on the stone beam and coming to the coffin, it seemed that this corpse incense konjac didn't care much about him, and he hesitated and opened the coffin, and there was a superb queen with a mask lying inside.

After removing the mask, a miserable white face appeared in front of Yu Qi'an, from the Exquisite Queen, Yu Qi'an felt a state between life and death, as if he was alive and as if he would die at any time?

Could it be that the ancients really had such a powerful technique to preserve people who were about to die for so long?

Yu Qi'an was a little hesitant, this woman has special abilities, do you want to make her her her first embrace? Can this guy be better than Biga (the villain in the stalemate, the female space powerhouse, the zombie)?

Yu Qi'an remembers which book he read in that when you hesitate, in fact, your heart has already given you the answer, but you are unwilling to face that answer, so you will hesitate and choose yourself.

Then bite her? Yu Qi'an directly turned her into a descendant of his own bloodline.

In order to keep her from having blood addiction, Yu Qi'an directly extracted energy from the ghost cave and injected it into her body.

The Absolute Queen's face quickly returned to blood, and then she opened her eyes and looked at Yu Qi'an in confusion, Yu Qi'an bared her fangs and suppressed her blood.

Feeling the condition of her body, the Absolute Queen looked at Yu Qi'an in shock: "What did you do to this king?" "

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