Driving all the way, the domestic roads in this era are not so good, and even the national highways have potholes.

When encountering a remote place, there is even a robbery, at first everyone did not care about the road, but when entering the Taihang Mountains, the fat man was driving, and suddenly a tree in front of him was in the middle of the road, and the fat man was scared to brake quickly.

The fat man was about to go down to see what was going on, but Yu Qi'an grabbed him: "Don't move, there are people, I'll go and see first." Seeing

that the car stopped and suddenly jumped out of the woods, several big men with knives and sticks in their hands, Yu Qi'an smelled the evil breath from them, they had killed people.

Frowning and looking at a few people, Yu Qi'an was thinking about how to deal with it, killing people is the easiest, but this is not a martial arts world, and there will be trouble in the follow-up of killing.

But this kind of robbery and robbery can't be easily let go, and if you let go of the bad guys, it's a crime against the good guys.

Several people were observing Yu Qi'an's car at this time, this car looked like a foreign product, so the people in the car must have money, and they caught a big fish tonight, which made them very happy.

Yu Qi'an stood beside the car, and several people shouted: "Robbery!" The people in the car all roll down! Hurry up! The

one who rushed to the front also tried to smash the car with a wooden stick with nails, Yu Qi'an went up and kicked the person out for a long distance, and then divided it by two with three strokes and five times, and the gang immediately broke their legs and hands and could only lie on the ground and scream.

The fat man and Lao Hu only got out of the car at this time, and looked at the people below and immediately didn't know what to do, and the big golden tooth finally came down: "Master Yu, you are too heavy now, right?"

Yu Qi'an rolled his eyes: "If we don't focus on it, they will be thrown into the ravine."

These people can't just let them go, you go to the nearby town to call the police, I'll wait here, you go and tell the local case-handling people that these people are robbing foreign businessmen and tell them to come over quickly.

Lao Hu thought for a while: "I'll accompany you, the fat man and Jin Ye, you two hurry up and report the case, let's take care of him and not be afraid of him." The

fat man and the big golden tooth drove to report the case, Lao Hu looked at these people and shook his head: "You said that everyone is in good health, why can't you eat, you have to do this kind of illegal work, you really deserve to kill for money!"

Yu Qi'an remembered some rumors in this era, and all kinds of robberies and thieves were commonplace in this era.

When people go out to take the shuttle, they are often forcibly pulled to a certain place to force consumption, do not spend money and are not allowed to get on the bus, and they are beaten, and even robbed and indecent manners, and the drivers are all in the same group with them.

It was precisely because of the seriousness of this chaos that the crackdown was later carried out, but I did not expect that after only three years of reform and opening up, various localities were already in such chaos.

The fat man walked for more than two hours before he brought a few local case-handling personnel and militia over, and Yu Qi'an showed them his Xiangjiang overseas Chinese card, which was immediately highly valued.

Anyway, it was the second half of the night, and Yu Qi'an and the others didn't leave, and went to the town's guest house to rest for one night.

The next day, the case-handling personnel came, and after overnight interrogation and treatment, the identities of these people had been confirmed, and they had also confessed to the cases they had committed before.

and thanked Yu Qian and others, apologized to them, and said that they could leave.

A few people were much more careful on the road again, no longer walking at night, crossing the Yellow River all the way to Chang'an, playing here for a few days, Lao Hu proposed to find Li Chunlai.

Yu Qi'an also wanted to see what that drought fish was, so a few people drove to him.

When he arrived at Li Chunlai's side, the other party was very happy, but after Yu Qi'an saw him, he immediately knew that these people were not good people.

Sure enough, in the evening, Li Chunlai bought a table of delicious food and made wine, Lao Hu and the fat man only thought that the other party was an honest farmer, and they were defenseless.

Lao Hu also said that the embroidered shoes were sold for money in the future, and when the price was high, he would make up part of the difference and send it over.

Li Chunlai just smiled honestly and persuaded him to drink, and when the wine was almost drunk, Lao Hu and the fat man were a little unstable, and a few villains outside broke in.

Li Chunlai looked at them unhappily: "Didn't you say that you would come in when they were drunk, so they would recognize us as a gang, how can I lie to people in the future?"

The leading scarface spat out a mouthful of phlegm: "Lao Tzu is blowing a cold wind outside, but these damn ghosts are eating and drinking in the house, why!"

I've seen it, their car is a good car foreign goods, there must be money, let's kill and bury none of them this time!

Lao Hu and the fat man woke up most of the time, but they still stood unsteadily, and Lao Hu stood in front: "You guys go quickly, they want to harm us!"

Li Chunlai, I thought you were an honest person and a good person, but I didn't expect you to do this!

Li Chunlai also let it go: "Honest man? Yes, I used to be too honest, honest people suffer from poverty, I can't eat, I'm in my forties, I don't have a daughter-in-law, I'm poor and afraid!

It's only because you were too greedy that you fell into our trap!

Yu Qi'an shook his head, stepped forward and crackled for a while, and fell down again, the villain died because of how many words I don't know, there is so much nonsense!

Lao Hu and the fat man both stood on the table and breathed a sigh of relief: "Xiaoyu is fortunate to have you, you will not be my brother in the future, you will be my own brother!"

Yu Qi'an tied up several people in a string and threw them in the house, where Lao Hu and the fat man were beating and scolding.

As for the big gold tooth, he was already drunk, and slipped under the table, sleeping like a dead pig, and didn't know anything.

It turned out that this group of people did not do this for the first time, at first they were still rushing to sell antiques, and then the price given by the people was not satisfied, and the two sides had a quarrel, and the outsiders who came were the opponents of their locals, and the other party was beaten by them, and finally they had to pay them money.

This made them find a way to make a fortune, and began to deceive people constantly, and later found that these people who came to buy antiques were doing illegal business and did not dare to speak out, and they became more and more emboldened, and directly changed to selling things and becoming direct robbery.

There were even people who were killed by them and thrown into the Yellow River because of their resistance.

After asking, Lao Hu and the fat man were also dumbfounded, this time they also came to collect antiques, so they couldn't report to the official, but they were unwilling to let them go like this.

Yu Qi'an thought about it for a moment: "Let them lead the way to see the place where the drought was found."

Several people were pressed to go over there, and when they came to the deserted cemetery, Lao Hu looked at it by the starlight: "This place used to be a good cave, but because of the diversion of the river, there is a lack of water veins here, and the mountains are like fire dragons rolling, and there is no shortage of water veins, no wonder there will be droughts."

Yu Qi'an didn't expect that Lao Hu could also see the reason for this, but why did the coffin suddenly pop out of the soil?

Lao Hu didn't know: "Maybe it's that drought to absorb yang energy?" Comfortable with the sun shining? "

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