After the tree hole was cut, the original ticking sound suddenly stopped, and then several people clearly felt a wave of yin qi rushing out of the tree hole and then circled around everyone.

Shirley Yang hurriedly took out a flare gun and fired a shot at the sky, and the surroundings were immediately illuminated with snow white and translucent, but nothing could be seen.

People are looking back at the hollows of the trees, because the moss and the like are blocking you, and you can't see anything at all.

However, Yu Qi'an obviously felt that the yin qi seemed to have found a catharsis, gushing out from the place where it opened, allowing him to suck it up.

As the yin qi was released, the body of the tree also became fragile, and then the plane above its head clicked and clicked, as if it was about to fall at any moment.

Yu Qian originally thought that if he took out all the weapons in the cabin, the plane would not fall again, but he didn't expect that the plane would still fall down in this case.

Several people hurriedly dodged, and the plane shook a few times and then fell to the ground with a bang, smashing down a large number of branches, and even splitting off half of the entire tree.

The fat man almost didn't fall down for a while, and he was already afraid of heights, and he was even more frightened at this time.

After resting for a while, to make sure that the tree would not continue to collapse, everyone listened carefully, and the sound of the signal came from the hole in the tree again.

Irradiated with a flashlight again, the fat man shouted in surprise: "This is going to make a fortune!" It's jade, right? A coffin made of jade? Several

people went down to the tree hole and observed around the jade coffin, and then the fat man fell directly into the tree hole below without standing firmly.

Then Yu Qi'an felt that there were a lot of unjust souls entangled below, and they were crying below.

Yu Qi'an looked at the coffin and then looked at the bones below, he thought of a movie, that is, A Chinese Ghost Story, it seems that there are still some means to sacrifice the king.

I don't know what secret method was used to entangle people, snakes and trees to form a creature similar to the dryad grandmother, but weakened many times.

Not only can it attack people with the silk threads on its body, but it can also attract and lure people in with its soul.

This also explains why Lao Hu and they heard the sound of the radio, which is obviously a kind of controlled ghost luring them, that is, the kind of ghost who plays for the tiger.

Several people also found the body with the hands in it under the coffin, and then deduced that the sound was made by the corpse.

The fat man couldn't wait: "You guys still don't want to analyze, let's just open the coffin and see what's in it."

Lao Hu also nodded, and the four of them worked together to pull out the lid of the coffin, and the jade coffin was full of black and red liquid, which was the same as plasma except for the different smells.

Of course, this is different, because this blood can no longer be distinguished from animal or plant blood, and there is no longer that fishy smell in the filtration of the tree.

Yu Qi'an directly took out a large bag from his body, and then took a small tube to pump water, inserted the tube into the other end of the coffin, connected the bag, and began to draw blood.

Lao Hu and the fat man were curious: "What are you doing here?"

Yu Qi'an pointed: "This liquid is special, take it out and save it, go back and study it to see what it is." Yu

Qi'an can feel the aura and yin qi in the blood, which is definitely more replenishing than ordinary human blood, although he himself does not drink this kind of blood soaked in corpses, but maybe he can still use it in the future.

As the blood was pumped out, a fat old man was revealed in the coffin, with a skinned python wrapped around his body.

Lao Hu and the others no longer had the kung fu to care about the liquid collected by Yu Qi'an, and at this time they only stared at the python on the old man in the coffin, because the python was still beating as if it was alive.

Yu Qi'an finished pumping the liquid and shouted: "You guys be careful, I'll put this thing in a safe place under the tree, and I'll come up to you later." At

this time, the fat man was already looking straight at a few bright objects in the coffin, and he was going to grab them directly.

Lao Hu hurriedly blocked: "Don't move, who knows if this liquid is poisonous, I'll take it out first and wipe it clean before you take it."

Yu Qi'an went down to the tree, directly loaded the liquid into the imaginary space and climbed up, at this time the fat man's deer skin bag had already contained several pieces, and Shirley Yang was arguing with the fat man there.

Lao Hu saw Yu Qi'an coming up, smiled awkwardly, and Shirley Yang on the side pointed at the fat man and said: "Xiao Yu, look at him, let's talk about this time just to find the dust beads, and no longer steal the Ming weapon inside, this fat man is not trustworthy at all."

Yu Qi'an glanced at Shirley Yang: "Originally, I had the same opinion as you, but when I saw the human servants in the cave, my opinion changed."

The king does not deserve to be put to rest, and destroying his tomb and making him die without peace is the greatest punishment for him, and we must not only take away the artifacts inside, but also burn these corpses to make them lonely ghosts.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for the souls who were killed. The

fat man nodded hurriedly: "That's it, we are seeking justice for the oppressed toiling masses, and we must resolutely defeat a feudal autocratic emperor like King Xian, crush the bones and scatter ashes, and completely eliminate them!"

Shirley Yang looked at Lao Hu anxiously: "Lao Hu, tell me about the two of them, you know, I'm for your good..."

You haven't experienced our hardships, you don't know the days when you can't eat enough, the family is hungry and can only drink enough water and lie on the bed and dare not move, you don't know that the children are hungry and crying, but the adults are helplessly desolate.

We are robbing tombs, but we are not stealing for ourselves, we are for the sake of the thousands of people behind us, and for the villagers to be able to no longer have enough food and clothing in the future.

Even if there is really retribution for us in the future, we will admit it, and we will save more people to die without regrets.

You are a rich man from Eagle Sauce, and you were born with a good life that you can't spend enough money on, and you can talk about morality and principles.

But please don't impose your values, outlook on life, on us.

If you're really doing it for our good, why don't you give your money and share it with everyone? You claim to be a billionaire, but you haven't invested a penny in China, have you?

You have your life, we have our way of life, we have solved the curse on you, and our well water does not violate the river water.

You take your Yangguan Road to Eagle Sauce to live your rich life.

We solved the curse and there are still four modernizations to build, we need money, very much, understand?

Yu Qi'an's words made Lao Hu silent all of a sudden, he didn't know this, but he was carried away by the love shown by Shirley Yang, and he didn't want to admit it.

Now Yu Qi'an has pierced this membrane, and the bloody reality inside has to make him choose, whether to stand on his brother's side or Shirley Yang's side.

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