If you want to find it,

you can't find it, Yu Qi'an will definitely turn over the entire canyon, and Lao Hu and the others will not use it, and then this elixir will take the initiative to run in front of Lao Hu.

A few people climbed upward, and when they reached the clouds and mist, the sound of the waterfall became quieter, and the ground became a lot drier.

Everyone did not object, although this trip was shocking, but there was no danger to rest, the fat man remembered: "By the way, Xiaoyu, what are you that needle."

The good guy shot a large number of sick babies at once, and it felt like it was more powerful than a heavy machine gun.

Yu Qi'an explained: "That is called the Rainstorm Pear Flower Needle, which is a hidden weapon made by the Tang Gate of Shudi, and when it is launched, nine hundred and ninety-nine steel needles are shot at a time, but this hidden weapon is disposable, and it will be discarded after using up the syringe and will be thrown in the hole." The

fat man was speechless: "Nine hundred and ninety-nine steel needles, this person has not been beaten into a hornet's nest, where did you get such a thing?"

Yu Qi'an said directly: "The last time I bought weapons, the one who sold weapons gave it away, saying that now is the era of firearms, our ancient weapons are in decline, and no one wants this thing after selling it for a few years, so I bought it more than I bought at one time and gave it to me." The

fat man was puzzled: "Why doesn't anyone want such a powerful weapon?" You go back and ask if that guy still has it, if you go out in the future and prepare a few cans, it won't be God blocking and killing God Buddha Buddha blocking and killing Buddha!

Yu Qi'an shook his head: "It may be that a one-time thing can't test the power, and everyone doesn't trust this thing."

Shirley Yang was also very curious: "I have indeed seen a lot of powerful hidden weapons in ancient books, but this rainstorm pear flower needle has only been seen in Gu Long's novels, I didn't expect that this kind of hidden weapon really exists in the world, it seems that we still know too little about the wisdom of the ancients."

Lao Hu asked, "By the way, Xiaoyu, what happened to you in the cave?" Why did I hear so much movement at the entrance of the cave and even wake up the big bug?

Yu Qi'an briefly introduced: "I was fighting and retreating inside, thinking that Miss Yang said that the blue toad might be the reason for the appearance of strange creatures in the cave, and it was going to be destroyed, so I rushed over and kicked the box directly to the mountain wall, and the things inside were broken and fell into the water."

Then the babies and the undead immediately went mad and besieged me, and it took me a great deal of effort to get out.

Shirley Yang clapped her hands happily: "It's good that the stone is destroyed, the radioactive elements in it are sometimes strong and sometimes weak, many warplanes crashed here during World War II, and if the stone is destroyed, there will never be a crash in the future."

Lao Hu took the map and watched: "If it weren't for the collapse, it would be difficult for outsiders to break it, doesn't this collapse mean that the plane crashed?" However, this sacrifice to the king is really brutal, and the scale of this tomb is much larger than I expected.

With the national strength of the ancient Dian Kingdom to be able to build such a large mausoleum, presumably the people must have suffered a lot. After

eating something and resting, Lao Hu looked at the sky: "Let's explore this treasure top today, and then decide whether to go to the underground palace overnight or wait until tomorrow." Several

people walked around the plank road in a circle for more than an hour before they arrived in front of the palace gate of the Heavenly Palace, in front of them were ninety-nine jade steps, and the main hall was made of one hundred and sixty nanmu as the main structure.

Not to mention the things inside, just these jade and the Nanmu that built the house can be worth a lot of money, but at this time, the fat man has no idea of making money, and this kind of suspended building is like a nightmare for a person like him who is afraid of heights.

Because of the terrain, these steps are still very steep, and the fat man does not dare to stand up at all, but only dares to lie on them and remain motionless.

This jade step was already difficult to walk, and the fat man was dragging his feet there, so Yu Qi'an and Lao Hu had no choice but to carry him up.

Walked all the way to the platform, saw a large area of flat fat men only slightly better, Lao Hu from Shirley Yang asked for a diamond umbrella to open the door, looked at the stone tablet at the door and scolded with a smile: "This dedication to the king Lao'er really thinks, this hall is called the Hall of Immortals."

He also thought that if he built a palace on the cliff, there would be immortals to accompany him to play chess and play the piano?

Shirley Yang also sighed: "From ancient times to the present, what emperor does not pursue immortality? Even if you don't pursue immortality, you want to continue to enjoy glory and wealth after death.

That's why it attaches so much importance to the pattern of the emperor's mausoleum and carries out various burial arrangements.

Lao Hu nodded: "It is because they are extremely poor and extravagant, and they buy so many funeral goods, so there will be so many golden captains in the world, if everyone is buried without a penny, then the emperor's mausoleum in the world can rest in peace."

Lao Hu said that he had already kicked open the temple door with a vajra umbrella, but the temple door was kicked open after three heavy kicks, and after waiting for a while to confirm that there was no danger, Lao Hu let everyone in.

Inside are all kinds of bronze bronze beasts and bronze people, this kind of thing feels like a set should be more valuable than a single one, but how can you get these things completely without alarming a few people?

By the way, there is also the throne inlaid with gold and jade, which should be worth a lot of money.

The fat man saw that the throne was so far away from the minister of civil and military affairs, and he was still there chanting about offering the king away from the masses, and discussing the government of the egg with the minister so far away.

Lao Hu was attracted by the jade mercury dragon behind the throne.

Shirley Yang pointed to the statue of the emperor in the mural: "Look, is it a dust bead on the head of the king?" Lao

Hu and the fat man hurriedly went to look, and sure enough, the mural showed an emperor ascending to heaven surrounded by all his courtiers, and the crown on the king's head was inlaid with the dust bead.

After the fat man entered the main hall, he felt that he could do it again, and after relieving the fear of heights in his heart, he made up his mind about the things in the hall.

At first sight, he fell in love with the jade dragon in the mural: "It seems that this Wang Lao'er has ascended to heaven and become an immortal, and there is nothing here."

Let's dig this dragon out of the mural, sell it for money, make a windfall, and then eat and drink.

Shirley Yang shook her head: "This can't be!" Becoming an immortal is just wishful thinking for the king, how can there be a mortal becoming an immortal in the world.

Lao Hu also nodded: "Exactly, we have already reached the top of the treasure and there is no reason not to go in and fight, if the king is still inside, then the dust beads are likely to be in the tomb." Several

people continued to move forward to the apse, the apse is full of inscriptions, there are a separate eight mural walls arranged according to the nine palace gossip, these walls are almost a brick and a painting, there are no less than thousands of pairs on the eight walls, the merits of the king are greatly exaggerated, and they really do good deeds for fear that people will not know.

The fat man had no interest in frescoes and writing, and began to wander around the temple, trying to find something of value.

After a while, he found a big tripod in the middle of the stone tablet and immediately beckoned a few people to look at it.

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