"So it was, I remembered the woman, the sister of the woman I had killed before. You actually helped her just now, why? Just

like Asakura said, at this time he finally remembered the identity of Miho Kirishima, so he looked at Kitaoka Shuichi and asked.

Kitaoka Shuichi replied perfunctorily: "Because she is a woman, what reason do you want?"

"No, you used to be my defense lawyer, and you felt sorry for the woman, so you sympathized with her."

"I do regret defending you."

"It's so naïve, you'll die!"

After saying this, Asakura turned to leave, while Kitaoka Shuichi coughed because he had a terminal illness and died soon, which is why he became a knight.


"That man is not human! And Kitaoka Shuichi, who defended Asakura Wei, that guy is not a good thing either.

After telling her sister's story, Miho Kirishima summed up Asakura and Kitaoka Shuichi, and then she continued: "How are the four of us working together?" "


"Yes, it won't hurt you to defeat the king snake."

"I refuse." Without hesitation, Akiyama refused Kirishima Miho's offer to join forces, "What do knights want to do with each other?" One day there will be killing each other.

After saying this, Akiyama Lian looked at Shinji, who still looked like a lost soul on the side, and her brows furrowed slightly.

Because he couldn't think of what had happened to make Shinji, who seemed innocent to him, become what he was like this. If it had been in normal times, Shinji would have opened his mouth to refute him.

In the end, it was Jiyou, who fell in love with Shinji and killed each other, Akiyama-ren couldn't help but look at Wei Xing again and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"Because in the mirror world before, everyone else Akiyama Lian saw it, only Wei Xing and Shinji he didn't see it, so he naturally suspected that Shinji became like this and had something to do with Wei Xing, or Wei Xing knew the reason.

"Knowing some truth, the spirit was just blowing."

Hearing Wei Xing's words, Qiu Shan Lian frowned: "What truth!?"

"You can ask him yourself." Wei Xing replied with a smile.

Akiyama-ren took a deep look at Wei Xing without asking, then he walked to Shinji, pulled the lost Shinji up, and left the abandoned church with him.

And Wei Xing took photos of the back of the two with his camera, these are all news materials!

In all kinds of news, the audience loves to watch gossip news the most, and among them, the basic gossip and intricate relationship gossip are the most, so how can Wei Xing let go of this kind of basic burning material! Comical.

"It's just you, lend me your strength!"

After Ren Akiyama and Shinji left, Miho Kirishima was left with only Eizuku to work with.

Although Wei Xing offended her before, in order to take revenge, she was also able to flex and stretch, suppressed Wei Xing's dissatisfaction in her heart, and said the words for help.

Because he had already received Sin Points from Miho Kirishima, Wei Xing didn't have to say anything like to single out and like fairness, so he smiled and said, "Yes, but what can you pay for it?" Perhaps

he didn't expect Wei Xing to agree so cheerfully, although the words for help were said by himself, but Kirishima Miho was still stunned at this time.

However, Wei Xing did not wait for her to answer, so he continued: "In this way, if I help you defeat the king snake and take revenge, you will give up your knighthood and quit the battle."

"That's what you're asking for me!?" Miho Kirishima looked at Wei Xing with a surprised face.

"Yes, I don't really want to fight women, if you can directly withdraw from the knight war, it will be a good thing for me."

"Is your purpose also for the victory of the Knight War?"

Wei Xing did not answer Miho Kirishima's question, but just had a noncommittal expression.

Miho Kirishima thought about it, although she also wanted to win the knight battle and then resurrect her sister, she also knew that there was almost no hope of winning on her own.

She couldn't even take revenge on her own to defeat Asakura and had to ask others for help.

So after thinking for a long time, she finally made up her mind, nodded and said, "Good! I promise you! As

for her as a liar, it is unknown how much truth and falsehood there are in her words.

However, Wei Xing didn't care, if Miho Kirishima didn't keep the agreement, it would be a big deal to snatch the card box in her hand at that time, which would save her life.

Wei Xing: I just don't want to hit women, and I don't really want to hit women. And girls are so cute, they will be even cuter after being beaten and crying, right? Comical.


Lotus Akiyama takes Shinji back to the Hana Chicken Cafe owned by Kanzaki Yunako, Aunt Kanzaki Sanako.

The two people in the store were also very surprised to see Shinji, who had lost his soul brought back by Akiyama, and immediately stepped forward to express their concern for him.

Kanzaki Sanako was the first to ask, "Ren, Shinji, what's wrong with him?" "

Aunt, let Lian take Shinji back to the attic to rest first." Kanzaki Yui spoke.

Although I don't know what happened specifically, Kanzaki Yui can guess that it should be related to the knight war, and this kind of thing naturally cannot be known to Kanazaki Sanako.

After that, Ren Akiyama took Shinji back to the attic, and Kanzaki Yui also came to the attic on the grounds of taking care of Shinji.

Only then did Yui Kanzaki speak, "Lian, what happened to Shinji?"

"I don't know, some people say he knew some truth and was mentally hit."

Hearing Akiyama's words, Kanzaki Yui was confused, and couldn't help but turn his head to look at Shinji, and Shinji also happened to look at her, and the eyes of the two met in the air.

Finally, Shinji, who didn't say a word, spoke at this time: "Yui, do you remember what happened when you were a child?"

"What happened as a child?"

"It's that once you went out to play and met a little boy, and you made an appointment with him to continue playing together the next day, but the little boy missed the appointment the next day."

At this time, Shinji's expression and tone were very complicated.

Yui Kanzaki was lost in thought, in fact, for some reason, the memories of the monster paintings and mirror worlds were forgotten by her. But just hearing Shinji's words, she inexplicably felt very familiar.

Even if Shinji didn't ask Yui Kanzaki, she would later recover these memories on her own, and now that Shinji asked, it accelerated the recovery of her memories.

Yui Kanzaki, who was thinking, gradually changed his face, looked at Shinji and asked, "How did you know about this?" "

Yes, I'm the little boy who broke the promise." Shinji looked full of self-blame, remorse, and pain, "I'm sorry, Yui, it's because of me that things are the way they are." "

If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have walked into the mirror world, and the Knight Wars wouldn't have happened... It's all because I didn't keep my promise..."

"It's all my fault!"

Shinji: It's all my fault!

Wei Xing: It's not your fault, it's the world's fault! Comical.




Wei Xing: The rating is finally on, but it is only 7.0! I @#¥%... &*~!

In addition, I found that although the page showed 377 reviews, only 141 reviews were actually displayed... The rest was swallowed? Or are you lazy and didn't write text, so it doesn't show?

At present, it seems that the rating is also refreshed once a day, tomorrow to see if there is any change, before there were book friends said that yesterday I saw the rating was 9.2, today it is 7.0... I don't comment on this, after all, I really just opened the rating today.

In short, it is quite speechless....

Finally, yesterday really came to measure, 1W, hope to continue the effort! After all, the results are the motivation for the author's update! Don't say it, the author was shut down by me to codeword! Comical.

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