What’s wrong?

What happened again?!

Higashino Ning was so fucked by Yamamura that he didn’t dare to move. He subconsciously moved away from him and pressed against the back of the seat.

Yamamura swallowed and calmed his breath,”The Morofushi Gaoming Police Department in Nagano Prefecture just called and said that they want to invite you to handle the case there.”

Higashino Ning frowned crazily,”Then why are you so nervous? I used to be Could he just die over there or what?”

Good guy ?”…To be surprised by just such a small thing is simply abstract.

But what case does Zhu Fu Gaoming ask him to handle now?

Could it be that we have already found some clues and want to ask him to go over and investigate together, but we just found another reason?

Dongye Ning thinks this possibility is quite high.

But logically speaking, Zhu Fu Gaoming should have made a personal phone call to him in advance.

Dongye Ning took out his cell phone and took a look. There was no call record.

He returned his gaze to Yamamura’s face,”So what is the specific case, and why are you so scared?”

It can’t be an investigation of some supernatural incident. Yamamura is indeed very superstitious, and he is also afraid of gods and ghosts. s things.

Unexpectedly, Yamamura Cao said mysteriously:”I have forgotten the specific case, but……Mr. Police! Last time when we jointly handled the case, we overran Nagano. Maybe they want to ask you to come over for revenge or even…Assassination!”

As he spoke, he put the knife across his neck and drew it back and forth, making a sound that was full of emotion.

Higashino Ning:”……”

Then you are really quite thoughtful.

He stood up helplessly,”Forget it, let me call the Zhufu Police Department alone and ask.”

Upon seeing this, Yamamura Cao wanted to say a few more words, hoping that Higashino Ning would be vigilant.

But Higashino Ning no longer planned to pay attention to him, and left the office directly to make a phone call and take a breath of fresh air.

It seems that the recent summer has been a bit too long, which is very abnormal in the Ke Xue world.

The call was answered quickly.

Zhu Fu Gaoming got straight to the point and said directly:

“Higashino Police Department, I have a case here that may be more difficult. It was a case a few years ago. I wonder if you are interested in coming here?

Dongye Ning pondered for a moment,” So…Simply investigating?

Zhufu Gaoming’s voice was calm,”Well, there is actually a backlog of such old cases in both Nagano and Gunma. I think it is better for both sides to join forces and try to solve all these cases.””

“As for the people behind the scenes…All I can say is that the clues were completely broken, and I couldn’t find any breakthrough. I could only wait for time to ferment and see if the other party would appear again.”

Well, it seems that this is the only way. After all, Higashino Ning himself didn’t find anything.

As for the so-called old cases, there are quite a lot of them.

In fact, he had already seen the relevant cases when he first came to take office. The main reason why the case files have not been investigated is because there are only nine people in the police station. This configuration is only enough to deal with daily emergencies, and there is no room for anything else. Ning said that he understood and decided to go to Nagano by himself, taking at most one mountain with him….Forehead…It’s better to wear the rock as brightly as possible.

Yamamura Cao is not suitable for business trips, so it would be good for him to stay in Gunma.

After the call ended, Higashino stretched outside for a while and blew in the wind before returning to the office. On the way, he told Ryota Iwakoshi about the matter and asked him to prepare for his business trip.

Iwagoe Ryota almost jumped up with joy after hearing the news.

He thinks this is a signal!

A signal that means”I want to start cultivating you seriously”!

Can he not be happy when he gets the guidance and guidance from the legendary police officer Higashino Ning?!

Soon it was time to get off work in the evening.

Dongye Ning had nothing to stay at, so he left early and went to replenish the daily necessities he needed.

Other snacks and drinks also need to be replenished – Haiyuan Ai says he won’t eat them, but in private, his main focus is to show off….

Higashinoya, entrance hall

“Why did you buy so many things again?…?”

Haibara Ai asked while looking at it, and at the same time reached out to take the bag, wanting to help relieve the pressure on Higashino Ning’s hand.

Dongye Ning simply stepped off his shoes,”The refrigerator is almost empty. Replenish all kinds of food. I will replenish it every five days, or I will replenish it if I think it is needed.”

He picked up the bag,”The rest It’s just some daily necessities. I’ll sort them out later. You’d better go and have a rest.”

Since she was forcibly captured by Higashino Ning from the portable laboratory last time, Haibara Ai will no longer forget to eat and sleep doing experiments. At least not in the short term.

Since she would come back early, she would naturally prepare dinner along the way.

So Higashino thought it would be better to let his cute, gentle and considerate little loli rest.

This is indeed the case.

Hui Yuan Ai hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said playfully:”Then go and do it quickly. When you’re done, come over and wash your hands and eat.”

She blushed a little while speaking.

No way, the fact that I was showing off my snacks was actually discovered!

“hateful…You were obviously very careful and restrained, but why did you still eat so fast?”

“…Um…No matter what, I love to eat as much as I want, and Aning will buy it for me anyway!”

Haihara Ai quickly convinced herself, and immediately tore open the snacks she subconsciously took out of the bag and showed them off.

Dinner is no different from before.

Sooner or later, life will become repetitive, and there is nothing to regret. Lost or irritable.

During the meal, Higashino Ning mentioned that he was going to Nagano for a business trip. Haibara Ai paused while holding the chopsticks, then returned to normal, and said with a faint smile:”Okay, please pay attention to your own safety outside. Don’t act blindly.”

I haven’t been back for several days. I have just finished my work, and now I have to go to another place for business.

Ordinary police officers usually have limited vacations, and the police department has no chance to take vacations.

Haibara Ai is very eager to meet Higashino Ning. We don’t want to spend a few days together, and we don’t want to play around, even if we just take a lunch break at home, but even this expectation is difficult to realize.

“Anyway, if the idiot stays at home, he will only cause trouble for me, or he will make me angry by doing all kinds of mean things. It would be better if he is not at home, and it is also necessary for his work, so I can’t blame him”

“I can eat and sleep alone, go to school alone, and do experiments and research antidotes freely without restraint…….” do not talk.

It’s starting to feel a little difficult.

Hui Yuan Ai bit her lip and raised her eyes, her eyes filled with tears, but she resisted the tears from falling.

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