Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 662: Several ways to send customers

Ye Genyi passed by Judy Starling, who just smiled at the cold-faced young man.

For her, the FBI investigator, the most important thing at the moment is of course Belmode over the sofa, and the little girl codenamed Shirley who is suspected of defecting from the organization.

"Hi~ The new doctor, how is she? I cut a lot of fruit, it's most important to supplement vitamin C when I'm sick~"

If the standard of camouflage + acting is 10 points, you have less than 5 points... Belmod stretched out his index finger and compared a 'silent' finger:

"Shh, the little girl just fell asleep, Mr. Judy, please be quiet..."

As she said that, she was still thinking about Ye Gengyi's behavior of going to the kitchen to make coffee.

It must be to check whether the FBI has done anything.

Forget it... The plan to expose Shirley's existence has been successfully implemented for a small part. If the FBI really wants to leave some bugs in the house, Icewine's anger is more than worth the gain.

"Oh~ I'm sorry, I didn't notice it," Judy Sterling sat on the other side of the sofa naturally, "Sure enough, it's more reliable to have a doctor by your side when you're sick."

Xiuyi is outside, and the opportunity is rare. Maybe he can extract some information from the mouth of this woman, Belmod.

Although I haven't had a chance to install a bug, no one has said that the bug can't be placed directly on the body...

The corners of Judy Starling's mouth twitched.

However, before she could wait for Belmod's reply, she saw that the other party suddenly stood up and gave way to the side with a very quick dodging gesture.

Judy Starling's response was not slow. Although she still didn't understand the situation, she intuitively told herself that it was better to hide first.

Thinking is only for a moment.

Just after the two successfully evaded, as expected, they saw a tray and two coffee cups firmly buckled on their previous seats.

It was accurate and didn't shatter on the ground. this empty?

Judy Starling's expression was dull.

Belmod's mouth also twitched.

And I remembered Ye Gengyi's previous sentence, "The weather has been a little cold recently, and if you come back to pick it up, you accidentally slip and fall, and it will be bad if you encounter an accident. ’


(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ I just came here not long ago!

"Sorry, I stumbled accidentally, you weren't hurt, right?"

Noticing the eyes of the two, Ye Geng said calmly.

This guy must have done it on purpose!

Compared with Judy Sterling's hesitation, Belmod simply doesn't understand Icewine's mind too much.

To scare people, right? To scare people by deliberately throwing empty cups!

However, it is precisely because of this that after she was depressed, she did not feel much anger.

the reason is simple…

Ye Geng still held a coffee pot full of coffee in one hand and did not throw it away, and the direction they came from was just in front of her. Regarding the degree of heat insulation, her body was also covered with a layer of camouflage. In comparison, if the woman from the FBI was really splashed by the 90-degree coffee, the picture would not be too beautiful...

I had known the consequences of trying and not hiding. With Icewine's character, I might have thrown that coffee pot out.

"Oops! Are you all alright!"

Dr. A Li, who didn't understand the situation at all, heard the sound and hurried over. After confirming that none of the four people on the side were injured, he looked at the seat over there, and when he found that not even the cup was broken, Immediately full of question marks.

? ? ?

It seems that luck is pretty good...

"By the way, it's almost noon, do you want to stay for dinner?" Dr. A Li invited.

After all, people came here on purpose to help and visit, and it would be a shame not to keep them.

"There's still some time left."

Ye Gengyi put the coffee pot on the coffee table and said to the two, "I'll go out and buy what I want to eat now."

Here, it's an order to evict guests... Belmod naturally knew that Ye Gengyi was speaking the opposite.

Although staying for lunch, it is naturally impossible to encounter a coffee cup or a picture of a kitchen knife flying, but in his own plan, Icewine and the FBI should have as little contact as possible.

If this inspector is eager for quick success and shows too much attention to Shirley at the dinner table, and thus arouses Icewine's alert, that would be bad...

While Belmod was thinking, Judy Starling was also silent beside her.

Her position is very simple, Belmod goes, she goes, Belmod keeps her.


"Don't bother, although it's a day off, there can't be no one at the clinic all the time..."

After Belmod directly pointed out his whereabouts, he took out a few boxes of antipyretics from the medical box he carried with him, and placed it on the coffee table to lightly tap, "I won't take this with me."

The FBI has been staring at her, so it's not good to open the wiretap in front of the other party, right?

"What about you?" Ye Geng looked at an FBI investigator.

"I won't bother you anymore. I'll visit the little girl when she gets better~" Judy Sterling also got up and said goodbye.


Ye Geng responded and stood up: "I'll take you out."

The three of them left the villa one after the other.

After a while, the sound of two cars driving away came from outside.


Pick vegetables, start fires, cook.

After considering the time cost of cooking for the two of them, Ye Geng directly made the dinner portion and put it in the electric thermostat.

until the table.

An inventor just noticed a problem:

"Zeng Yi, why didn't Conan come back with you?"

Because compared to you, that detective boy cares more about whether the murderer has pleaded guilty... Ye Geng thought about it and said casually:

"Maybe his idol is Mr. Maori."

Ah, this... Dr. Agasa's single-core brain automatically added to this ambiguous answer.

After a few seconds.


It must be because he was dissatisfied that Gengyi solved the case faster than So he refused to take the other person's car back, and even called me to vent his anger on me.

snort! Sure enough, it's the character of that stinky boy from Shinichi...Dr. Agsa thought angrily.

Afternoon to dusk.

Because Haibara Ai slept deeply and sweated a lot, the two did not move her to the bedroom.

After the doctor said that he could take good care of Xiao Ai.

Ye Geng took a chance to dispose of the bug that Belmod left behind, grabbed a pre-made dinner, and went straight into the basement.

In the living room, although Dr. Ali complained about a certain detective, he still did not forget to help him investigate the big star Chris Wynyard and the bomb incident in Kanagawa Prefecture a few days ago.

Time passed quietly.

Just after the sky was completely dark outside, the doorbell rang suddenly at the entrance.

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