Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 751: Reason for leaving early


"In mid-air..."

"As expected of Mr. Kidd!"

wrong! You are all wrong.

Kaitou Kidd was forced to use a smoke bomb, as if he was dodging something. This kind of speed that the naked eye can't see, is it... a bullet?

Conan stared at the place where Kuroba Kuito disappeared, his expression became extremely serious.

Realizing that most of the onlookers didn't notice the problem, but continued to be immersed in the amazing miracles that Kaitou Kidd showed.

Conan hurriedly returned to the OB van and informed everyone of the situation.

"What?! Kid, you said someone shot at Lord Kidd, is that true?" Suzuki Sonoko was surprised and shocked.

"Actually, I'm not very sure, but..." Conan looked at the surveillance screen and said, "Those cameras must have caught something."

"Makes sense, the working group! Set all the pictures back to the time before Kidd disappeared!"

Suzuki Jiroji waved his hand and said viciously: "Dare to commit a murder at the scene of my autobiography recording, if I catch the murderer, I will make him cry and repent in front of the camera!"

Turn it into fresh autobiographical material? creative……

Ye Geng calmly held the mobile phone in his pocket, got up and moved away from the position in front of the console, and joined the crowd with a few people.

Kuidou should be uninjured, otherwise the blood spilled from the air would more or less be noticed by someone.

An email came out asking what happened.

The many monitoring pictures on the screen were also adjusted to the moment when Kaitou Kidd made a declaration of the end of the rehearsal:

[Okay, this is the end of the rehearsal, at the same location at 8 o'clock tomorrow night, let's... bang! 】

The smoke dissipated, and the white figure disappeared in mid-air.

I watched it 5 or 6 times from various angles.

Nakamori Yinsan finally frowned in dissatisfaction: "Hey, did you read it wrong? Kaitou Kid didn't dodge a lot at all."

"But Kaitou Kid didn't finish his sentence, and hurriedly used the smoke bomb."

Conan defended in a low voice, but because he could not come up with any supporting evidence, relying on the suspicion of a primary school student alone could not convince the police to believe him.

"It must be because this stinky boy was kidnapped some time ago, so he was in a trance. He regarded a flying bug as a bullet, and walked away, don't make trouble here..."

Mouri Kogoro pressed Conan's big head and ravaged it for a few times, then looked at Suzuki Jiroji and said, "If you want me to tell me, maybe this is what the thief is playing again, before you figure out the situation, your gem Don't continue to hang it on the roof for exhibition."

"It's, it's..."

Nakamori Yinsan hurriedly echoed, "Didn't I remind you? Don't underestimate that guy. If we had used our police helicopter from the beginning, there might not have been any accidents at all!"

"Is that so..."

Suzuki Jiroji declined to comment and said: "So have you unlocked it? What was the method of that thief walking towards the museum from the air with his head held high?"

"This..." Nakamori Yinsan's face fell instantly, speechless.

"Uncle, since the phantom thief Kidd has left, can we go into the museum now?"

Conan quickly took over the topic.

A rehearsal of a theft would actually attract gangsters to shoot with guns, which reminded him of the last Shikao soldier.

Perhaps, the other party is still not staring at Kidd the phantom thief, but the 'miracle of the ocean. ’

"Hey! It makes sense, let's take a tour." Nakamori Yinsan agreed with all three hands... As long as the security defense inside is weak, I will find an opportunity to ask this stubborn old man for the command right tomorrow night!

The two abacuses clapped.

For Suzuki Jiroji, this is also an opportunity to reveal his collection:

"No way, since you want to visit, come with me."

Beside him, Ye Geng pretended to listen to their exchange, but in fact he had obtained relatively accurate information from Kuroba Kuito.

The bullet was shot from the south of the museum. According to the angle analysis, the crowd on the ground can be directly excluded.

In that direction... there are only two commercial buildings that meet the height.

Ye Geng thought about it, and said hello to everyone who moved to visit the museum: "Sorry, Xiao Ai said she was a little sleepy, so we will say goodbye first."

Sleepy? What time is it... difficult, could she sense the breath of the organization again?

Conan looked suspiciously.

Haiyuan Ai noticed his gaze, and after a moment of silence, he yawned stiffly, indicating that he was really sleepy.

Conan: "..."

I think too much?

Haibara Ai:"……"

What the **** am I doing...

"Well, well... remember to watch the scene where I successfully caught the thief tomorrow."

Suzuki Jiroji, the host, once again sent an invitation.


As soon as Ye Geng finished speaking, he nodded slightly to Mouri Kogoro and Nakamori Yinsan, and after receiving their feedback, he directly picked up a certain loli who still hadn't figured out the situation, and walked outside.

Pedestrians on the long street, the sensation caused by the phantom thief Kid is still lingering.

As soon as Ye Geng carried Hui Yuanai, he kept walking between them, and after a while, he came to the vicinity of the target commercial building.

With both feet on the ground again, Haibara Ai, on the basis of Kaito Kidd's aerial walk, was forced to experience a skid in the air, and asked with an unlovable expression:

"What are we doing here?"

"Because I wanted to record my autobiography, I wrapped up the surrounding buildings in advance, including these two commercial buildings..."

Ye Gengyi seemed to be muttering to himself, "It's really something that rich old man can do."

Haibara Ai was stunned, and seemed to have guessed something vaguely, "Could it be that what Edogawa said is true? Someone wants to kill Kaitou Kid!"

"That possibility is not ruled out."

Ye Gengyi said noncommittal: "Okay, let's go back."

"Huh? Aren't we going to investigate?" Haibara Ai wondered.

"Don't go..."

Ye Geng paused and added: "At least this time is not right."

"You actually want to sneak over to investigate later, right?" Haibara Ai speculated on the subtext of this sentence.

"Well, yes." Ye Genyi said calmly, "That's what I plan to do."

"Haha..." Haiyuan sneered bitterly, in order to vent his dissatisfaction that he was treated as a 'get out of the tool'.

Ye Gengyi ignored and left a sentence, "Stay here, you won't be able to leave if you encounter the police officers who searched Section 2", and then walked in the direction of 2-chome.

Haiyuan Ai saw that this person really did not intend to go in and search, and immediately felt quite boring.

go alone?

Those who encounter gunmen are simply giving away their heads.

However, why did the police officers who searched Section 2 come here? Didn't they suspect that the thief Kidd was shot?

Think back to God.

Haiyuan Ai noticed that someone's figure had gone 7 or 8 meters, and hurriedly chased after him, wanting to ask what happened.


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