Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 900: Climbing is about going up and down

The two walked down the mountain one after the other.

Seeing that Ye Gengyi was silent and did not speak.

Kuroba Kaito said with relief: "Brother, don't worry too much about this, now it seems that the sentence 'Know the truth of the ages' written by Sansui Yoshiemon in the stone lantern was originally intended to be unwilling to do so. Let the diamonds be taken away."

"Oh... that's not necessarily the case," Ye Gengyi explained: "He just used the gravity pressure-sensing device as a starter. I have observed it. In fact, the key point is not the diamond, but the separation of the gravity pressure-sensing device. Is the object hard enough?"

"Brother," Kuroba Kaito thought of a possibility, "Don't you mean to say that your nanorobots can condense into objects as hard as diamonds?"

"Theoretically, yes, but with the energy technology I have now, if I want to stabilize such a structure, I need to break through a few more problems..."

Seeing that Kuroba Kaito seemed to be relieved, Ye Genyi continued: "Don't worry, the value of that ball of carbon 12 to me is only when it becomes money or other materials, since there is no equivalent right now. Material replacement, let’s forget it for the time being.”

"Hey~ bro! I am impressed by you." Kuroba quickly teased.

"Oh, my senses of you are the same as before." Ye Gengyi said.

It sounds like a compliment, but if you think about it carefully, this is clearly saying that I have never grown!

Kuroba Kaito's smile froze on his face: "..."

I was wrong, I shouldn't be arguing with the **** on a whim...


It was already dawn when the two returned to the foot of the mountain.

Ye Changyi changed into clean clothes and was preparing to return.

However, Kuroba Kaito mentioned the treasure hunter who was left outside the machine room by them again:

"Wouldn't it be nice for us to leave him like this?"

"Don't hesitate so much if you want to keep your mouth shut." Ye Geng rubbed his brows, "Even if you go back now, even if you don't run away, you're probably already awake."

"How can I, brother, don't talk nonsense!"

Kuroba Kuito explained, "That person seems to have an accomplice, and I'm a little worried that they will also find the Niwang Stone."

"What do you want to do, to persuade him?"

Ye Genyi said:

"A person's greed is endless. Unless you kill him, even if you see it with your own eyes, when the danger has not fallen on you, no one knows how he will choose."

"However, I'm still a little concerned," Heiyu Kaidou raised his eyes to look at Shanxiang, "Let's go and have a look, after all, it would be bad if the sluice burst."

"Did you really take it... eh? Wait a minute, I'll take a call."

Ye Gengyi took out his mobile phone from the waterproof pocket of his jacket:


"One more thing, is it going well on your side?"

Dr. A Li said with a smile: "I heard Xiao Ai say that you have something to do temporarily, so I didn't call you. It's like this, the case at the concert hall has been solved, and Conan and Miss Qiu Ting seem to be It was attacked by Mr. Puhe, and then he was put on a small boat and floated all the way to the reservoir. When I came back, I saw that he had been sullen, so I thought of taking them out for relaxation today. We plan to leave in the morning. Can you go? ?"


Ye Geng sighed:

"I'm sorry, Doctor, originally it was possible, but my partner made some unreasonable requests temporarily. Although it's a headache, it can only be done with a beginning and an end."

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

I suspect that my brother is complaining about me, and the evidence is solid!

Downhill and uphill.

The two did not go directly back to the organ house, but stood at a hidden high point to observe from a distance, and saw that in addition to the rising water has receded, the treasure hunter who was lying in front of the wall was also missing.



Kuroba Kuito's eyes fell on both sides of the main entrance, where the stone lanterns were originally lined up, and he muttered strangely: "Huh? Why are there no stone lanterns?"

"It should be moved away, shall we go too?" Ye Gengyi said.

"Wait a minute, brother, someone entered the house, eh? It seems to be a woman..." Kuroba Kuito continued to report his findings in a low voice.

(?_?)... Just your sharp eyes... Ye Geng said with a dead fish-eye, "Maybe it's that person's partner."

"Well, whether it was yesterday or just now, we didn't see other means of transportation near the foot of the mountain. They should have come from other roads..."

Kuroba Kaito said: "Let's see, if they suffer a little and can leave here."

"Quick fight..."

"What's the matter, bro?"

"Do you have voyeurism in addition to masochism and masochism?" Ye Geng asked.

"Hey, bro, don't use aggressive tactics," Kuroba Kuito pouted, "Sansui Yoshiemon's agency especially uses the inertia of people's thinking. I don't think it will take long for them to come out."

"Where is the need for such trouble," Ye Geng suggested, "You directly appear as Kidd the phantom thief, and tell them that the gem has been stolen. Even if the name is not convincing, you can create a little bit of it. psychological pressure?"

Kuroba Kaito's eyes lit up first, then he listened to the second half of the sentence with a dark face, and said dissatisfiedly:

"What are you talking about! It's totally fine with me! Eh? Why is someone here again?"

In the sight, a man in his thirties, with short hair and brown eyes, and a strong physique, also came to the front of this organ house.

He was wearing a seasonal mountaineering outfit with a backpack on his back.

"Looking at the pace, it should be a soldier, or have received similar training, left-handed, this distance does not tell whether he is carrying a weapon or not."

Ye Gengyi reminded: "Wait and see, it's best to catch them all in one go."

Uh, brother's word... Kuroba Kaito struggled for a while, then said:

"They should all be treasure hunters, even if they have guns."

"Then you'd better be careful. If you don't handle it well, it will end up in a three-on-one situation." Ye Gengyi

Kuroba Kaito squinted at someone, "Brother, you..."

"Those people have nothing to do with me, and I don't want to develop that kind of relationship."

Ye Gengyi said: "The behavior of some treasure hunters is even worse than that of some criminal organizations, that is, a group of people who advertise their bottom line for money and excitement, but actually have no bottom line, um... Although it is said that It's also a way of life, but I shouldn't get along with those people."

What my brother means is that if I let him participate, the way I will deal with it will definitely be different from me... Kuroba quickly nodded, indicating that he understood, and then said:

"Understood, then I'll go."

"Wear wireless earphones and keep in touch," Ye Geng yawned, "I'll be waiting for you in the woods, just thinking about what material to use to replace that diamond."

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

Hopefully not on a whim and we're all swept away...

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