Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 925: The right way to remove shadows

The first floor of Master Zhengying's house.

Bathed in blue and white lights.

Ye Genyi sat at the dining table, swallowed the food in his mouth, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and answered the call from Ai Haibara.


Before he could speak, a familiar explosion sounded into his ears through the receiver.

Is the doctor inventing?

Little Radar was bombed?


As soon as Ye Geng went to the window, he opened the window and let the outside wind blow in, so as to judge the nearby situation.

"Sorry, someone just set off fireworks..."

Haibara Ai's voice sounded along with the rustling footsteps.


Ye Genyi looked up at the air again and made a simple logical judgment:

"You and the doctor went out to play together again?"

"That's right, but it's just me and the doctor," Haibara Ai said, "what about you? You should have gone back after watching the magic show, right?"

"Not yet, eating at someone else's house."

Ye Geng paused for a while, and before Hui Yuanai was about to bring up the next topic, he added: "I encountered a murder case."


The other end was visibly silent for a few seconds.

Haibara Ai sighed silently and asked in a complicated mood:

"Is Edogawa still by your side?"

"No," Ye Geng glanced sideways at the stairs, "He solved the case at the scene, and I ate at the restaurant."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Wait, let me scratch first...

"What's the matter with the call?" Ye Geng brought the topic back again.

"Oh," Haiyuan mourned, "it's actually about camping, didn't we meet a treasure hunter with a bad character yesterday, the doctor blamed himself for not being able to bring the police over in time because he got lost. , In order to make up for it... I decided to take everyone out for camping tomorrow, even if I came over for inspection today."

Still going camping? The psychological qualities of those three little devils are so strong? No shadow left at all?

Ye Gengyi said "oh" but didn't answer.

Hai Yuanai continued: "The doctor also prepared surprises for the children, but the words he intends to make are too difficult for the children, so I want to ask you if you have any good ideas."

"What's the gift?" Ye Geng asked.

"The unicorn and the stag beetle," Ai Haibara explained, "the doctor intends to wait until the festival in this village is over, and then smear the sap on the pillars of the torii."

"Oh, it's not that simple," Ye Geng said casually, "The hiragana name of the answer is directly encrypted with symbols, and then the algorithm and the number of digits are encrypted a second time, and it is enough to form a hint for solving the puzzle."

Simple... simple? So what was I expecting just now...

Hai Yuanai heard a sigh:

"Hey, let me and the doctor think about the password. By the way, the festival seems to be going on for a while longer. When I came out in the afternoon, I forgot to look at Sydney's rice bowl. After you finish the case, go back and remember to feed it. ."

"It's not necessarily that you go back early." Ye Geng yawned, "As for Sydney... It's not a problem to be hungry."

"Huh?" Hai Yuanai was stunned, ignoring the latter half of someone's sentence, and asked, "Is the case complicated?"

"Fortunately, it's a case of using mirror refraction to make an alibi."

Ye Gengyi said, "But after that, I have to go back to the Police Department with the Mumu Police Department and the others to make up for the previous record at the Tangben Concert Hall."

Mirror refraction?

Huiyuan Ai flashed, and seemed to have thought of something. After casually leaving a sentence, "Then don't forget to go camping together tomorrow", and hung up the phone.

Ye Gengyi: "..."

So the way to remove the shadows to be safe is to let me go?

Well, in a way, the treasure hunter really wouldn't show up if he had gone camping with them yesterday.

But then again, isn't the speed of solving the case a little too slow here?

Calculate the time, save the tedious reasoning and on-site restoration, and it should end...

Thinking about it, Ye Geng walked towards the stairs.


"... Police Department, you have all seen the effect. Mr. Xinghe used the magic mechanism designed by Master Zhengying, who had disappeared, to give himself an alibi in this murder case."

The second floor of the mansion.

After Takagi Shibu restored the scene according to Ye Genichi's description, he turned to look at Mrs. Zhengying, whose face was also pale, and said:

"The police officer I sent to the nearby convenience store to collect evidence has confirmed that you did go there to buy condiments at 7:25, but although you are not suspected of murder, you defended yourself in this murder case. Mr. Xinghe... that's right?"

"The reason why Mistress would do this should be to give me time to turn myself in. I'm sorry for disappointing you."

Seeing that the matter had been exposed, Xinghe Tongwu directly bowed to Mrs. Zhengying, lest those who love him would be implicated by him instead.

He took a deep breath and confessed the process of killing Jigong Nozomi:

"The 'Witch's Resurrection' should actually be called 'The Demon King's Resurrection'. The stage setting and the content of the performance are all the same, so I knew right away that the magic was the teacher's magic..."

Hearing this, Mu Mu Shisan couldn't help but say, "Just because of the resemblance? Is this why you killed people?"

"No...because that note-taking teacher never leaves his body, but on that day 10 years ago, the teacher said that he forgot his notes somewhere, so he went out to look for it and never came back..."

Xinghe Tongwu said solemnly:

"At first, I wasn't sure if the teacher told Zhanzi secretly, so I called her here to ask, but that woman...that woman actually said without any guilt that the note was what she stole~www. And he didn't take the teacher's disappearance to heart at all, and satirized that the teacher would be hit hard because of a notebook is purely asking for trouble!"


He smiled bitterly and covered his forehead with one hand:

"At that time, my mind was blank. When I came back to my senses, she was lying on the ground covered in blood and motionless. Later, I thought of the teacher's Christmas magic, and also created the crime of outsiders. Fake..."

"The murder weapon should be the vase, right?"

Hattori Heiji stared blankly and said a clue that he found when he checked the room, but had not had time to tell Genichi-san and Kudo:

"There are still some bloodstains in the groove at the bottom that haven't been cleaned up. If you haven't changed your clothes, you should be able to detect Miss Zhanzi's blood on the black shirt."

"Well... it's all flaws."

Xinghe Tongwu looked at Takagi Shibu with a bitter expression, "And the teacher has performed magic for so many years, but it is so easy to be seen through my hands. I am really an incompetent magician."

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