Chapter 184

In the past, Su Sa was likely to kill her on the spot, but now, he still wants to give her a chance.

After watching the video, Xiao Qing understood why his parents no longer pursue this matter.

She went astray, and the Big sis was also responsible. Su Sa was not wrong, he was just out of self-protection, but he didn’t like Little Sister.

But even if Little Sister takes the blame, the fuse is still him!

“Su Sa, do you show me what these do, do you want to humiliate me Little Sister? She is dead, you don’t want to let go of the dead!”

Xiao Qing couldn’t reason, her anger still couldn’t be extinguished, but she was a bit embarrassed to say these words now.

“The only ones who don’t let her go are those who are obsessed with it.”

Su Sa put a Medicine Pill in her mouth and said coldly, “It’s dead or alive. It depends on yourself. The road to the future is still very long. If you blindly live in hatred and live in the past, think about your elderly parents! ”

After speaking, he strode out of the martial arts field, leaving only a vigorous figure.

After Xiao Qing took Medicine Pill, the toxins in his body slowly dissipated, and his Spirit Power gradually recovered.

Looking at the two trash who claimed to be admiring Little Sister to avenge her, perhaps, something was already doomed.

She slowly got up, the ghost fire in the center of the earth sent them a ride.

The two dazzling universe bags contained a lot of objects.

After she shoved it over, she flew quickly to the martial arts field.

Su Sa has been flying for a long, long time, and this time he made a breakthrough, he has understood a lot, especially Zhang Sanfeng’s metaphysics.

As a generation of Great Master, he has supreme wisdom.

I lived in vain in my previous life, and after so long in this life, I still can’t reach a certain Realm.

A patter of rain began to fall in the sky.

Not far away, two Eudemons flapped their wings and flew towards them.

In the sky, several elves also changed their forms, becoming small balls with hands and feet.

Since offending Huo Mingming, White Tiger City has never set foot.

I don’t want to cause trouble, I just want to cultivate.

Big husband, if you don’t follow the small section, maybe in the previous life, he will feel very embarrassed, and he doesn’t dare to be arrogant.

In addition to countless troubles after the madness, it will also affect the people around him.

I am not the kind of master who has no father and no mother, so there must be fetters.

In everything we do, we have to take into account the consequences.

Before the strength reaches the peak, it is more responsible for the family.

It’s 10,000 meters below the ground, it’s time to go!

In the underground world, the new spore forest grows denser and denser.

And the squirming light in the sky became brighter.

Could it be?

They have been purified to replace the sun and create a new underground world?

This idea is terrifying, if the future Sirius is to evolve into countless classes, a world on the ground, a world under the ground, and a world in the sky.

So will people’s ranks also be divided?

The unknown future, this must be closely related to the doomsday prophecy!

Soon, Su Sa came to 10,000 meters below the ground. After his ability was Ascension, the new elf baby should also be injected with new life elements.

Several little elves merged into a new one with two leaves as wings, blinking and owning cute little eyes.

It’s still green, but its language organization ability has become stronger.

“Dear Master, congratulations on your ability to obtain Ascension. Now we have reached 100 elves in combination!”

The elf flew around happily and said: “Please rest here for three days, our number is still increasing.

Please give us a name! ”

Su Sa looked at it, a round ball, what should I name it? Like a cyan orange.

“Either, you call it Little Orange! From now on, Xiaohua, Little Green, Little Red, Little Orange, we will fight together!”

“Little orange? It sounds good too, then okay, in the future, we will call it little orange!”

The little orange danced happily in the air, its little wings looked soft, but extremely tough, and it was invaded by fire and water.

Su Sa quietly sat in the small forest and meditated into concentration. In the spiritual world, his Realm expanded.

Originally there were only the sea and the beach.

Now there is a large green forest.

In the forest, it is full of vitality and countless possibilities.

Little Orange’s transmogrification technique had already produced a certain amount of offensive power.

Xiaohua and Xiaolu have been cultivated by Master Tianba’s cultivation, and their attack and skills have already comprehended both.

The first attack skill is the Cultivation Technique based on the evolution of Su Sa’s Thunder Power.

In other words, every time they attack, they will have the power of Thunder Star.

The second attack skill is toxin entanglement. When they confront the enemy, the wolf entanglement is stronger than the vine entanglement, but it does not have the poisonous thorn.

After entwining the opponent, their attacks will be doubled and their hit rate will also increase.

Only now, they cannot attack in groups. In the case of a single attack, they can inherit 60% of the master’s ability.

The auxiliary aspect has also been strengthened. They can be combined and changed. Without attacking, they can be attached to Su Sa to increase his defense and attack power.

The additional ability for form transformation is now 20%.

Xiaohua’s teeth have evolved, and the sharp claws cooperated with the bite to instantly kill a third-level market beast.

Now that Su Sa has made breakthrough to Qingyu Wing, its wings have also changed.

It’s just that now she can’t meet her needs simply by eating batteries.

The battery, the smog absorption, and the large amount of nuclear waste electricity have kept her in a high-voltage state for a long time.

Only five meters away from others will not cause harm to ordinary people.

The strong electric current in her body, under the attack, is also of great benefit to the master’s thunder power increase.

Su Sa understood her heart and began to grind her summoning abilities.

Another world creature that is directly summoned may not be bound by the contract laws of this world.

If the concept of the different-dimensional creatures called is greater than the laws of the world, it is possible that just by being or moving can change the surrounding environment and physical laws, making the rules of the world become its own “another world order.”

Space calling is even more dangerous. The space of another world will forcibly erode the appearance of the world’s space. If there is no strong barrier, it may cause space shock or material collapse, and the consequences are probably worse than the explosion of an atomic bomb overhead.

Su Sa’s summoning technique is to turn existing physical Eudemons into objects that live in another world.

To put it simply, it is to make these Eudemons of him become immortal and immortal, and put them in various spaces of the Universe.

To achieve this, all their forms must be transformed.

Contribute a powerful mental energy, using its own energy as a medium.

Let their form be in a state of need.

Every time a battle is about to die, it immediately turns into nothingness.

Then control them with Spirit Power and summon them.

Therefore, after the Eudemons that everyone saw died, they were summoned again after a short period of time. In fact, it was just an illusion.

Its true situation is that after 1% of its health is left, it is forcibly recalled and disappears.

It will be released after repair.

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