King of beasts

Chapter 227 Reality Secret Realm Rewards

“Awesome.🍬☠ ➅9𝔰Ⓗ𝔲X.𝕔Ỗpaw 🐟♠”

Lu Ran was surprised when he saw that the women's beast control team led by Lin Yin successfully broke through the legendary secret realm.

It's only been a few days, so the queen ant's egg probably hasn't hatched yet.

Even if it is hatched, it will only take a few days to cultivate it to a few levels.

In other words, these three people broke through the legendary secret realm without the beasts of the king race.

It is indeed very powerful.

Why does it feel weird to hear someone else's power coming from your mouth? Youxiong Anlin muttered next to him.

Lu Ran:?

But these three people can indeed do it. The configuration is quite perfect. Du Yuan said.

The BOSS of Calabash Mountain is a scorpion monster of the high-ranking king race. It has three elements: spiritual, grass and poison. Not only can it use illusions, but it can also control the evil gourd plants on Calabash Mountain. The territory is protected by hallucinogenic poisonous mist...

If Youxiong and I had encountered this secret realm, it might have been difficult to pass through.

Xiong Anlin did not deny it, saying: Yes, the superpower Lin Yin is responsible for dispelling illusions, the five poisonous Fang Lan is responsible for dispelling the poisonous mist, and Xia Xia, who has the power of the sun gun, is responsible for fighting against those vicious gourd plants... When Lin Yin found his teammates, The situation in the secret realm must have been taken into consideration.”

I just don't know what rewards they got...

Don't think about it. The two of us evolve quickly and then challenge the second-level legendary secret realm. Don't let them catch up. Du Yuan said.

When he and You Xiong Anlin challenged the first-level legendary secret realm, they also formed a team of three. The other person was Gu, who was pulled from the strategy team. He was an auxiliary beast master who specially added BUFFs. The characteristics of pet beast fusion were also Yes, the beast control skills mastered by the beast control master are also bad. They are all designed to assist others and are the meat and potatoes of the strategy team.

Since he is not a combat-type beast master, he was not active in the freshmen competition of the beast master university.

However, when challenging the secret realm, geniuses from all walks of life prefer to team up with him instead of having another teammate with strong combat effectiveness.

Once upon a time, when they challenged the first-level legendary secret realm, Xiong Anlin and Du Yuan attracted each other. However, for the second-level legendary secret realm, the two of them planned to try double pass. As for single pass, unless one of them evolves a dominant race beast, Otherwise, I don’t have any ideas for now. ඏ🍧 69ŞнU𝕏.匚ㄖ𝓜 ☺👮

OK OK, let me take you there. You Xiong Anlin sighed. He always felt that Lu Ran could get through this secret trial realm. When he thought of Lu Ran taking away a bunch of good things from You Xiong's secret trial realm, his heart ached. The key was that this opportunity was given to him personally. out.

What a sin.

Within a day after the real secret realm is opened, it can support many people to challenge the secret realm. When Lu Ran came over, almost all visitors had already entered the secret realm.

Lu Ran also directly entered the secret realm door under the leadership of Xiong Anlin.

[Whether to challenge Special Trial Secret Realm: Isle of Armor\

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