King of Eschatology

Chapter 226: Conquer the Dark Whistle

On the way to the Xichuan Base, a huge sentry card is placed in a hidden place at the corner of the mountain. It is equipped with a large number of Galway weapons, and the number of new humans is also the highest among all sentry cards.

Rather than saying this is a sentry card, it is better to say that it is a battle fortress, where more than a hundred high-ranking new humans are stationed, forming the first line of defense of the Xichuan base against foreign enemies.

Tong Guan Wenchun is the captain of this dark whistle, a third-order evolutionist, and the number one figure in Xichuan.

For the past two days, Guan Wenchun was very unhappy, and Ma San Pao even sent him to such a place where birds don't shit.

Nowadays, the third-order new human beings enjoy the supreme treatment in the Xichuan Army. Everyone is in fine clothes and has a good life.

Who ever thought that Guan Wenchun was so unlucky that he was assigned here as the captain of the sentry team.

The third-tier strong was appointed as the captain of the sentinel team, Guan Wenchun's heart was cold, and so many third-tier new humans in Xichuan base, why did he choose himself?

"The new officer took office with three fires. I did not expect that this fire from Ma San Pao actually burned onto Lao Tzu's head!"

Tong Guan Wenchun was dissatisfied. If Ma Shulin was still alive, she would definitely not assign such unfavorable tasks to herself.

When Guan Wenchun cursed Ma San Pao in his heart, there was a sudden burst of empty air in the distance. Two figures broke through the sound barrier and stormed towards the place.

"Enemy attack!"

Tong Guan Wenchun was so horrified that he immediately notified everyone to enter the fighting state.

With his own strong perception, Guan Wenchun judged that the visitors were all fourth-order new humans, and this discovery almost made him despair.

The fourth-tier new human beings are the supreme existence in all major bases. After the First World War in Zombie Kingdom, the fourth-tier strongmen in the coalition forces were almost killed and wounded, leaving only Wu Wenliang at the Tianjing base alive.

如今 Nowadays, two new fourth-order humans have appeared at the same time. Which base has such powerful strength?

An answer is ready!

"Lu Jiajun is here!"

Tong Guan Wenchun had a chill in his heart, and the last thing he wanted to see happened.

"Fire immediately and kill the enemy!"

Tong Guan Wenchun yelled, and the whole whistle was suddenly busy.

Tong Guan Wenchun was frightened in his heart, but he didn't seem too flustered, because he had already prepared enough Galway weapons to kill the fourth-tier strong.

Galway Concentrated Gun, Deadly Sniper Gun, and Ion Spotlight Gun are launched at the same time. The entire sentry is like a rocket launching base, fire is everywhere, and dark smoke rises, covering the whole area.

The callers were Huang Yongsheng and Ling Ce. They took the mission of the God Killing Team and directly attacked the No. 1 sentry of the Xichuan Army.


Gao Weijun gun exploded beside Huang Yongsheng, but Huang Yongsheng was extremely fast. As early as the shell landed, his body had spanned hundreds of meters to avoid the attack range of the shell.

At the same time, the deadly sniper was passing by Ling Ce. Although the attack speed of the deadly sniper was very fast, it was not enough to hit the fourth-order evolutionary.

At this moment, Guan Wenchun was a little panicked.

Galway weapons are capable of bombarding the fourth-tier strong, provided that they can hit. At this time, Huang Yongsheng and Ling Ce are too fast, and Galway weapons cannot lock their bodies at all.

In such a blink of an eye, the other party has flew over a great distance. I believe that the other party can kill here in less than one minute.

"Hit the firepower, attack indifferently ahead, be sure to hit!"

With the order of Tong Guan Wenchun, all the Xichuan fighters stationed here all moved.

There are more than a hundred new humans here. At this time, they fired at the same time, making the sky densely packed with artillery shells, which could not be avoided at all.

Seeing this scene, Guan Wenchun immediately sneered and taunted, "What about the fourth-order new human beings, under the intensive Galway weapon fire, has not yet been blasted into slag."

At the same time, Huang Yongsheng, who was moving at a high speed, suddenly shouted at Ling Ce: "Hey, do you want to compare?"

Ling Lingze replied politely: "Be more than, who is afraid of who!"

Alas, the two broke out at the same time.

永 Huang Yongsheng drank suddenly, and his body suddenly burst into endless golden light. His hair was upright, crystal clear, as if the golden flames were burning.

Huang Yongsheng's momentum burst out, the battle body strengthened, open!

Xi Lingce refused to be outdone, Feng Jian's sword energy raged across his body, looking far away as if a sword Qi light shield, blooming endless sharpness.

Lingce's waist stick is as straight as a javelin, like a shocking blade, sharp.

At this moment, the two of them burst into momentum at the same time, rushing towards the sides, the speed of terror broke through the sound barrier, and they rushed out hundreds of meters in an instant.

Huang Yongsheng rushed out more than 500 meters obliquely, avoiding the dense firepower of the other party. His feet slammed into the mountain wall, and as the rock collapsed, his body was like a golden shooting star, smashing towards the dark whistle.

On the other side, Ling Ce's body is like a dragon, and he walks quickly under dense firepower. Each step is extremely accurate. While avoiding the firepower of the other side ~ ~, the figure quickly approaches the dark whistle.

At this moment, Guan Wenchun was horrified. He found in shock that the two had not exerted all their energies just now, and the explosion broke out suddenly, hitting him by surprise.

"Is this the strength of a fourth-order strongman?"

Tong Guan Wenchun was shocked. He was a third-order new human, and he had also seen the fourth-order strong. But he never thought that the fourth-order new human could be so strong.

莫 "Mr. Fei, the new human beings at the same level will have different combat capabilities?"

Tong Guan Wenchun once saw Ma Tiancheng's shot. As a fourth-order new human, Ma Tiancheng's strength is far worse than the two in front of him. No wonder he will be killed by Shi Tian in one shot.

However, the speed of Huang Yongsheng and Ling Ce was really too fast, and Guan Wenchun could not be allowed to think too much. It took almost three breaths. Huang Yongsheng and Ling Ce had already rushed to the whistle.


Huang Yongsheng shouted, the golden sword in his hand bloomed with a dazzling light, and the whole sword was dazzling with gold. The sword's awns were thin and wanted to burst out.

Puppet energy is the hallmark of the fifth-order powerhouse. However, Huang Yongsheng's weapon is special and can transmit power, making the sword awn into a sword energy, and directly bombing on the dark whistle.

At the same time that Huang Yongsheng took the shot, Ling Ce made his first come. The black spear was like a black dragon dying out of the sky, and the endless gunman was like a laser blast. It would look like a solid dark whistle.


The horrible screams came one after another, Huang Yongsheng and Ling Ce issued a Xeon strike at the same time. The dark whistle was destroyed in an instant. Hundreds of new humans were killed or injured. The rest were fleeing without any intention.

(End of this chapter)

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