King of Eschatology

Chapter 233: Tearful Fu Wenbin

In the midfield base, Fu Wenbin walked anxiously in the headquarters, his face has become pale.

"Did anyone reply yet?"

Fu Wenbinqi asked desperately and badly, more than half an hour has passed since the request for help, but there was no response at all, and he was almost anxious to death.

Fu Wenbin's deputy is a middle-aged man in his thirties called Qiu Chunguang. He was a middle school teacher during the civilisation period and is now a second-order evolutionary.

Qiu Chunguang embarrassedly pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and responded: "Many small bases have heard the news, cheering for our midfield base, all of them are solidarity, and there is no mention of sending troops."

Fu Wenbin was burning in anger, slaps the wooden table in front of him and smashed it, yelling loudly: "It's all pit goods. Before, these small bases licked our faces and nodded us. Now we are in trouble, and there is no one who can make it. . "

Fu Wenbin scolded him, and his mood was extremely bad. Is it really necessary to give up the base in the middle region and go away?

Before the last step, Fu Wenbin didn't want to leave his base. After all, this is his root. It would be too unwilling to give up.

Suddenly, a member of the investigative department rushed in, and shouted at Fu Wenbin: "Leader, there is news in the Nandu base."

Hearing this, Fu Wenbin's eyes lighted up, and he immediately expressed his joy, anxiously urging: "What do you say at the base of Nandu? How many troops? Quick read!"

The scout cleared his throat and read aloud, "My brother Wenbin, how have you been? Recently, I haven't seen it all. For example, every third autumn, I heard today, corpse tide bursts, the sword points to the middle area, can not be beaten, hope to give up early! "

Fu Wenbin's smile-filled face slowly became stiff. When the scout finished reading, he asked incredulously, "Done?"

The scout nodded his head, saying, "It's over."


Fu Wenbin scolded him, kicked the chair around him and flew it out. He crashed into the wall and shattered. He scolded scoldingly: "Zuo Qiu Feilong is a jerk, and I still treat him as a man. I do n’t come to help when I ’m planting, I ’m going to break him off! ”

Fu Wenbin was in a frantic mood. After venting, he sat on a ball of paper boxes with a slump, lonely expression beyond expression.

"Come on, I want to be quiet."

Fu Wenbin waved his hands to the scout weakly, then leaned against the wall and wanted to cry.

After a while, another scout came in and said happily, "Leader, there is news in Tianjing base."

Looking at the scout's exuberant appearance, Fu Wenbin immediately flashed in front of him. He rushed out of the box and asked loudly, "How about it, is there any good news?"

When the scout heard this, he immediately responded, "Well, before I saw it, I rushed in to report to you immediately."

Fu Wenbin's face suddenly darkened, and he cursed: "You're happy to fart before reading the news, read it!"

The scout was scolded and felt a little inexplicable, but he immediately opened the communicator and read it out loud.

"The Tianjing base suffered heavy losses after the previous war. It has already lost its vitality and cannot rush to the rescue. Please don't blame Wen Bin!"

The news was sent by Hu Feng. In a nutshell, he did not send troops.

Hearing this news, Fu Wenbin's mood was even worse. Even Hu Feng, who has always been a good old man, was not going to send troops, and other bases were even more hopeless.

Sure enough, after two minutes, Fu Wenbin received a message from the East China Sea base, and also persuaded Fu Wenbin to abandon the midfield base and evacuate directly, making Fu Wenbin's heart cool.

In the next period of time, Midfield Base 6 continued to receive information from bases in Huaxia. Some advised Fu Wenbin to abandon the midfield base, and some cheered on Fu Wenbin. In short, it was nonsense, without any practical help. .

Fu Wenbin is desperate. It seems that there is only one way to give up the base in the middle region.

At this moment, Qiu Chunguang rushed in with a shocked face and shouted, "Lead, good news, good news!"

Fu Wenbin raised his head listlessly, whispering in his mouth: "All the major bases have already heard the news, indicating that they will not come to the rescue, what good news can there be?"

Qiu Chunguang seemed to be a little unconvinced, and he shouted, "It is Tianyue base. The Tianyue base came to the news. Six troops sent 100,000 troops to help the base in the central region resist the zombies. The six troops were already on the road for two hours I'll be there later. "

"what did you say?"

Fu Wenbin stood up suddenly, rushed to Qiu Chunguang in front of him, grabbed the opponent's collar fiercely, his voice growled like a roar.

Qiu Chunguang shivered with excitement, and shouted with hissing exhaustion: "Six troops have come to support, 100,000, 100,000 troops, all of them are new humans!"


Fu Wenbin felt like being struck by a thunder, shocked for a long time and couldn't calm down. He really did not expect that at the moment of life and death in the base of the Central Region, the six troops would send troops to rescue.

Fu Wenbin was moved by tears, and he used to scold 6 Fan in his back, but now he thinks that he is nothing.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

After saying three good words in a row, Fu Wenbin's excited speech was incoherent. At this moment, his entire face was glorious ~ ~ It seemed as if he had changed a person, and the exhaustion of his body was swept away, replaced by Domineering warfare.

"With the order, the Central Army entered the highest level of combat preparations and vowed to co-exist with the base!"

After saying this, Fu Wenbin murmured to himself: "I can fight side by side with 6 troops, even if I die."

At the same time, under the leadership of 6 Fans, members of the Tianmang Team, the Flying Eagles Team, and the World Extermination Team rushed to the road and have now climbed Wuheng Mountain.

6 Where a Xichuan veteran was found as a guide, he had followed Ma San Pao to the Xichuan Military Area Command, and was one of the Xichuan soldiers who survived by chance.

The veteran's name was Gao Peng. He was about twenty years old. He had a huge scar on his face. The dense stitches lay on his face like a cricket.

Gao Peng wiped the sweat from his forehead, panting heavily, already tired and sweating.

Gaopeng is a first-order new human, and his physical fitness is considered good in the entire Xichuan Army. Otherwise, he would not have been able to escape his life at the beginning, but now he is directly thrown to the end compared with several team members.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Gao Peng looked towards a vast field in the distance, and a look of jealousy appeared in his eyes. He said solemnly: "Crossing Wuheng Mountain will reach the boundary of the Xichuan Military Command. Then there will be a large number of zombies, very vicious . "

Everyone heard the words thoughtfully. 6 Fan came to Gaopeng and said, "Okay, your task is done, you can go back."

After hearing this, Gao Peng was shocked and asked, "What you said is true, can I go back?"

6 Nodded uncritically, and said, "Of course, you can choose not to go back and join the 6 army from now on."


Send the third one, wait for the fourth one, monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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