King of Eschatology

Chapter 240: Sturdy army

The zombies are overwhelming, and the momentum is shaking. This time, the impact of the corpse tide is stronger than any previous time. The countless amount of horrors are all second-order zombies.


The crowd did not dare to neglect, the hot weapon in their hands immediately fired, the ammunition should not be desperately consumed, and the ground below had become a sea of ​​fire.

In the sea of ​​fire, the roar was soaring, countless second-order zombies were torn apart by bombs, and the whole earth was covered with zombies. The blood of black zombies was flowing, and the stormy seas were turned on this terrible land.

However, the number of zombies is really too much. The zombies in front have just fallen to the ground, and the zombies in the back have surged up. The accumulation of living zombies and dead zombies looks shocking.


The zombies piled up higher and higher until a moment when they collapsed, and countless zombies rushed towards the wall like a rolling mudslide.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers guarding the city walls were all shocked. The thermal weapons in their hands had limited lethality to the zombies, and they could not completely stop the zombies' footsteps.

The cold light flashed in Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes, and the zombie's offensive intensity was much stronger than she expected.

"Go ahead!"

Lin Xiaoxiao sighed slightly and ordered the high-ranking new humans of the 6 army to shoot. Originally, she planned to put this part of power at the end, but unfortunately, the guard did not seem to be able to persist at that time.

With the order of Lin Xiaoxiao, a large amount of tyrannical breath burst out on the city wall instantly. This kind of breath is as heavy as a mountain, bringing a sense of security to human soldiers.

Ye was still standing on the city wall, her beautiful eyes closed slightly, she stretched out her hands, and her eyebrows began to shine with holy light.

The next moment, her body shrouded in endless sacred light. At this moment, her toes were off the ground, and her body was so quietly suspended above the city wall, like a dazzling pearl, which cannot be ignored by anyone.

She danced long and clear, she was sacred and dazzling.

Suddenly, Ye's still closed eyes opened in vain, and a special sacred breath burst out suddenly in the light burst, rendering the entire city wall golden.

I saw her holding the weird French seal in her hands and snapped into the void.


The harsh sound sounded like a thunder burst, and the void was torn apart by a huge crack, and the horrible energy waves burst.

"Ancient gate of time and space, please obey the king's call, come, **** fire!"

The voice didn't fall, a turquoise flame flowed out from the void crack, poured down like a waterfall, and fell directly to the area with the most zombies.


The temperature of the entire area soared, and endless fire swept the zombies, burning a large number of second-order zombies into nothingness.

At the same time, the rolling turquoise flames began to condense, and eventually turned into a terrifying fireman more than three meters high, punching out the sky and the earth, and a large number of zombies were killed under the fire of hell.

However, all this is just the beginning. I saw the fissures in the void. Two identical flames poured down. While burning a large number of zombies, they finally turned into three **** fires. Zhongda Shenwei.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of fighters in the Zhongyu base were shocked.

Is such a horrible means human?

The powerful combat power that Ye still showed alone is enough to deter the entire Midland army.

On the other side of the city wall, Zhang Xianling stood alone at the forefront, and Bai Jing's palm slammed against the city wall under his feet.

Suddenly, the whole world suddenly became a roaring wind, and the icy cold wind was born, mixed with snowflakes, wandering in front of Zhang Xianling.

At the same time, Zhang Xianling's five fingers suddenly shone with a silvery white light. The next moment, the icy ice suddenly appeared, spreading along the wall under Zhang Xianling's hands, towards the distance.


A layer of ice appeared, covering the entire land, making the world vast.

The temperature in the air plummeted, and the zombies rushing forward suddenly became slow. The feet of the zombies quickly frozen and frozen with the ground. Due to the crowding of the zombies in the rear, the frozen zombies broke their legs. Fall to the ground.

Zhang Xianling is an Frost Enhancer, and this ability has become more powerful after evolution to Tier III.

While the Central Army was shocked by it, a roar sounded like a thunder and a thunder, which surprised everyone.

Chu Xiong exhaled, his soles slammed into the walls, and the whole earth shuddered.

At this moment, everyone feels that the earth has become different, as if alive, and the atmosphere of Chuxiong is rippling everywhere, as if the two have been integrated into one, regardless of each other.

Chu Xiong's legs were slightly curved, and his body trembled because he had consumed too much energy. He stretched his arms forward and lifted suddenly into the void. He growled, "Shake, stab indefinitely!"

The words didn't fall, within the range of Yuansanli in front of Chu Xiong ~ ~ Countless stabs rushed out, like sharp daggers, and instantly penetrated the body of the zombie.

Because the zombies are too dense, they often pierce through the bodies of several zombies at the same time. The wounds are horrible and the blood is flowing. The entire ground is like Shura hell, which is shocking.

Chu Xiong, a third-order earth intensifier, burst into full force as soon as he shot. More than 8,000 zombies were killed instantly in one shot, and his record was astounding.

On another battlefield, Wang Feng stood up against the wind, his body wandered strangely above the city wall, and endless blue whirlwinds wandered around his body, lifting his body up.

Wang Feng was flying, slightly messy in the strong wind, and there were countless vicissitudes in his bright eyes. His arms were waving constantly, as if communicating with the world, until a certain moment, the waving arms were waving together, As if holding a sharp blade in the air to cut off.

Suddenly, a huge cyan wind blade emerged out of thin air, like a nearly 100-meter-long angry dragon, rushing down towards the mass of zombies below.


Between heaven and earth, howling winds surged. When the huge cyan wind blade was chopped down in the zombies, it immediately burst and opened like a bomb. The endless cyan cyclones oscillated vertically and horizontally, like a sharp blade, quickly harvesting the lives of zombies. .

Wang Feng, a third-order howling wind strengthener, after one blow, the earth was stricken with scars from wind blades everywhere. Similarly, at least thousands of zombies died here.

In addition, there are too many fortifiers in the 6 army camps. They are highly motivated, each shows their magical powers, and harvests the lives of zombies with a very fast speed.

At this moment, all the soldiers in the base of the Central Region were all foolish. Once the six strong men shot, the power even surpassed Galway's weapons far away, and swept the second-order zombies rushing out of anger.

6 military strongmen, they are really powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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