King of Eschatology

Chapter 272: Ashes

Lu Fan's strong shot suddenly shocked everyone. No one had expected that Lu Fan's strength had grown to such an extent that he had reached an unshakable position.

Many powerful men hiding their powers dormant in the dark. After being aware of Lu Fan's powerful combat power, all of them were shocked. We must know that the masters of the major forces are only sixth-order strong men.

So, does the Tianyue base have the strength to be on an equal footing with the major hidden forces?

Liu Zhenfeng's face was extremely ugly, and Huashan Sword Palace was born. He wanted to take the Tianyue base to stand up, but he didn't expect to kick the iron plate.

Most importantly, Liu Zhenfeng already knew the extraordinaryness of the famous mountains. He wanted to take Mount Tai and occupy two famous mountains at the same time.

As the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, Taishan is definitely more extraordinary, otherwise how could Lu Fan be so young, how could he reach the sixth-order level.

Thinking of this, Liu Zhenfeng has strengthened his determination to capture Taishan. He now owns Huashan. If Taishan is taken down again, Huashan Sword Palace will become the first force.

For a time, Liu Zhenfeng and Lu Fan were in a fierce battle, with long swords in their hands, sharp blades crisscrossed, and their attack power was extremely amazing.

Lu Fan is even more powerful. The Red Flame War Halberd has been completely transformed into a fire dragon, which keeps flying in Lu Fan's hands. Every halber cuts out will cause the world to oscillate.

On the other side, the strong man of Huashan Sword Palace collided with everyone in the Tianyue base. As soon as they made contact, they were defeated across the board.

In addition to Liu Zhenfeng, Huashan Sword Palace also has two fifth-tier strong men, namely the old Liu head and Duanmu Longde, but unfortunately these two generals have been captured by Lu Fan alive and their combat effectiveness has been greatly damaged.

In contrast, in the Lu Jiajun camp, Ling Ce and Lan Ling are fifth-order strong men. They alone are enough to sweep the so-called top ten masters of Huashan Sword Palace, not to mention Hoyadin, Huang Yongsheng and others.

However, at this moment, Ye still stood out. Her toes were off the ground, and she was exuding a holy light. With the chanting in her mouth, the void was torn open a huge mouth.

At the same time, the flames of the four hells descended from the sky, and there was a blazing sky, falling into the ranks of two thousand people, and instantly burning them into nothingness.

At this moment, everyone was horrified, and they suffered multiple injuries against other people, but they still fought against Ye, that would be dead!

Ling Ce stepped a fourth-tier strong man under his feet and looked at the four murderous hells who were shocked. Although the surrounding air was extremely hot, he couldn't help but sweat coldly.

"Even a god, when did the girl become so murderous, the boss didn't say to kill them all."

Ling Ce looked at the murderous Ye Teng still, and could not help but let out air, Ye still shot, and scared everyone.

Lan Ling knocked a fourth-tier strong to the ground, looking at Ye still's figure with a dignified look.

Ye's murderous outburst at this time was even stronger than himself.

After Ye still evolved to Tier IV, the combat effectiveness increased so much that it was invincible in group battles.

Compared with the surprise of everyone in Tianyue Base, the people outside are simply frightened. Can one kill two thousand strong in one shot, can it be more horrible?

"Is that woman Ye Ye still? So powerful!"

"I heard that she is a Summon Enhancer, and the four flame warriors are the legendary Hellfire!"

"It's terrible. She can fight 100,000 troops by herself.

Everyone talked, and they were all stunned by Ye's overbearing shots. Although the others in the Lu Jiajun had achieved a great victory, they were overshadowed by Ye's comparison.

In less than a minute, all the top ten masters of Huashan Sword Palace were captured, and two thousand elite troops were wiped out, leaving no **** to death.


A loud blast came, and Liu Zhenfeng and Lu Fan battled fiercely, and then quickly retreated, retreating several kilometers away.

Looking at the current situation, Liu Zhenfeng was completely stunned.

"How could this be?"

Liu Zhenfeng murmured to himself, the Huashan Sword Palace came out astutely, thought that he could easily win the Tianyue base, but he did not expect the situation to reverse, and he lost so quickly.

Lu Fan looked at Liu Zhenfeng, who was quickly retreating, and did not go after him. In fact, he left the other party intentionally, so far, none of his four strengthening capabilities have been activated.

Lu Fan stole the Red Flame War Halberd and shouted at Liu Zhenfeng: "The Tianyue Base is sacred and inviolable. Today, the Huashan Sword Palace has committed crimes, and it has violated the bottom line of the Lu Family Army, all **** it!"

Hearing this, Liu Zhenfeng was shocked and stared at the master of Huashan Sword Palace with a shocked look.

Just over 2,000 elite troops have already died. If these masters die again, the Huashan Sword Palace will be completely over.

The forces hidden in the dark were also shocked by Lu Fan's words, all of them are high-order new humans, and death is a great loss for humans.

Suddenly, Lu Fan turned his words and continued, "However, I am a peace-loving person and hate killing. Therefore, as long as Huashan Sword Palace is willing to pay the corresponding compensation, I may ignore the suspicion and let go of these. people."

Hearing Lu Fan's words, everyone showed a strange color.

It might be okay for others to say this, but as a great devil who does not blink, it is funny to say that he likes peace.

"Hate hating killing?"

When everyone heard this, they were all drunk.

Although Liu Zhenfeng knew that Lu Fan was serious nonsense, he still captured extremely valuable information from the other party's words, and things turned for the better.

"what do you want?"

Liu Zhenfeng opened his mouth, and his momentum had weakened.

Suddenly Lu Fan smiled, his smile was very kind, just like a harmless young man, people could not bear the slightest hostility.

"It's very simple ~ ~ plus a few guys who disturbed before, as long as Huashan Sword Palace takes out 10 million energy crystals, these people can take all of them."

Lu Fan's words did not fall, and Liu Zhenfeng's eyes widened.

"What did you say? Ten million, you are crazy!"

Lu Fan smiled unwillingly, and responded flatly: "Give it to you or not, anyway, these people are here. There are no less than 10 million energy crystals."

At this point, Lu Fan's smile suddenly disappeared, revealing endless killing intentions, and said fiercely, "Give you another day, you can't see the energy crystal, and everyone must die, including you!"

Hearing this, Liu Zhenfeng's heart was terrified, and a feeling of extreme fear shrouded in his heart.

When he was stared at Lu Fan, he felt a lethal threat in his heart. He had an intuition that the other party was absolutely capable of beheading himself.


At the end of the month, brothers, double my monthly pass!

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