King of Eschatology

Chapter 281: Though far away

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In the East China Sea base, the powerful forces of the Lu Jiajun forces were fully opened, and a sudden lethality broke out.

A large number of small fortresses were shot down, many small fortresses fiercely resisted, and the purple light guns kept firing in an attempt to attack the Lujiajun people who had just appeared.

However, the newcomers were all high-level new humans, and they were extremely fast. Although the Violet Cannon was powerful, it couldn't hit the target at all. Everything was futile.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Explosions continued in the sky, and a large number of small battle fortresses were shot down, turned into firelight in the sky, and fell to the ground.

Everyone at the East China Sea base saw this scene full of excitement and excitement.

After a large number of small battle fortresses were shot down, the people of the Qiandao Empire found that these people could not be defeated and immediately began to flee in the direction of the East China Sea.

In their opinion, as long as they run over the East China Sea, they should be safe.

So, after dropping the debris from the ground, there were more than 2,000 small battle fortresses intact.

"Want to run? Not so easy!"

Lu Fan directly took out the golden long bow, quickly pulled the bowstring, and shot it with an arrow. All directions thundered. The horrible force of destruction bombarded a small battle fortress and blasted it.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Fan kept moving, shooting arrows after arrows. Under the precision enhancement, the arrows were completely sent out, shooting down a large number of small battle fortresses.

"Xiaoxiao, fly me!"

Lu Fan shouted, he directly picked up the Red Flame Halberd, and threw it like a javelin in the direction of the small battle fortress. He himself rose up into the sky and came first, stepping on the huge Red Flame Halberd On the edge of the sword.

Lin Xiaoxiao grasped the thoughts quickly, and the royal sword quickly caught up, and the slender figure fell on the other blade of the Red Flame Halberd.

At this moment, the terrifying spiritual power wrapped the Red Flame War Halberd, Lin Xiaoxiao's imperial sword volleyed, and the landing landing chased away in the direction of the East China Sea.

Lu Fan held a golden long bow in his hand, and energy arrows continued to shoot out, quickly bombarding the fleeing small battle fortress.

Lin Xiaoxiao, while controlling the high-speed flight of the Red Flame War Halberd, was controlling his own green front sword to chop continuously. Under the sword light, a large number of small battle fortresses were shot down.

Behind Lin Xiaoxiao and Lu Fan, Ye still drove the Hellfire Phoenix to follow closely. The fire Phoenix continuously spit out flames, burning a large number of small battle fortresses into nothingness.

At this moment, the island nation's soldiers were completely trembling. They have now fled to the East China Sea, but the other party is still hunting.

Every island soldier is filled with despair. They are extremely regretful. They should not provoke Chinese survivors. At this time, they have caused a terrible disaster.

On the East China Sea base, all survivors looked at Lu Fan and others who were pursuing and killing.

At this moment, they deeply realized a sentence: "Those who violate me will be stunned!"

Standing in front of the huge cliff, Wang Ruhai murmured to himself: "Lu Fan, this time you not only saved the lives of the 800,000 survivors at the East China Sea base, but also promoted the prestige of the Chinese Empire."

Speaking of this, Wang Ruhai's emotions fluctuated, and he sighed, "Although the current Chinese land is controlled by each base, the hearts of people as subjects of the Chinese Empire have not changed from beginning to end."

Beside the huge black lotus, Lan Yan and Ling Ce appeared one after another, guarding her side.

A small battle fortress has rushed into the East China Sea area, and the two were unable to pursue it and returned naturally.

Now that Lian'er is depleted and her body is in a state of weakness, they can protect her right here.

The soldiers at the East China Sea base looked at the figures of the three from a distance, and did not dare to come too close, but the reverence in their eyes could not be concealed at all.

Wang Ruhai was in a very complicated mood. He was thinking about whether to express his gratitude to a few people in the past.

Especially the beautiful girl in the middle of the lotus, just now she protected the entire East China Sea base. As the leader of the East China Sea base, he deserves to thank him.

At this moment, there was a shrill sound of sonic boom in the distance. A golden figure broke through the sound barrier and was rushing towards this place.

The man was burning with a golden flame, looking mighty and his hair was upright, as if it was burning.

Behind the golden figure, two figures came out indiscriminately before and after, each of them was murderous, rolling in with terrible momentum.

"Where is the island dwarf, I'll chop them!"

Huang Yongsheng yelled madly. He drove the battle body strengthening along the way. Like a golden lion, he scared the beasts he encountered along the way.

Hoyaddin and Yu Lenghui were hot at this time, and they could not bear a long time and high-intensity rush. Although they had tried their best, they were too slow compared to the fifth-tier strong.

So when the three men arrived at the East China Sea base, the battle here was over.

After the three rushed here, they felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. Huang Yongsheng's eyes were sharp and he saw Ling Ce and others standing there at a glance, so he rushed forward.

Huang Yongsheng was panting like a cow, roaring arrogantly, "Well, what are you doing here, what about the island dwarf?"

Lan Yan gave Huang Yongsheng a glance and ignored the other party. For this swearing guy, she felt that she and the other party had no common language in the slightest.

Ling Ce looked at Huang Yongsheng with a joke, and said with a grin, "Ah, you are here, the battle is over, you can go back."


Huang Yongsheng's eyes widened suddenly and his face was incredible.

Hoyadin and Yu Lenghui also looked bitter, looking at the wreckage on the ground and the dilapidated surroundings. They could see that they had just experienced a fierce battle here.

At this time ~ ~ Wang Ruhai plucked up courage, brought Qiu Huabin to the crowd, and said respectfully: "Thank you for assisting the East China Sea base, Da En Dade is toothless and memorable, I represent Dong Hai The 800,000 soldiers and civilians at the base salute everyone. "

During the conversation, Wang Ruhai bowed respectfully to several people, expressing his gratitude.

However, Huang Yongsheng and others were angry. They hurried over thousands of miles and ran for nothing.

"Go away, I'm so annoyed and didn't see it? You said that as a leader, why didn't you even see that?"

Huang Yongsheng's voice shook like thunder, and his arrogant momentum shrank Wang Ruhai's complexion.

Wang Ruhai rushed to lose money in a hurry. After that, he quickly moved away from the Lu Jiajun people and hid aside.

"It seems the rumors are true. Most of the strong are weird. The stronger the more difficult it is."

Suddenly, Wang Ruhai realized that compared with other strong men, Lu Fan's temper was much better. If Huang Yongsheng had Lu Fan's ability, it would be morning.

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