King of Eschatology

Chapter 287: Strong kill

The brown-red zombies were so terrible that he quickly swallowed Qin Haisheng's heart. At this moment, his scarlet eyes looked at the scientific research department, and a lot of greedy mucus flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

There are many humans out there that can satisfy his appetite.


The brown-red zombies rushed up into the sky, looting in the direction of the scientific research department, and a researcher had been targeted.

The researcher was so scared that his face was so pale that he collapsed on the ground instantly, deterred by the fierce power of the brown-red zombies.

Everyone was terrified. If the brown-red zombies rushed into the scientific research department, it would become a Shura hell.

However, the brown-red zombies have already risen, and the sixth-tier ferocity is unstoppable, and the scientific research department is in danger!

At this moment, a sharp crackling sounded, and a vague figure rushed from a distance. Due to the high speed, his body violently rubbed with the air, and a special light appeared.


Lu Fan volleyed, struck the chest of the brown-red zombie, kicked him out.

The brown-red zombies suffered a big loss when caught off guard, and fell heavily on the ground, wiping the hard ground out of a large pit.

Lu Fan landed, looking at the corpse of Lu Jiajun on the ground, his eyes flashed with murderous gleam.


Seeing Lu Fan's arrival, everyone in the scientific research department was overjoyed and had confidence in an instant.

Lu Fan's eyes were cold and he looked at this brown-red zombie. No matter what the other was, he killed the soldiers of Lu Jiajun.

The brown-red zombie was kicked by Lu Fan. At this moment, his heart was full of anger and terrible evil. He shouted at Landing Fan and rushed up without hesitation.

Lu Fan's heart was full of war. This was a sixth-order zombie. Although it reached the rank of emperor, it was not enough for the current Lu Fan.

Lu Fan's soles slammed on the ground, and Red Flame War Halberd emerged out of nowhere, burning an infinite flame in his hands, like an angry dragon, slanting away towards the brown-red zombie.

The brown-red zombies were terrified. The opponent's weapon was too sharp. He felt a deadly threat.

At this moment, the brown-red zombies suddenly shouted from the sky, the momentum of terror continued to rise, and the body was endlessly red.

Suddenly, the body of the brown-red zombie began to become crystal clear, as if it were a red piece of iron, becoming extremely hard, like black iron.


The brown-red zombies slammed into the ground and rushed out again, colliding violently with Lu Fan's Red Flame War Halberd, scarlet eyes filled with madness.


A loud noise came, and the Red Flame Halberd cut into the body of the brown red zombie, which turned out to produce a series of Mars, which could not break through the defense of the other party.

Due to the huge force of the earthquake, Lu Fan was shocked and stunned.

The brown-red zombie scarlet eyes were full of ridicule. In his opinion, although the human being in front of him was strong, it was not enough to break his elemental body.

Lu Fan and the brown zombie staggered by, and at this moment, he saw the human expression on the other side's face, which turned out to be ridiculous.

Lu Fan's anger suddenly soared. What a peculiar corpse, he dared to look down on himself.

Therefore, Lu Fan did not hesitate to start strengthening the power, waving the Red Flame War Halberd to chop the brown red zombie again.

Seeing the new human on the other side rushed up again, the scarlet eyes of the brown-red zombies were full of contempt, as if a voice was roaring in his heart.

"Stupid human, your attack can't break my defense, all your efforts are futile, all people are my food, and no one can run away!"

The brown-red zombie is a sixth-order emperor zombie, and his spiritual intelligence is already very high, and he can already catch up with the IQ of ordinary people.

In his opinion, by virtue of the inherent advantages of the elemental life form, the other party could not break his defense at all, and he was already invincible.

However, this idea lasted for less than a second and was completely shattered.

At this time, Lu Fan started to strengthen the power, the attack power increased by a geometric multiple, and the power was even stronger.

This increase in attack power is not as simple as one plus one equals two. In the battle of the strong, an extra straw may crush a camel.


Lu Fan roared, and the Red Flame Halberd in his hand was cut off frantically. The sharpness of the penetrating sky passed through the sky, and the target pointed directly at the head of the brown red zombie.

At this moment, the brown red zombie was terrified, because with his keen intuition, he could feel the sharpness of the opponent's attack, and he could not resist it at all.

"how is this possible?"

The brown-red zombie turned out to have an unbelievable look. Even if his spirit was already very high, it was impossible to understand why Lu Fan's combat power would soar.

I have to say that the brown-red zombies have a very strong combat effectiveness. At the critical moment, he made every effort to adjust his body shape, and in the midair, he changed his position stiffly.


Although he had escaped, the attack of Chiyan Halberd was too horrible, and one arm of the brown red zombie was cut off.

The blood spewed out suddenly, and the whole space turned out a strong sulfuric acid smell, which was very pungent.

It is astounding that the blood ejected from the brown-red zombies is bright red, with terrifying high temperatures, but after it erupts, it quickly cools down, turning into a black, and then scattered on the ground.

This situation is very similar to the molten iron smelted in the factory. It is bright red and dazzling in the molten state, and becomes dark and hard after cooling.

Looking at the arm that was cut off, it has completely turned black at this time, like a bent iron rod, tough and powerful.

Especially the part of the claw, it seems sharp and abnormal, like a horrible sharp blade, lying quietly on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan thought a little bit, it seems that this is iron ore refined!

This brown-red zombie is likely to have mutated iron ore, which gave birth to spiritual intelligence.

The brown-red zombie broke his arm and the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. At this time, he knew that this new human was too aggressive and invincible, so he quickly turned around and fled wildly in the distance.

Seeing this scene, everyone was uproaring, and the arrogant brown-red zombie just fled and fled?

Lu Fan was blindfolded, and the cold killing was released like a tide, saying in a frosty tone, "Want to leave after killing someone?"

The sound is still reverberating in place ~ ~ Lu Fan's figure has broken through the sound barrier, directly opened the speed and strengthened to catch up.


There was a loud bang, and the injured brown-red zombie was blown out of his head by Lu Fan's halberd, and fell straight to the ground.

The arrogant brown-red zombie was killed by Lu Fan.

At this moment, the body of the brown-red zombies that had fallen to the ground began to cool rapidly, and the brown-red color became weaker and lighter, and gradually became a dark color, like black iron, indestructible.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan couldn't help showing a weird expression, secretly: "Is this a good material for making weapons?"

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