King of Eschatology

Chapter 351: Lu Jiajun's superpower

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In the forest, the petals are flying, which is an extremely beautiful scene, but it contains a terrifying effect.

Lian'er's heart was angry, and he showed no mercy, and the power of the seventh-order evolution sprang wildly, gathered into the petals, and shot towards the opposite Ma Feiyang.

Each petal is sharp and anomalous, like the sharpest blade in the world, slashing enemies.

Ma Feiyang was taken aback, but as a sixth-tier bloodline enhancer, his own combat effectiveness was extremely amazing. After a short shock, he quickly stabilized his mind.

"The more powerful the beauty, the more I like it, the more you resist me, the more excited you will be. I will completely conquer you, both mentally and physically!"

Ma Feiyang thought of this, the bright golden toad behind him burst out suddenly, the golden light in his big mouth spurted, accompanied by the horrifying sharp spirit, began to take the initiative to attack.

The soldiers at the Tonggu base saw Lu Fan and Lian'er appear, and they were all dragged by their own people, all at ease.

Before coming here, the Tonggu base conducted a detailed investigation of the Lujia Army. Among the entire Lujia Army, the most terrifying ones are Lu Fan and Lian'er. Now that both are dragged, who can resist the Tonggu base?


With a roar, Gao Junming rushed up with the blood-enhanced team of Tonggu Base, preparing to kill the Lujiajun soldiers.

At this moment, a shocking sword slammed from a volley in the sky, and a beautiful young girl, Yu Jian, walked like a fairy. The sword light came from the girl's feet.

"Lin Xiaoxiao!"

Gao Junming was so shocked that the black wings behind him spread out in vain. He instantly speeded up and avoided the distance.

Gao Junming has the bloodline of the ancient ancient sparrow bird. Speed ​​is his advantage. At the moment of Jianguang's advent, he escaped dangerously.

However, Gao Junming escaped, but the blood strengthener behind him was not so lucky. Everything happened too suddenly. At this time, it was inevitable to avoid it.

Xu Hua has always been behind Gao Junming. At this time Gao Junming avoided, and he became the first victim.

However, Xu Hua is a bloodline strengthener, and he certainly won't sit still, only to see his feet fierce on the ground, and a thick breath rippled from his body.

In the eyes of everyone, Xu Hua actually lay on the ground, with both hands and feet on the ground.

At the same time, a phantom of a turquoise turtle shell suddenly appeared, and it stood above Xu Hua with a blank, like a large bowl with a buckle, protecting him strictly.

"The blood of the ancient ancient mysterious tortoise is truly extraordinary."

Xu Hua blocked Lin Xiaoxiao's attack, and the others survived.

Xu Hua awakened the blood of the ancient ancient mysterious turtle, and he was amazingly defensive. He was in danger at the critical moment, and opened up his blood talent to protect himself.


Fengrui's sword gas was severely chopped on Xu Hua's tortoise shell. With a harsh sound of friction, the sword gas was piercing into the turtle's shell, piercing little by little, looking terrifying. Extremely.

Xu Hua was so scared when he saw this scene that he had always claimed that the defense was the best in the world, but now it seemed that he couldn't stop the opponent's sword attack.

At this time, the turtle's shell was like a leather ball. As the sword gas penetrated into the depression, it might burst at that moment.

Xu Hua had all the heart to cry, praying silently: "Be sure to hold it, be sure to hold it!"

On the other side, Gao Junming, who had escaped a calamity, looked pale, because he found that Lin Xiaoxiao's strength even reached the sixth level.

However, he is not too afraid. As a strengthened bloodline, he has the confidence to fight a new human being higher than himself.

The most important thing is that there are too many high-level new humans in the Tonggu base, which is enough to crush the Tianyue base. As long as you hold the other side by yourself, the Tonggu base will definitely win.

Gao Junming began to gather his own blood power in a frantic manner. The black wings behind him had spread out for more than two meters. Between the black light condensed, sharp sharp shots from time to time broke up the void.

He will raise his momentum to the limit, and then he will skyrocket and defeat Lin Xiaoxiao.

At this moment, there was a sudden blast of phoenixes in the sky, and then, a huge phoenix with a length of more than ten meters rushed in, threatening and crushing the sky.

The phoenix was surrounded by turquoise light, and the terrible temperature twisted the void, causing the entire mountain to turn into a withering yellow.

On top of the huge fire phoenix, a young girl stood proudly. She was as blue as a woman, and she was extraordinary in constitution. There was a little bit of starlight between her eyebrows, and she was exuding holy light.

"She is, Ye still?"

Gao Junming was shocked. The comer was still very similar to Ye in the intelligence. However, in their intelligence, Ye was still a fifth-order intensifier. It now appears that the other side clearly revealed a sixth-order strong air.

"What happened in the end? Why are all the Lujiajun's combat power so strong, and the ranks are higher than the intelligence, is the information wrong?"

In fact, Gao Junming didn't know that it was not their information that was wrong, but that the army of Lu Jiajun was growing too fast, and their information was too late to update.

Not only Gao Junming was puzzled, the other people in the base of Tonggu were also frightened. Ye still was horrified. They had heard about it. The other party was the best at group attacks. Hell fire was burnt, and he would die.

Hell fires are difficult to extinguish. Unless they are ranked higher than the other party, as long as they are hit by **** fires, they will die.


At this moment, the sound of the long sword slamming into the flesh, and the sword qi cut by Lin Xiaoxiao finally broke through Xu Hua's turtle shell defense ~ ~ and passed directly through the body, nailing the opponent to the ground.

Xu Hua glared, blood spewing down his mouth, his eyes gradually dimmed, and soon he lost his vitality.

A fifth-tier bloodline intensifier was destroyed in one move.

At the same time, a large number of breaking sounds rang, Ye still behind, Zhang Xianling, Situ Liang, Wu Jinlong, Zhang Shen and others rushed quickly, and the high-level combat troops of the Lujiajun finally came over, and the violent killing breath burst into the sky Up.

Since the end of the last days, the Lujiajun did not know how many battles they had experienced. The iron blood of the soldiers could not be masked. With the emergence of a large number of high-level combat capabilities of the Lujiajun, the entire mountain was filled with intense killing. gas.

The Tonggu base has always been pursuing a higher order, and does not pay much attention to actual combat experience. In their view, as long as the order is high enough, it can completely crush the enemy with its strength.

In fact, this battle with the Tianyue base was the first battle of the Tonggu base. Many high-end new humans have not killed anyone so far. How much combat power can such a person play on the battlefield?

I'm afraid it's not bad to have no urine pants on the spot.

No one cares about the thoughts of the soldiers in the ancient base. The fighting between the two sides is about to start. Under Ye's leadership, the Lu Jiajun stormed into the enemy camp like a wolf and started a fierce confrontation.

The blood instantly reddened the earth, merged into a stream in the mountain forest, and flowed down from the peaks and cliffs.

Looking from a distance, the scarlet blood was like a horse training, flying down, shining with a strange light in the sun.

Bloody sky burst into the sky.


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