King of Eschatology

Chapter 372: Terrible Wasteland

On the endless wasteland, the originally crazy plants have become yellow, shivering in the cold wind, and occasionally emit a crisp sound, and the dead branches have been broken by the wind.

Suddenly, the sound of chaotic footsteps sounded, an army was marching on this wasteland, and the soles of the feet were stepping on the yellow plants, making a crunching sound.

This team has 100,000 people, stretches for several miles, has a huge lineup, and carries a lot of materials, which looks like a migration.

"Boss, where are we going to hide?"

This team came from the Vinda base. It used to be open to war against the Lujia Army. Ever since it was learned that the Lujia Army had won, the Vinda base fell into panic.

Li Wei Da is the leader of the Vinda base, a fifth-order evolutionist. When the news of the defeat of the Tonggu base spread, he had a decision to move.

The cold winter is approaching, and the living environment in the north is getting worse and worse. Li Weida already had the intention of migrating. Now he can just avoid the army's crusade by taking action.

Li Weida said: "The bitter cold in the north, the environment in the south is slightly better, but it is too far away for large-scale migration."

Li Weida's eyes flashed, and he said, "We pass through the zombies and go to the southwest, where there are few people and suitable for the development of our new base."

The soldier heard Li Weida's words deeply agree, and looked forward to this operation very much.

Since the destruction of the Zombie Kingdom, this area has become an uninhabited area. After being ransacked by the Lu Army, it was swept by other bases several times, and the supplies were cleaned up.

Although there are no supplies, correspondingly, there are no zombies here. It can be said that it is the best place to build a base.

There is no zombies within thousands of kilometers. Isn't this place the best place for human beings to live?

Besides, the country of zombies is located in the plains and the soil is fertile. It can be said what they grow. As long as they survive this winter and plant grain next spring, they will definitely have a good harvest.

Since then, it has been on the right track, and no longer has to worry about eating and drinking, the base has a foothold.

However, there have been fierce battles here, and too many zombies and humans have died. The Chinese people feel embarrassed and no one has come here to establish a base.

Li Weida doesn't care about these at all. In the last days, as long as there is no zombies, it is a geomantic treasure.

Soon, this team entered the Zombie Kingdom and walked more than 300 miles to cross the Zombie Kingdom.

Gradually, Li Weida became a little uneasy. For some reason, ever since he set foot on this land, there was always an ominous premonition in his heart.

In the eyes, the ground was yellow, the foot of the marching team stepped on the grass, making a dense clicking noise, disturbing.

Suddenly, a soldier suddenly approached Li Weida and said solemnly, "Boss, I don't know why, I always have a bad feeling."

This person's name is Wang Laixi, a fifth-order evolutionist, and is a competent player of Li Weida.

Li Weida's eyebrows were raised, and he felt a little suspicious, because he felt that something was wrong. Wang Laixi said this at this moment, and he was shocked.

"Muff, is this weird here?"

Li Weida was frightened, but he resisted the anxiety, pretending to be calm and said, "Don't think about it, in another two hours, we can pass through this area."

Wang Laixi thought that he was thinking too much, so he stopped speaking and continued on his way silently.

Two minutes later, another soldier came forward and said to Li Weida: "Boss, do you feel any difference here?"


Li Weida and Wang Laixi turned their heads and looked at the man at the same time.

This person's name is Liu Tianhua, who is also a fifth-order evolutionary, second only to Wang Laixi in strength.

Hearing Liu Tianhua's words, Li Weida was completely panicked. There are only three fifth-order evolutionists in the entire Vinda base. All three sensed a dangerous atmosphere. Could it be that this barren land is really dangerous?

Wang Laixi has just restored his calmness. At this time, he heard Liu Tianhua's words become calm, and shouted loudly: "What can be different, the whole end of the world is the same, now it is winter, it is all yellow, isn't it normal?"

Although Liu Tianhua was not as powerful as Wang Laixi, he was more meticulous in mind and discovered many strange places.

Liu Tianhua said, "We have passed many places along the way. Although the entire land looks yellow, but occasionally green plants grow tenaciously, don't we?"

In the last days, although the living environment has become worse, the viability of plants has also been significantly improved, otherwise it will not grow wildly everywhere.

As Liu Tianhua said, not all plants are yellow and withered after entering winter, and many plants are still alive and blooming green.

Hearing Liu Tianhua's words, the two suddenly awakened, and they finally understood what was wrong.

"Yeah, the plants here seem to wither very thoroughly. There isn't even a green plant, all of them have withered."

Li Weida muttered to himself, wondering why this happened.

Wang Laixi frowned, and he reached out to pull a yellow plant from the ground, and looked carefully for a moment without seeing any clues.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Tianhua continued: "And you found no, there is no living thing on this land, let alone beasts, not even insects."

The two were shocked at the same time, and suddenly felt heart-beating. The other said that, it really seemed like this.


With a big wave of Li Weida, the moving team immediately stopped and stopped.

At this moment, the bad feelings in the three people's hearts became more obvious, as if they were being followed by some kind of horrible existence, and this feeling was heart-wrenching.

"Boss, what should we do, or should we turn around?"

As the team stopped, the feeling of horror became stronger. Wang Laixi and Liu Tianhua both looked at Li Weida at the same time, waiting for the boss's decision.

Li Weida's eyelids jumped wildly, and now he has penetrated into the Zombie Kingdom, and has advanced more than 300 kilometers. If he turned around,, the distance is enough to support the team out of this barren land.

"How to do?"

For a moment, Li Weida had no idea. Whether to move forward or backward requires careful consideration.

At this moment, the earth trembled, and countless tyrannical breaths suddenly appeared, as if through the endless years, and suddenly came, the terrible violent atmosphere drowned the entire team instantly.

It was cold, cold, violent, and there were endless killings, bursting from the depths of the ground.

Everyone was horrified in their hearts, looking at the yellow ground beneath their feet in unison, and the sky was already set in their hearts.


A dry arm pierced the ground and reached out from the ground. A dark, sharp fingernail shone on the dry arm in the sunlight.

Immediately afterwards, the ground exploded, and a terrible killing exploded.

"That's it, zombies!"

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