King of Eschatology

Chapter 504: Arrogant Galaxy Alliance representative

Regarding the recruitment of new recruits by the Ministry of Scientific Research, Lu Fan handed it over to Lin Xiaoxiao. This is a long-term task and there is no need to worry in a short time.

Lu Fan arranged everything and was ready to act.

Lu Fan intends to go to the Three Mountains and the Five Mountains, on the one hand, to find the answer, on the other hand, to try to unlock the genetic yoke of the Super God Link System.

It's just that it's really not a good time to leave now, because the weather is too cold, the peaks are extremely cold, and they can even stand shoulder to shoulder with the polar regions.

Of course, Lu Fan is now a super powerhouse who has surpassed Tier 10 and has medium life. This cold is nothing to him.

If Lu Fan had been afraid of this before, now he doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Lu Fan decided to completely open Mount Tai and rush directly to the top of Mount Tai.

So far, Taishan has only opened to the fifth floor. Lu Fan doesn't know how many floors are up, so he set it as the starting point for action.

Just as Lu Fan was preparing to act, a group of uninvited guests suddenly came from the base of Tianyue.

Lu Fan was ready to leave, and stopped when he saw the picture of the other party.

"A group of foreigners? Could it be from the Galaxy Alliance?"

Lu Fan secretly said.

Through the Super God Link system, Lu Fan already knew the existence of the Galaxy Alliance. The people who had been bombed by the nuclear bombs of Tang Xianguo were the five big brothers of the Galaxy Alliance.

"What are they doing here? Do you want to pull me in?"

Lu Fan was curious and decided to postpone the exploration of Sanshan Wuyue and see the people first.

However, Lu Fan remembers very well that the purpose of the five members of the Galaxy Alliance was not to be a guest, but to sanction themselves.

He really wanted to see what happened to the guys who came to the Tianyue base at this time.

Outside the gate of Tianyue Base, near the red warning line, six tall foreigners stood there, looking at the towers of Tianyue Base, their eyes filled with disdain.

As important members of the Galaxy Alliance, they have a wide range of insights and high visions. The sentry towers at Tianyue Base feel like pediatrics.

They think that if Xinghe Alliance wants to attack the Tianyue base, it will not use even a yarn because of the other sentry towers.

"Hey, are you out of breath? Come out to pick you up!"

A tall black warrior stood in front of the Tianyue base and shouted. He said a sloppy Chinese language, which sounded very unpleasant.

This man is from the African camp of Romantique. He is arrogant and arrogant in the Galaxy Alliance on weekdays. Now he is in front of an ordinary base, which is even more rampant.

No one else in the team saw this scene at all, because they all knew that this time they invited Tianyue Base to join the Galaxy Alliance, they let them be used as cannon fodder.

How horrible the King Ape King of the Amazon is. Although they have not seen it in person, they can already know through a series of information that King Ape King is definitely a super invincible terror.

If Tianyue Base and King Kong Ape face up to each other, they will definitely be hit without even a slag.

In other words, if Tianyue Base participates in the war of the Americas, it will definitely die, so at this time, it looks down on the other side.

In their eyes, the Lu Jiajun was just a bunch of idiots who died.

Above the sentry tower, Yang Feiyun stood there with a dignified face, his eyes cold.

Judging from the breath, Yang Feiyun knew that the black man who spoke was at least a seventh-tier powerhouse. Such a character was definitely a big guy on the outside. Why did he come to the Tianyue base?

The most important thing is that the other party's words were just too ugly, and there was no awe at all.

Why don't you let me pick you up?

However, Yang Feiyun glanced at the opponent's lineup roughly, feeling a little horrified.

The comer is a team of six people, each of whom is no less than seventh-tier, and all of them are foreigners, which is definitely a horrible force.

This lineup, apart from the Lu Jiajun, could not come up with the entire Huaxia, and it definitely deserves attention.

At this moment, Yang Feiyun received the information from Tiantong organization, and the boss let them in.

After getting the news, Yang Feiyun was relieved, to be honest, if the boss didn't speak, he really didn't know what to do.

So Yang Feiyun sent someone to open the door and welcomed six people.

The talking black man walked forward, his head raised proudly, his nostrils facing the sky, contempt of everything.

"It's too slow, you can be stupid!"

When a black man passed by Yang Feiyun, he suddenly taunted and suddenly made Yang Feiyun look cold.

Just now the other party was rude, Yang Feiyun was already a little unhappy. At this time, the other party insulted himself in face to face, which was simply a blatant challenge.

Yang Feiyun is also a seventh-tier powerhouse. He really wants to make the other party a pig.

However, Yang Feiyun has been restraining, just now the boss came the news, let them in, maybe this person has a relationship with the boss, so for the time being bear.

The black man, named Ussova, was the leader of the operation. At this time, when he saw Yang Feiyun's silence, he became more imposing and more arrogant.

"Huaxia Base, but that's it!"

Ursova teased a mockery, and strode towards the headquarters building of Tianyue Base immediately.

Prior to their departure, several big stars in the Galaxy Alliance solemnly instructed to be careful in Huaxia. Now it seems that all the concerns are superfluous.

"I knew it and drove the aircraft directly into the Tianyue base, which caused us to take so many wrongdoings."

Everyone is humming, their eyes are full of contempt ~ ~ you ... "

Yang Feiyun clenched his fists tightly, and his blue muscles were violently raised above his arms.

When people nearby saw Yang Feiyun wanting an attack, he hurriedly stopped him and whispered: "This group of people is very good. Maybe it is a big deal. Don't destroy the friendship between the two parties because of our impulse."

The entire Tianyue base, except for Lu Fan who knew the details of the Galaxy Alliance, others knew nothing about it. Yang Feiyun had to swallow his voice and temporarily endure it.

However, Yang Feiyun really hopes that the boss can kick out this gang of arrogant guys, and it is best to give him a violent meal.

In this way, no one led the way. A group of six from the Galaxy Alliance walked up to the headquarters building and wanted to push in the door.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, the guard in front of the headquarters building stood out, blocking the way for six people.

This is a fifteen-six-year-old boy, a fifth-order evolver, wearing a special costume of the Lu Jiajun, holding a terrible purple light gun in his arms, carrying a large knife behind his back, and stopping six people aggressively.

Ursova saw the man, and he became very happy.

"What a peculiar thing, a famous seventh-tier strong man was scared by Lao Tzu just now, and a new fifth-tier human being dare to stand up and block the way?"

Ursova sneered and yelled at the teenager: "Get away, good dogs don't stand in the way!"

However, what made Ussova unexpected was that, just as he had just scolded, the desperate purple light gun in the opponent's hand suddenly opened fire on his face.


After a shot, Ursova's head was blasted into a henhouse, still smoking black smoke.


Send three more.

Hey, every day is even more difficult, I don't know how many days I can hold on.

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