King of Eschatology

Chapter 547: African refugee wave

?? In the Lujiajun camp, the members of the God of Death team are just like wolves and tigers rushing to drink soup. However, there is too little soup, and they don't have enough points. Others don't think about it.

"Don't look at it, it must be bad, it has been so long, it must be bad!"

Many people resentfully said that thousands of grapes are like grapes that can't eat grapes.

Xu Xiaopeng slaps Darkmoon and slaps him, signaling the other party to wipe his saliva quickly, so that others are seen ashamed.

Darkmoon was extremely upset. What a peculiar thing, he hurried over thousands of miles and ended up without anything.

I knew that Dark Moon would definitely not come over, and thought it was a big deal.

"Deputy Captain Wu Guang is clever, knowing that there are pits, so he didn't come."

Darkmoon muttered for a long time, staring at the people who drank the soup, stunned to death.

At this time, Chen Dapeng was dying. In order to prevent the imbalance of other people in the Lu Jiajun, he arranged the personnel of the logistics department to boil a large amount of broth during the battle between Taiwan and Taiwan.

The meat of these wild beasts are all carefully selected. The lowest strength are fifth-order wild beasts. Although they are not as good as the Canglang Python King, they are relatively delicious.

Therefore, the soldiers quickly swelled, and the previous unhappiness was quickly replaced by the deliciousness in front of them.

Of course, the members of the major bases who came to the support would not have this treatment. They could only look at the soldiers who looked at the home army to eat meat, but they were holding cold dry food.

The dry food in their hands was also given by the Lu Jiajun, including the broth on the bonfire. Although the order was lower, it was also meat.

Soon after, the Lu Jiajun was fully fed and ready to act.

After this period of toss, four hours have passed since the nuclear bomb exploded. Although the western region is still smoky, the amount of horrible rays has been reduced.

At least, for new humans, this level of nuclear radiation is already hard to resist.

With the order of Lu Fan, millions of troops heard the wind and swarmed towards the designated target area.

At the same time, in the middle of the African continent, a team of 20,000 people is stationed here, divided into two columns before and after, and waited.

Ever since the Pharaoh's Corpse launched a frenzied massacre, African survivors have been frightened, fleeing the city and fleeing towards central Africa.

There is the African base camp of the Galaxy Alliance. There are ten strong men sitting in the town, and they may be able to resist the crazy Pharaoh Corpse.

On the tall walls, Mandalay frowned, looking at the refugees who were constantly pouring into the base, his heart was furious.

As several large human survivor bases in the north were wiped out by zombies, the remaining survivors adopted a non-resistance policy and fled with the only supplies.

In this way, the zombies can drive straight in and sweep all the way to the African survivor base camp.

According to the plans of Mandalay and Romantik, it would take at least two days for the Pharaoh Corps King to reach the base camp. Unexpectedly, it took only half a day.

Every zombies transformed from corpses, whether ancient Chinese zombies or African mummy zombies, have a special ability: thermal induction.

Perhaps they have been buried in the icy ground for too long, so they are extremely sensitive to heat, especially human body temperature, and have extremely powerful sensing capabilities.

The higher the level of the zombie, the stronger the ability to sense heat, especially the Pharaoh King, whose powerful sense can sweep almost half of the African continent.

Therefore, the hidden human survivor base could not be escaped at all, and all were found by the zombies.

According to information from members of the Galaxy Alliance Dark Group, Mandalay and Romantique learned that human survivor bases throughout northern Africa, no matter how hidden, could always be found by zombies.

At the beginning, human survivors did not understand and thought that there should be a zombie inside the base.

It was not until long ago that people gradually concluded that although zombies had no vision, they had the terrible ability of heat induction.

Therefore, the remaining human survivor bases no longer have any chances, and have abandoned the city and fled, only to have the current refugee wave.

"Is there any news from China?"

Suddenly, Mandalay spoke, a little eager in speech.

According to the information returned by members of the dark group, at most another hour, the zombie army will be in the city. Without the reinforcements, the situation in the African base camp will be isolated.

A small black fat man looked beside Mandalay, and trembled in response: "It hasn't been answered yet. The other party may need time to discuss it. We have to wait."

When Mandalay heard the anger in his heart, he kicked the little black fat man to the ground with a kick and cursed: "Useless things are so slow to pass a message, one waste!"

The little black fat man's tears shed. This is too wronged. Does the Chinese survivor blame me for not supporting him?

At this moment, the light-brain device in Little Black Fatty's hand suddenly turned on, and news from China came.

"Boss, I have news ~ ~ I have news!"

The little black fat man got up in excitement, careless of the dirt on his body, and hurried to Mandalay.

Mandalay's expression shook, his big hand waved, and the light brain device was sucked by him.

Upon closer inspection, Mandalay immediately uttered a wild laugh and said, "Huaxia survivors really know the current affairs. If they don't come to help, Lao Tzu will definitely level them."

While talking, Mandalay threw the light-brain device to Romantique, and his eyes were so bright that he seemed to have regained confidence.

After receiving the light brain equipment, Romantique was a joy first, and then frowned, and asked: "Although the Chinese survivors promised to come to support, do they have this strength?"

In Romantik's opinion, although Tianyue Base is the strongest base in China, it has not been certified by Galaxy Alliance, and its true strength is unknown.

If it was just a flower shelf, they would not be able to help if they came here, but they might become a burden.

"Rest assured, I already have some guesses about the strength of the Tianyue base, there should be ten-tier strong men sitting in town."

Mandalay said that he had been to the Tomahawk Base in the north, where the leader was the Nineth-tier Powerhouse, and died in the hands of Tianyue Base.

This shows that the Tianyue base has strong men who surpassed the ninth level, and it is likely that they reached the tenth level just like them.

"That being the case, then there is nothing to be afraid of. If Pharaoh's Corpse dares to come, we will kill him without leaving a piece of armor."

Romantique nodded heavily, with a decision in mind.

Mandalay ordered to the little black fat man behind him: "Continue the order, be prepared for a full-fighting battle, and be sure to persist to the Chinese survivors!"

The little black fat man was stunned and immediately led away.


Thank you "Ni Jinkun" and "Zhen ~ y" for your reward, thank you for your support!

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