King of Eschatology

Chapter 611: Killing in the far north

"Nature is really amazing. It's magical."

6 With a sigh of emotion, start slowly moving along the bottom of the cave, admiring the surrounding scenery while walking.

When he came here, 6 Fan really had a hard time associating it with big evils. He even had the illusion that he didn't come to explore, but to travel.

"Whew ..."

Suddenly, a sound of running water came and caught Liu Fan's attention.

Needless to say, it must be the sound of flowing water from the underground river. 6 Everyone frowned, and felt that they should go and see, maybe what they were looking for was there.

However, 6 Fan didn't realize that when he appeared here, the stone stalactite in the cave was undergoing changes, as if the stars were moving, the position changed silently.

At the same time, a fierce battle is underway in the six-pole northern wasteland of Asia and Europe.

Huang Yongsheng fought with a bloodthirsty fortifier in the Western Holy See. The whole person was completely wrapped in the dirty blood of the other party, making it difficult for him to wield real combat power.

Yu Lenghui is killing the Quartet. This team from the Western Holy See has a total of seven people. Now, Yu Lenghui has killed four people in succession, and the killing continues.

Not far from the battle group, a young boy was unconscious, and a large amount of blood drowned his body, as if it was soaked with blood.

However, the place where the boy fainted was clearly in a slightly higher place, and the blood around him turned up strangely. It seemed to be being hauled and gathered toward the boy.

The boy who fell to the ground is just the dust. When he fell into a coma, the bloodthirsty blood in his body became more active, and he was able to **** blood through his pores.

That's right, a lot of blood gathered around him is being devoured by his body. Correspondingly, his strength has also risen and increased greatly.

However, all this surge of power was hidden by his body in the blood, and there was no change on the surface.

At this moment, Yu Lenghui's huge black giant axe suddenly fell off, ending the last person's life.

I have to say that Yu Lenghui's combat power is very powerful. He rushed into a group of new human beings with the power of the ninth-order evolution. It was simply a tiger entering the flock and killing wildly.

The whole process was less than ten minutes, the fighting was over, and the elite troops sent by the Holy See were almost dead and wounded. Now there is only one leader, Charlie.

All others died under Yu Lenghui's big axe.

Although Charlie was fighting fiercely with Huang Yongsheng, his mind was always watching the other side of the battlefield. When Yu Lenghui showed that arrogant fighting power, Charlie felt extremely shocked.

Charlie originally thought that the mission this time was very simple. No matter where the aristocracy said by the Pope, he could easily take him away.

However, he underestimated the level of Huaxia's combat capability, and two people came out casually, even killing the elite members of the Holy See.

If it weren't for his special ability to control blood, I'm afraid he would die in the other's hands.

"Damn, how could they be so strong?"

Charlie felt incredible. The strength of the two Chinese people in front of him could definitely rank among the top five in the Holy See, and it was extremely terrifying.

You know, they don't have "noble blood", how could they be so strong?

"I'll help you, kill this vampire!"

Yu Lenghui ended his battle and rushed towards Charlie.

Huang Yongsheng was still struggling to support there. At this moment, when he heard Yu Lenghui's voice, he suddenly felt overjoyed.

The other's blood river is too wicked, filled with filth, and can continuously devour the power of evolution. If it were not for the strength of Huang Yongsheng's body, he would have been drained by him.

Seeing Yu Lenghui rushing over with a big axe, Charlie suddenly showed horror.

Just being a Huang Yongsheng has already made him feel a little overwhelmed. At this moment, Yu Lenghui, who has the same strength, knows that he is definitely not an opponent of the two.

"How to do?"

Charlie was anxious, looking at the dead body all over the ground, already resigned.

However, his blood river has been entangled with Huang Yongsheng and is firmly controlled by the other party. If he wants to escape, he must abandon his blood river.

However, this blood river was formed by the sacrifice of his arduous efforts. The number of human lives alone has passed 100,000. It is a pity to give up in this way.

In other words, Charlie couldn't bear it at all. Without this blood river, his strength would have to be reduced by at least half.

Just as Charlie was tangled up, he had been in a coma, and suddenly opened his eyes, and an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's so full of power, that's great!"

Mi Chen lay quietly in the pool of blood, feeling the powerful power full of body, Mi Chen finally smiled.

This squad from the Holy See has a very high average rank, and the evolutionary power contained in the blood is also very high ~ ~ After the dust has devoured their power, they make their own power extremely increase.

In less than ten minutes, the strength of Fan Chen has skyrocketed from seventh to eighth level. If he has enough blood, his strength can continue to soar, there is no limit at all.

This is the horror of the Bloodthirsty Bloodline Enhancer.

"Almost, it's time to end it all!"

Fanchen groaned secretly in his heart. Without moving his body, he stood upright, so strange.

Gently beckoned, the sharp blade in the hand of a deceased person was sucked into the hand by the dust, and then, he stepped out in one step, as fast as neon, and stabbed towards Yu Lenghui severely.

There was no sound at all during the whole process, and the action was like ghosts, which fully matched the vampire's temperament.


The sound of a long knife coming into the flesh, Yu Lenghui, who was about to help Huang Yongsheng to stop, stared at the half-sharp blade stabbed in his chest, and his eyes were full of incredible looks.

"Dust, you ..."

Yu Lenghui spit out a few words in pain, and blood poured out along his mouth.

Although the knife was not stabbed to the point, the entire knife body had penetrated Yu Lenghui's body, and he had to be seriously injured even if he did not die.

"Since you come out and hunt me, you need to be prepared to be killed!"

Mi Chen sneered, his once clear eyes were scarlet, and he had fallen completely, becoming a member of the vampire.

On the other hand, Charlie, who had no choice but to see this scene, laughed suddenly, and it seemed that the Pope's decision was indeed correct, and this time the task did not come to nothing.

Although six elite players were lost, a pure nobleman was obtained, which is definitely worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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